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~The Eeveelution Club~

Would you like Umbreon style to be just light blue and dark or have yellow/gold as one of the colour

  • Just light blue and dark blue

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Dark blue and yellow/gold

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
Re: The Eeveelution Club

I have joined. And I believe that you can guess my favorite Eeveelution....



No. It's Espeon. Umbreon is a close second though.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

My favorite Eevee evo, huh? Well, it's a tie between Umbreon and Glaceon. Umbreon because it's a Dark-type, coolio designs, and it's an Eevee evolution, duh! Glaceon, because of it's design, it's power, and it's probably the only Ice-type I use more than 2 times in the games.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Come on people post. If not then let this place die, I don't mind too much but it would be nice if you did. Please.
From EeveeSkitty
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Re: The Eeveelution Club

Yay! Eevee Rocks! (and so does Vaporeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon,and Leafeon, listed in my favorites order.:grin:)

EDIT: Sorry Umbreon! (You rock too!)
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Re: The Eeveelution Club

To keep it active... how 'bout talking about what the flying eeveevolvtion would look like when it comes out?
Re: The Eeveelution Club

i have a flying fakemon sprite with Dumbo wings that it uses to fly. XD But i don't think the real one would be like that either. x3
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Accepted. if you wanted to join.
Members list [join date order]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon

As for a flying Eeveelution I think that it would be white in a sort of cloudy way. Of course it would have wings. But really the angel wings *might* not work to well. Of course I don't know if they're going to make more Eeveelutions but I hope they do and I hope they're as good as the one's already existing.

From EeveeSkitty
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Re: The Eeveelution Club

I found the flying sprite:


Tried to make it a lighter brown then regular eevee. I think the real one will be more like how eeveeskitty described.

And it's called volareon, because I think fly in spanish is volar.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Nice work Jewel Espeon. I think I'll make an Eevee sprite today so I'll edit when I'm back from school.[It's morning here and I don't have much time]

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Eeveelution Club

I'm joining because Umbreon(my #1 fav of all time), Espeon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Glaceon, Leafeon and Eevee Rock(s!!!) Socks. I can make banners for each inividual Eeveelution. Who made the avatars on age 1? And of course they will keep making Eeveelutions and of course they'll stay as awesome as they are now. The Flying Type eh? I made one before, but it was purely for humor porposes only. Not very great. I'll try again though.
Re: The Eeveelution Club


Members list
[join date order]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon

OK, maybe we should change the topic now? I think that while on the subject of different types of Eeveelutions we could talk about what a dragon or ground type Eeveelution could be like. I can't imagine a dragon type Eeveelution because Eevee is just so cute! As for a ground type, it could be brown? But if they release a flying type Eeveelution next it would make sense to have a ground type with it in 'a pair' like Espeon, Umbreon and Leafeon, Glaceon...

From EeveeSkitty
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Re: The Eeveelution Club

May I join? Eevee Rocks!!! Not as much as Glaceon, but still, it can evolve into 7 different Pokemon. How cool is that?

Did anyone see May's Glaceon in the most recent episode to air in the US? So cool.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Eevee Rocks My favore Eeveelution is Glaceon, because they are so bautiful and they look sweet and loving and kind.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Flying Eeveelution...Probably going to have a fluffy cloudish-like tails and fluffy white wings. it's body fur might be sky blue,and it's ears are of course...FLUFFY! Dragon-type Eeveelution? Wonder how their gonna make that cute...But of course Dragonite's pretty cute. I had a Ground-type Eeveelution look in mind, but I fogets it now.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

I imagine the dragon type to have a dragon mask and maybe some scales. And I once thought of the ground evo to have it's tail underground.

Anyone know what the ghost evo should look like?
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Accepted of course Drifloon Rocks and Jason-Kun.

Members list [join date order]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon
-Drifloon Rocks

I don't know how they could make a dragon eeveelution look cute either but as you said Dragonite's cute and I also like Dragonair. As for a ghost evo, maybe it could have a sort of ghostly body like Gastly.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Eeveelution Club

*bursts in laughing madly* I want in. >:

Glaceon's my fave. |D Them Umbreon, then Jolteon.

I have designs for an Eeveelution of each type if anyone wants to see. :]

do I have to put all three exclamation points in this 'Eevee rocks' thing? >: it hurts my brain.
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