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What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

I haven't ever seen anything other than what pokemon are based off of e.g. a bluish butterfly or a black big-eared cat.
Once when I was about eight, I (think) I saw a Mew fly by about 5 feet in front of me. It did its cry and flew away. (Before I knew what it sounded like.) I was on the porch, and it was about six at night. Not surprisingly, nobody believed me. (I want to believe.. I want to believe..)
And I have a Link doll that one of my friends swear is possessed. I think I heard it giggle and say "I'm not talking to her!" in a really quiet babyish voice. And she says it glared at her. So we're insane, I guess. (Kinda unrelated, but still)
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when i was little my dog had the exact same pattern of a growlithe
from a poster i had as a child, that dogs gone now though, i kept on thinking that though
ai was bout 5 and wondering how great it wuld be if pokemon were real?

although i was freaked out when the new designs for pokemon came out.i was about 8 when i drew the picture but about 11-12 when i saw the designs for Shieldon i was absolutely freaked, i had drawn almost the exact same pciture, not as well drawn for a 8 year old but STILL! anyone culd realise they were the same, i had called it Wralis, that was a really freaky day

Plus my guneia pig is SO a bidoof its even got the 2 buck teeth in the xact same place and same colour, whats wrong with my pets and pokeomn? maybe ill get a pet snake and call it ekans.
although last year i DID see something small tumbling over and over covered in snow, i could tell it was living cos it was struggling rolling down the snowy mountain, i was in Austria skiing up the top.And only now i remember it had a little thing on top, Snover anyone?
I was walking home from school one day, when I saw a flash of yellow in the corner of my eye. I turned, but it was just a yellow bell headed flower in my neighbors garden.

And it wasn't there when I walked home on monday!

...Granted, my neighbor moved over the weekend, and may have taken a valuable plant with her...BUT I KNOW THE TRUTH! Bellsprout will not elude me!
I think I saw a shiny Manaphy once, although that may have been a dream.
Unless I thought I saw one but it wasn't really there within my dream. Would that count?

I think a few years ago I saw a Latias in my bedroom, but then it just vanished straight away.
When I was five, I looked out the car window into a patch of tall grass and thought I saw a Pikachu. My mom said it was a trick of the light, but you never know...
Last night I was in the backyard, I thought I saw a Palkia, but it was just the imprint of the Street light (You know how if you look at a light You'll still see a little imprint after looking away, thats what I mean)
I think I saw a wingull sitting on a telephone wire at one point. Yes, I'm aware it doesn't have feet, but somehow...
Once I was chasing a what looked like a moving Glaceon down the street. It wasn't until I saw a part of it glow red when I realised it was a super realistic remote-controlled car some super obsessed boy created.
What if pokemon were real, but exist in another dimention and crossed over!O-O

On topic, I swear I saw a Febas yesterday in the pool. Of corse my goggles were fogged up, but still!
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Well, once I was really hungry and I just went to eat some sugar, but this as some funky sugar, so I went into my garden all hyped up, and I swear I saw Houndoor, then it ran away when I approached it... oh well, next tme...
I was staring at my old cards. As soon as I put down my lucky Entei card,*don't ask* I swear, I saw some lion thing with a cape silloeted out my window.
Since I live on the ground floor, I opened the widow and jumped.
The Entei vanished, and I ended up on my butt.
I remember I jumped cause I wanted to ride it...
If only. D=
When I was up in Estes Park, I thought I saw a shadow of a Piplup in a river, but it was probably my imagination. Oh well. :(
When I was getting ready for school one day when I was ten, I swear I saw a Shuppet rush into the bathroom. 0.o Dont ask me why, but it just like, eithr ran or floated in there. It was black, and it was close to the ground, thats as much as I remember. After it got into bathroom it had vanished. 0.o
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