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Search results

  1. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Good game, Totodile! I really enjoyed this one, it let me use a lot of mons I hadn't got the chance to use before. And thank you for reffing, Eifie. I really appreciated the quickness of the reffings, and they were really fun to read, too. I like how much personality you give the Pokémon. :D
  2. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    I suppose we could attract back, but I'm not keen on having a stall war, so let's try and work past it. Start by dazzling your lover with nice shiny things, and go for flash cannon. Then, kiss her! With your teeth. If you manage to pull both those moves off, end with the round with a Round...
  3. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    These otherworldly abominations just love loitering... If this arena is gonna be reused, it might be a good idea to add a note in the arena description that the same moon can't be rolled twice. I'll go with The Strand next. Let's go for a substitute, then coil and gastro acid. If she tries to...
  4. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Gah! GROWL. GROWL LIKE THE VICIOUS BIRD YOU ARE. But throw in a supersonic at the end to make her waste a turn protecting. Growl ~ growl ~ Supersonic
  5. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    oh man, perfect timing. Uh... There's not much point in you boosting your stats right now, and you're really lacking in those type of moves anyway, so just growl ferociously, then throw a confide in there before going for a tailwind. Is she tries to snatch it, go for growl again. Growl ~...
  6. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Wtf, Cresselia, I wanted to do the hyper beam >:( Anyway, oops, I guess I was so worried about you getting trapped by rock tomb I forgot how vulnerable smack down would leave you. You are actually still protected by the damage cap for now, so let's risk a counter for that rock slide. Protect...
  7. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    I had a feeling a noisy bird would annoy the legends. Well, protean Pokémon are tricky to deal with, but let's give it a shot. Ice and rock attacks are most likely incoming, so go for heat wave if Korra is ice typed or if she has clones, and steel wing is she's rock typed. Otherwise, default to...
  8. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    I bought this Taillow from ultraviolet years ago. He's waited a long time to get his chance in the spotlight, so we're gonna start with a bang! Go for Boomburst twice, then finish with a one-action Hyper Beam. This is gonna be ridiculously energy costly, but who cares, I just feel like being...
  9. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    I googled "three Houndoom moon" and I'm sad to see no one thought to insert it into that meme. :( I guess it's not quite wolfy enough. Arundel, let's go for it.
  10. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    oh geez not the PUPPIES Unfortunately, those paybacks and dark pulses are hitting hard, so you're not gonna get much hits in here before you drop. Let's keep at it with the sludge bombs, but switch to venoshock if she gets poisoned. Sludge bomb ~ Sludge bomb/Venoshock x2
  11. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Oh man, I'm DUMB, sorry! I have no idea why my brain keeps reading your username as Effie, maybe I'm subconsciously thinking of that Hunger Games character or something. Sluagh, let's go for a pain split while we've got the chance. Take a chance to chill after that, then follow up with a sludge...
  12. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    oh god that made me laugh even harder because I just absolutely was not expecting that... Effie, how are you so good at making reffings funny I guess we can just use anything to finish Poe off, so let's go with astonish. (Seems weird that the Pancham line doesn't get sucker punch, but I guess...
  13. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Alright, Sluagh, I was trying to find an opportunity to clear smog those stat boosts away, but I think it might work better if we keep Poe at bay with telekinesis. Follow that up with a zap cannon, then use hex when she's good and paralysed. If you failed to pull off your telekinesis on the...
  14. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    oops I suck at combos Good job, bun. Sluagh is up next. Start with telekinesis to limit Poe's contact moves, then follow that up with hypnosis and will-o-wisp. If she protects against telekinesis on the first action, try again on the second, and repeat on the third action if necessary. If...
  15. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Alright, I was trying to think of something fancy, but. Let's just go with a last resort, then follow up with a last resort/frustration combo, as I imagine you're not going to be a happy bunny at this point. If you don't feel you can combine those, just do them separately. (though you won't be...
  16. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Okay, good going! But this isn't the kind of tactic we can expect to work twice, so we'll need to make the most of it. Wait until after he's done his little lucky chant, and fire off another natural gift. Another two natural gifts should finish him, but Kirlia has a lot of tricky moves you're...
  17. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Sorry about that, not actually sure how I missed this thread being updated. Need to stop skimming things. Protect and let him lucky chant. Then, we'll take advantage of the fact that he was specified to magic coat only if you tried to lower his stats, and use encore on that lucky chant. Finish...
  18. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Let's go for fake out, then follow up with a headbutt and a secret power. (go for the hax!!!) Use cosmic power if he protects on the first action, though. Magic coat any statuses on the following actions and use encore if Ganymede tries to use reflect or another stat boosting move. Fake...
  19. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Don't worry, buddy, you will fully escape the fridge one of these days... Those boosts won't be fun to deal with, so let's set up a small substitute and copy those calm minds. Substitute (10%) ~ Copycat (Calm mind) x2
  20. Byrus

    Totodile vs Byrus

    Thanks for reffing, Eifie! Yeah, the challenge board was getting a bit clogged up, probably because most people's slots are full. Okay, I'll start with... Fiver. Sure, why not. Let's go on the offense with a shadow ball, then follow up with two hyper voices. Magic coat any statuses and use...
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