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Totodile vs Byrus


oh man, good times.
[size=+2]Totodile vs Byrus[/size]

Format: 4v4 singles
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, direct healers, weather moves, Taunt
Arena Description: Bad Moon Rising

A spooky courtyard in a spooky castle, long abandoned in the spooky night. In the center, a large fountain sputters with water, providing a handy source for water-type moves. Most prominently, the moon above is doing weird things, the effects of which are as follows (and these disappear whenever the stage fades).

- Crescent moon: While spooky, this stage causes no odd effects.

- Full moon: Shining white, the weird energy of this moon will tap into a Pokemon's full potential. As if they were werebeasts, every Pokemon will be temporarily fully evolved, and as such have access to its evolution's movepools and all of its evolution's abilities (Hidden and otherwise) at the same time. If a Pokemon has a branched evolutionary path, the evolution will be chosen at random.

- Blood moon: Provoked by the savage crimson shade, every Pokemon on the field will be granted +1 attack and +1 special attack. However, each battler has a 5% chance each action of being enraged enough to ignore their command for that action, instead using a random damaging move from its movepool that will cause an additional 2% damage after all other calculations are applied.

- Blue moon: With this uncommon lunar shade comes an appearance of uncommon luck. All Pokemon will have an additional 10% chance of inflicting a critical hit, similar to if it had used Focus Energy.

- Lunar eclipse: The eerie alignment of Earth and moon will summon a strange thing from beyond the stars that communicates in pain. To avoid attracting its attention, the battlers must use non-damaging moves for as long as the eclipse is in play.

- New moon: The arena is thrown into pitch blackness, afflicting every sight-reliant Pokemon with -2 accuracy. Pokemon are much more likely to be startled when confronted, so that every damaging move with no other effect has a 10% chance to cause flinching.

The battle begins with a crescent moon, and at the end of every round the moon will change to one of the above conditions at random. Also, Cresselia and Darkrai are duking it out above the courtyard, and at the end of every round (but before the moon changes) there is a 50% chance that one of them will have a move misfire, striking one of the battlers. (They aren't affected by the lunar eclipse stage.) Bad Dreams is not considered to be in effect for this battle.

Totodile's active squad

croconaw Sobek the male Croconaw <Torrent> @ Lucky Egg
zubat Camazotz the female Zubat <Inner Focus> @ Black Sludge
trapinch Terezi the female Trapinch <Hyper Cutter> @ Lucky Egg
kirlia Ganymede the male Kirlia <Trace> @ Dawn Stone, EXP: [⚫⚫⚫⚫]
cleffa Sin the male Cleffa <Magic Guard> @ Soothe Bell
frogadier Korra the female Frogadier <Protean> @ Flying Gem, EXP: [⚫⚫⚫⚫]
deino Wrath the female Deino <Hustle> @ Lucky Egg
pancham Poe the female Pancham <Iron Fist> @ Muscle Band
houndour Roxy the female Houndour <Flash Fire> @ Absorb Bulb
eevee Rarity the female Eevee <Adaptability> @ Water Stone

Byrus's active squad

houndoom Christy the female Houndoom <Flash Fire> @ Electirizer, EXP: [⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫○]
skuntank Jonesy the male Skuntank <Stench> @ Black Sludge
buneary Fiver the male Buneary <Run Away> @ Soothe Bell
grimer Lobh the female Grimer <Sticky Hold> @ Black Sludge
taillow Arundel the male Taillow <Guts> @ Lucky Egg
gastly Sluagh the male Gastly <Levitate> @ Colbur Berry
eelektrik The Strand the male Eelektrik <Levitate> @ Thunder Stone
rattata Nurglitch the male Rattata <Guts> @ Lucky Egg
espurr Miach the male Espurr <Infiltrator> @ Lucky Egg
venipede Byrum the male Venipede <Swarm> @ Lucky Egg

Totodile sends out, then Byrus sends out and posts commands, then Totodile posts commands.

p.s. if Darkrai/Cresselia attacks someone, should I just be randomizing a single-targeted move from their movepools?
p.p.s. I am annoyed that the black circle and white circle unicode characters aren't vertically aligned, like srsly who designed this
p.s. if Darkrai/Cresselia attacks someone, should I just be randomizing a single-targeted move from their movepools?

