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Search results

  1. K

    ~The Eeveelution Club~

    Re: The Eeveelution Club Eevee ROCKS!!! and so does Flareon and Leafeon. Total Kawaiiness.
  2. K

    Bank of TCoD

    Hi I would like an account please and thank you
  3. K

    What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

    Festival of Shadow Shaymin, Season of Emotion
  4. K

    The Clue Game

    It is talking about a Poke that used to be single (not answer) e.g. Chansey but now isn't e.g. Blissey and Happiny came up BTW, Itali, could you please simplify your clue/equation/brainteaser/mindcrusher? My maths may be good, but this is messing my head.
  5. K

    What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

    Once I was chasing a what looked like a moving Glaceon down the street. It wasn't until I saw a part of it glow red when I realised it was a super realistic remote-controlled car some super obsessed boy created.
  6. K

    The Clue Game

    What is 24?
  7. K

    The Clue Game

    does anyone have a clue for 26?
  8. K

    Have YOU gotten the Lucky Egg?

    Using the Frisk and Thief technique... managed to get one after fighting 374 Chanseys. Yes. I was bored, so I counted them.
  9. K

    Rotom: Legendary, or not?

    Why don't you just write to the creators. Maybe that will clear it up. I for one support the fact the Rotom is NOT a legendary.
  10. K

    The Clue Game

    20 hates me. =< Call in a exterminator! I've tried typing the pokemon's name, but it's not working! Unless it's not that pink water type.
  11. K

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    Here's number three =D NAME:: Bunny ID: 13444 GAME: LeafGreen TYPE: Water USED POKEMON: Blastoise Name: Cupid Gender: Female Nature: Modest Moves: Bite Dig Water Gun Mega Punch Vaporeon Name: Heart Gender: Male Nature: Lonely Moves: Water Pulse Bite Iron Tail Aurora Beam Cleared Pokemon...
  12. K

    Hiyas All

    Thanks to all for welcoming me, but I think it's time to *cough* cut it out *cough* form newspapers. Yeah. Get my drift?
  13. K

    New Pokemon?

    They kinda seem like the new Battle Frontier symbols to me... I don't know, just a guess.
  14. K

    Trainers with your name?

    Hiker Brice in both FRLG (Rock Tunnel) and RSE (Mt. Chimney Bottom). One letter. i to y.
  15. K

    Hiyas All

    The song is just ... o.O inducing.
  16. K

    The Clue Game

    Help me with 15 someone?
  17. K

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    Bryce's Monotype - Poison Name: Demi Female Money: 2194 Time: 2:18 Badges: 1 Dex:6 ID no.: 17033 Version: LeafGreen About to enter Mt. Moon, training up Royale The Squad: Fleur (Docile) Level 18 -Tackle- -Sleep Powder- -Poison Powder- -Vine Whip Royale (Naive) Level 6 -Growl- -Scratch-...
  18. K

    The Clue Game

    Can someone help me with clue 14 before i explode?
  19. K

    Shiny Noctowl! :D

    OMG I just created a flying monotype on LeafGreen and I have TWO shinies - Pidgey and Caterpie =) Yay me
  20. K

    The Clue Game

    12 (this will make it easier) is a (spoiler) m*o#v%e- If you can't get it now -sigh-
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