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What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

...you do realize there is already a text file with the whole Sinnoh Zodiac, right?
The Spheal -> Sealeo -> Walrein line on the new one, and Blaziken on the old one. Spheal is sweet, but Blaziken is definitely the more badass of the two options. :0
I don't believe I have posted here.

Day of Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray
Regin of Raikou
Season of Will.

Yay, my favorite electric types.^^(I already knew what it was)

How did it happen to be two of my MOST HATED pokemon. It couldn't of at least have been like Ninetales or something if I couldn't get Eevee or Skitty. *cries*

However...on the old one it's season of fire And it's...HOUNDOOM. Houndoom is made of awesomesauce and beats Probopass by like x99999999...
Day of Metagross,Reign of registeel, Season of knowledge.

In the old zodiac, it was... The day of Miltank.

I'm...going with Metagross.
Day of Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise, Reign of Suicune, Season of Will.
The old is Day of Snorlax, Reign of Mew, Seosom of the wind.
Me go with fluffl Warturtle. =)
Day of Lotad, Lombre, and Ludicolo, Reign of Manaphy, Season of Emotion. I go with Ludicolo. My old one was Makuhita. I hated it.
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