Let's see ... how about I start off with my pal Ganymede?
Thanks for reffing, Eifie! Yeah, the challenge board was getting a bit clogged up, probably because most people's slots are full.

Okay, I'll start with... Fiver. Sure, why not. Let's go on the offense with a shadow ball, then follow up with two hyper voices. Magic coat any statuses and use encore if he tries to set up a light screen.

Shadow ball/Magic coat/Encore ~ Hyper voice/Magic coat/Encore x2
Let's go simple to start off. Make sure you really pick at his brain with your brain.

Calm Mind ~ Psychic ~ Psychic
Round One

Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Bored.

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Terrified.


"Augh!" screams Fiver the moment he pops out of his Poké Ball, teeth chattering furiously. "No! I-i-it's been t-two and a half y-y-years! D-don't send me back there...!" As haunting visions of Driftveil's Cold Storage swim through his mind, the terrified Buneary immediately curls up into a tiny little ball of fluff, floppy ears covering his eyes to shield them from the horrifying truth. He's still in that stupid freezer, isn't he?! Nobody's ever going to open that door and let him out... it was all just a dream! Fiver cries out at this horrifying reality in horrified horror, and as his fur stands on end it begins to crackle with an eerie purple energy.

Meanwhile, Ganymede stares across at his foe, unblinking. He extends a couple of psychic feelers outwards, probing Fiver's mental state, and suddenly finds himself wanting to... turn tail and flee this dark spooky mansion?! Nonsense! Ganymede would never succumb to such juvenile terrors. With a huff, the Kirlia crosses his arms and closes his eyes, breathing deeply to ward off his newly-caught case of the jitters. Unconsciously he finds himself drifting forward as his opponent's turbulent emotions lure him in, so that when the Buneary cautiously lifts one ear to peek out at his surroundings, he's face-to-face with Ganymede's face! Fiver lets out a shrill squeal and releases all the energy he's gathered at once in a dark, shadowy ball of PURE FEAR, and Ganymede's eyes fly open as he goes spinning backward. (Of course, being the talented dancer he is, he keeps his balance and does not flash even one square inch of his underwear.)

Whirling about in a graceful pirouette to face his opponent again, Ganymede wastes no time in summoning up some of his newly-reinforced psychic powers to pull Fiver half an inch or so off the ground, and then proceeds to mentally send short, erratic pulses of energy at the pain receptors of the poor Buneary's brain. Forcibly uncurled by the strange pull, Buneary looks down to find himself floating for no apparently reason and SHRIEKS IN PURE TERROR. His shrieks are so loud they could pierce several eardrums, were several eardrums waiting around just in front of his mouth to be pierced. As it happens, Ganymede does have two eardrums, which find themselves painfully battered by the Buneary's screams. Ganymede continues to focus, and Fiver continues to scream, and several birds flutter away from the dark spooky mansion in a perfectly-timed flock as the ref runs off to film the entrance of the dwelling for her new horror movie...

Above the courtyard, all this noise is really disrupting Darkrai and Cresselia's dramatic battle over the fate of the world. It kind of pisses Darkrai off, so in an attempt to end this ruckus he sends a DARKRAI FACE PUNCH Ganymede's way. Startled, Ganymede drops Fiver onto the ground at once, but the Buneary doesn't stop screaming for a second as the moon suddenly turns BLOOD RED, and both battlers feel the uncomfortable presence of some thing lurking in the heavens above...


Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 61%
Energy: 90%
Status: Bored. +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.
Used: Calm Mind ~ Psychic ~ Psychic

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 69%
Energy: 88%
Status: Utterly terrified. -1 Special Defense.
Used: Shadow Ball ~ Hyper Voice ~ Hyper Voice

Arena Status
  • A strange thing beyond the stars has been summoned, and Fiver is beyond terrified. To stop him from having a spontaneous heart attack, both battlers can only use non-damaging moves next round.

