• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

~The Eeveelution Club~

Would you like Umbreon style to be just light blue and dark or have yellow/gold as one of the colour

  • Just light blue and dark blue

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Dark blue and yellow/gold

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters


You have entered the one and only *drum roll*, Eeveelution club. [or the EC]
Do you like Eevee or any of it's evolutions? Then
this is the place for you. Here we can post fanart
and just talk about Eevee and it's evolutions.
Anyone can join but you must read the...


1. Follow the TCOD rules. They are found here.

2. You have to respect other posters and members.

3. You must be a fan of Eevee and it's evolutions,
you don't need to be mad about them, just like them.

4. Please post a least sometimes. You
don't need to be a postaholic, just try.

5. When you join put "Eevee Rocks!" in your post
to show you have read the rules.

6. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun. Have a lot of fun!

Members list [31 members]

-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon
-Drifloon Rocks
-Full Metal Cookies
-Amazing Sparkz
-Flora and Ashes
-White Wolf
-cute eevee

-Arylett Dawnsborough
-Mike the Foxhog



White Wolf
Jewel Espeon
Worst Username Ever


Style: Umbreon.
Welcome to our newest member

The banner picture was by Pokesho.
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Re: The Eeveelution Club

Joinage, because Eevee Rocks!!!

I like Umbreon, Eevee, Flareon, and Espeon.^^

I'd like to be co-owner. If you don't mind.~
Re: The Eeveelution Club

I be joining cos' Eevee Rocks!!!

My fave eeveelotions along with Eevee are:
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Both accepted. Shadowstar, you're Co-Owner. I updated the members list.

Members list
EeveeSkitty [Owner]
Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
Dark Butterfly

and if you can't read sigs here is a picture of all Eeveelutions...

Credit to Pokesho if you'd like to use it.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Why am I joining, you ask? Because Eevee rock(s)!

I'm a true, blue(or black with yellow rings) Umbreon fan. I wih they brought the Shiny Umbeon style back.
The Eeveelution Club

I have some art of Eeveelutions
By Kureculari on DeviantART

By Celiex3 on DeviantART [do not use for anything even with credit, just for looking]

and By the great purplekecleon...


Also I did a very quick 30 second banner that you can use.

If it's too big then use this...

But anyway...accepted MewXCharmeleonXEevee. Updated members list again.

Members list
EeveeSkitty [Owner]
Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
Dark Butterfly

Note:On the main site you can still use Shiny Umbreon. You can change to it here at the bottom of the page. But in the forums you'll have to live with what other styles there are. *sad face*

From EeveeSkitty
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Re: The Eeveelution Club

I join! I join! Eevee Rocks!!! Eevee Rocks!!!

Umbreon, Glaceon, Flareon, Espeon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Vaporeon...Wow. Total cuteness. And let's not forget the one who started it all...Eevee! *puts Eevee on stage with gold medal*
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Of course you can join. Updated members list...
Members list
EeveeSkitty [Owner]
Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
Dark Butterfly
Kriisa Scorcher

I come here every day unless I'm on holiday or my internet isn't working. I couldn't come for the last three days so sorry for being late. Thanks for joining and welcome to the club Kriisa Scorcher. I have a topic for disscusion...

Current Topic: Which is your favorite Eeveelution and why?

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Eeveelution Club

I'm joining.

Hmm... I'll go with Espeon, psychic is my favorite out of the types Eevee evolves into, and Espeon just looks elegant.

Eevee rocks, though!
I think I'll change my avatar to just a picture of Eevee...
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Both Accepted. Welcome to the Eeveelution Club [which is still sorta dead].

Members list
EeveeSkitty [Owner]
Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
Dark Butterfly
Kriisa Scorcher

As for the...Current Topic: Which is your favorite Eeveelution and why?
I personally Like Espeon and Eevee the most, Flareon and Vaporeon second and Glaceon, Jolteon and Umbreon third. But I like them all really.

From EeveeSkitty
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Re: The Eeveelution Club

I join, thank you.

Eevee rocks, but I prefer Umbreon. Mostly because it was the first eeveelution I got, it was on silver, but that save is dead :(
Re: The Eeveelution Club

All accepted except for Flareon-Chan. Please read the rules and come back. Sorry.

Members list
EeveeSkitty [Owner]
Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
Dark Butterfly
Kriisa Scorcher

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Eeveelution Club

May I join? Because Eevee Rocks!!!

My favorites are Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and Glaceon.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

All accepted except for Jewel Espeon. Please read the rules and come back. Sorry.

Members list
EeveeSkitty [Owner]
Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
Dark Butterfly
Kriisa Scorcher
Hikari Nijino

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Fairly sure you didn't make the image in that banner. :/
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