Damage and Energy

  • Ganymede's Health: 100% - 10% (Shadow Ball) - 10% (Hyper Voice) - 10% (Hyper Voice) - 9% (Natural Gift) = 61%
  • Ganymede's Energy: 100% - 2% (Calm Mind) - 4% (Psychic) - 4% (Psychic) = 90%
  • Fiver's Health: 100% - 15% (Psychic) - 16% (Psychic) = 69%
  • Fiver's Energy: 100% - 4% (Shadow Ball) - 4% (Hyper Voice) - 4% (Hyper Voice) = 88%

  • Speed order: Fiver (85) > Ganymede (50).
  • Reminder to self: Dawn Stone +2% as long as Ganymede is above 66%.
  • I don't know if Byrus has used Fiver since that tournament battle years ago, but I now declare that he has not.
  • The Ganymede keeping his balance thing is a Colosseum reference, I'm not just like, randomly fascinated with Kirlia's underwear. Just thought you should know.
  • Ganymede's first Psychic lowered Fiver's Special Defense. Poor Fiver :C
  • Darkrai somehow misfired a never-miss Natural Gift to punch Ganymede in the FACE.
  • The moon changed to Lunar Eclipse at the end of the round. Just to clarify: the moon has an equal chance of not changing at all as of changing to any one of the other stages at the end of a round, correct? (Also, what would happen if someone was Taunted during a lunar eclipse?)
  • Totodile commands first. Remember both battlers can only use non-damaging moves this round.
Just to clarify: the moon has an equal chance of not changing at all as of changing to any one of the other stages at the end of a round, correct? (Also, what would happen if someone was Taunted during a lunar eclipse?)
1) There is indeed a chance of the moon not changing; and 2) Taunt would fail during the lunar eclipse stage (a Pokemon already Taunted when the moon changes to lunar eclipse would have Taunt end early due to the threat of dire consequences (now watch as I forget this in a couple of rounds (I should probably be more aware of all the possible situations when I post challenges (oh well)))).

We'd better be sneaky for now, Ganymede. Magic Coat anything that can be Magic Coated; otherwise, use Calm Mind.

Magic Coat/Calm Mind x3
Don't worry, buddy, you will fully escape the fridge one of these days...

Those boosts won't be fun to deal with, so let's set up a small substitute and copy those calm minds.

Substitute (10%) ~ Copycat (Calm mind) x2
OH YEAH I JUST NOTICED TAUNT IS BANNED. ehe. although could Darkrai use it anyway...?

Round Two

Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 61%
Energy: 90%
Status: Bored. +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 69%
Energy: 88%
Status: Utterly terrified. -1 Special Defense.


Oh my god there's a blood red DEMON in the sky Fiver is PETRIFIED. Oh man. In his terror he spontaneously sheds a huge mass of fluff, and looking at it gives him an idea. He needs some company. Someone he can point to accusingly and sing, "Wasn't me!" So he shakily attempts to mold the pile of cotton into an identical replica of himself, and then taps it on the head with a paw infused with a bit of his own life energy and intones, "I dub thee... Sixer!" A clever name, indeed. Sixer jumps to attention and takes a protective stance in front of his master, and Fiver feels just a little bit better.

Across the courtyard, Ganymede sits and meditates yet again. You know, Fiver could really take a leaf from his book. Ganymede seems a real master, so maybe Fiver could learn something from him. Watching his opponent carefully, Fiver clumsily sits cross-legged on the ground in an attempt to imitate Ganymede's stance, folds his paws in front of him, takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes. He exhales and to his joyful surprise feels some of his terror flow out of him, and as he breathes in again it's replaced with a perfect sense of stillness and calm.

Buneary and Kirlia sit across from each other unmoving, each Pokémon caught up in its own mental trance, until at last the red tinge of the moon fades away and it wanes back into its previous crescent shape.


Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 61%
Energy: 84%
Status: Still bored, though... +4 Special Attack, +4 Special Defense.
Used: Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind ~ Calm Mind

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 59%
Energy: 77%
Status: Surprisingly calm. Has a 10% Substitute. +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.
Used: Substitute (10%) ~ Copycat (Calm Mind) ~ Copycat (Calm Mind)

Arena Status
  • The moon is back in its crescent stage. It's very spooky, but Fiver has undergone specialized zen training and is no longer spooked.

Damage and Energy

  • Ganymede's Health: 61%
  • Ganymede's Energy: 90% - 2% (Calm Mind) - 2% (Calm Mind) - 2% (Calm Mind) = 84%
  • Fiver's Health: 69% - 10% (Substitute) = 59%
  • Fiver's Energy: 88% - 5% (Substitute) - 1% (Copycat) - 2% (Calm Mind) - 1% (Copycat) - 2% (Calm Mind) = 77%

  • good round you guys
  • Speed order: Fiver (85) > Ganymede (50).
  • Byrus commands first.
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Let's go for fake out, then follow up with a headbutt and a secret power. (go for the hax!!!) Use cosmic power if he protects on the first action, though. Magic coat any statuses on the following actions and use encore if Ganymede tries to use reflect or another stat boosting move.

Fake out/Cosmic power ~ Headbutt/Magic coat/encore ~ Secret power/Magic coat/Encore
I guess he really wants you to flinch on the first action. No big deal, just try to use Confusion or whatever. Then put up a Safeguard (it's not technically a stat-boosting move), and finally use the mental version of Psychic.

Confusion ~ Safeguard ~ Psychic
Round Three

Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 61%
Energy: 84%
Status: Still bored, though... +4 Special Attack, +4 Special Defense.

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 59%
Energy: 77%
Status: Surprisingly calm. Has a 10% Substitute. +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.


With Sixer by his side, Fiver feels totally brave and ready for action. The Buneary and his faithful, misshapen pile of fluff prance up to Ganymede, cute as a normal and slightly deformed button, and the Kirlia watches them warily. Hah! Fiver has him right where he wants him. He reaches forward, grinning, and flicks Ganymede right on the forehead.

Caught completely by surprise, Ganymede goes whirling backward and loses his balance, tilting back on one leg to expose the underside of his skirt! How utterly crass! All thoughts of battle pushed from his mind by this shameful breach of etiquette, the Kirlia focuses solely on smoothing down his skirt, ironing out a few creases and doing his best to make it stay put. Once he is fully satisfied with the state of his skirt he closes his eyes, doing best to reclaim a bit of composure and his lost dignity, and a very faint green veil appears around him, near invisible in the dusky gloom. And then Fiver rams his HEAD into Ganymede's HEAD, and the pale shield flickers dangerously for a few seconds. It takes all of his concentration to keep its protection going.

Taking a few quick breaths to calm himself, Ganymede narrows his eyes in Fiver's direction and wills his mental powers outwards. Expecting a glimpse of horrifyingly vacant Buneary brain, the Kirlia is irritated to get no response at all; has his focus really been shattered that much? But no, Sixer's jumped on top of Fiver's head and nestled there like an excessively fluffy hat, an expression of fluffy pain upon his fluffy non-face. Gritting his teeth in frustration, Ganymede releases a burst of psychic power all at once, and the fluffy Sixer instantaneously explodes into a fluffy shower of fluffy confetti. Upon seeing this, Fiver cries out in pure anguish; he's so enraged, in fact, that his fury takes physical form as a dark purple beam of light that erupts from his mouth. The beam hits one of Ganymede's horns and he grimaces in pain, planting his feet firmly into the ground to avoid another embarrassing fall as above the battlers, the moon begins to emanate an eerie blue light.


Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 40%
Energy: 77%
Status: Determined to get payback for his embarrassment. Has a Safeguard (3 more actions). +4 Special Attack, +4 Special Defense.
Used: [flinch] ~ Safeguard ~ Psychic

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 59%
Energy: 66%
Status: Determined to get payback for Sixer's death. +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.
Used: Fake Out ~ Headbutt ~ Secret Power

Arena Status
  • The moon has suddenly turned blue. How spooky! All damaging attacks have an extra 10% added to their crit chance.

Damage and Energy

  • Ganymede's Health: 61% - 5% (Fake Out) - 8% (Headbutt) - 8% (Secret Power) = 40%
  • Ganymede's Energy: 84% - 3% (Safeguard) - 4% (Psychic) = 77%
  • Fiver's Health: 59%
  • Fiver's Substitute: 10% - 15% (Psychic) = 0%
  • Fiver's Energy: 77% - 3% (Fake Out) - 4% (Headbutt) - 4% (Secret Power) = 66%

  • Speed order: Fiver (85) > Ganymede (50).
  • Headbutt actually would have flinched, had Fiver not waited to see if he'd have to use Magic Coat or Encore and thus moved second. Just a bit of trivia!
  • I really like the idea of using the burial ground terrain for Secret Power (the effect is flinch), so if there are no objections there I'll keep it. Otherwise I guess it should be something boring like grass, because courtyard. (The effect didn't proc, so it doesn't matter for this round.)
  • Psychic destroyed Fiver's Substitute.
  • Totodile commands first.
Wow I completely forgot he had a Substitute. Not that it made much of a difference, but.

Go for Psychic, getting into his real head. Then, why not, fire off a Stored Power. Finally, repeat your Psychic-ing. Use Magic Coat if he tries to lower your stats. If he Protects or is underground, use either Lucky Chant or Calm Mind.

Psychic/Magic Coat/Lucky Chant ~ Stored Power/Magic Coat/Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Magic Coat/Calm Mind
Sorry about that, not actually sure how I missed this thread being updated. Need to stop skimming things.

Protect and let him lucky chant. Then, we'll take advantage of the fact that he was specified to magic coat only if you tried to lower his stats, and use encore on that lucky chant. Finish with a natural gift.

Protect ~ Encore (Lucky chant) ~ Natural gift
Round Four

Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 40%
Energy: 77%
Status: Determined to get payback for his embarrassment. Has a Safeguard (3 more actions). +4 Special Attack, +4 Special Defense.

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 59%
Energy: 66%
Status: Determined to get payback for Sixer's death. +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.


Devastated by Sixer's death, Fiver's eyes widen with the realization that his protection is in his own hands now. He pricks his ears and brings them together above his head, where a tiny point of white light glimmers to life between them. As he folds his ears back downward, the light expands to follow them, an arc on each side of his head, and then rushes down to the ground to surround him in a protective dome. Ganymede sees this shield and shrugs to himself. He has better things to do, anyway. Like test the dexterity of his hands. He begins clapping his hands and high-fiving the air, chanting a familiar rhyme.

Say, say my plaaaaymate,
Come out and play with me,
And bring your dollies three,
Climb up my apple tree...

Oh my gosh, this is Fiver's favourite game! Dropping his shield at once, he hops right up to Ganymede and joins in, both Pokémon's hands (and paws) following the rhythm faster and faster.

Slide down my rainbow,
Into my cellar door,
And we'll be jolly friends,
Forever more, MORE, SHUT THE DOOR

Man, this game is intense. Fiver gets so carried away he accidentally punches Ganymede in the face... with a beam of light. (The mechanics of Natural Gift continue to remain a mystery to all watching.) Ganymede trips and falls backwards with an indignant cry. That's cheating! Doesn't Fiver know the rules? Clearly, Ganymede will have to try harder to teach him... and so the Kirlia resumes his singing all by his lonesome, twirling aimlessly through the courtyard.

Apparently Darkrai doesn't like these childish games. He takes a short break from his epic clash with Cresselia to fire off a couple of beams of dark, ghostly energy from glowing red eyes, but though Fiver cringes in fear as the eerie waves approach him, they pass through him completely, not even ruffling his fur. Above, the moon turns a dark red to mirror Darkrai's angry glare.


Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 29%
Energy: 62%
Status: Putting his all into beating himself at the game. Encored into Lucky Chant (1 more action). Protected by Lucky Chant (3 more actions). +4 Special Attack, +4 Special Defense.
Used: Lucky Chant ~ Lucky Chant (failed) ~ Lucky Chant (failed)

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 59%
Energy: 55%
Status: Relieved that The Mighty Darkrai has spared him. +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.
Used: Protect ~ Encore ~ Natural Gift

Arena Status
  • The moon is BLOOD RED. It's super-spooky, yo. Each Pokémon gains +1 Attack and +1 Special Attack (these are in addition to their stat boosts in the end-of-round statuses above), but has a 5% chance of using a random damaging move from its movepool instead of its given orders, which will inflict an extra 2% final damage.

Damage and Energy

  • Ganymede's Health: 40% - 11% (Natural Gift) = 29%
  • Ganymede's Energy: 77% - 4% (Lucky Chant) - 4% (Lucky Chant) - 4% (Lucky Chant) - 3% (Safeguard) = 62%
  • Fiver's Health: 59%
  • Fiver's Energy: 66% - 2% (Protect) - 4% (Encore) - 5% (Natural Gift) = 55%

  • Speed order: Fiver (85) > Ganymede (50).
  • Natural Gift would've been a crit, in case you wanted to know.
  • Darkrai accidentally fired an attack at Fiver. Poor bun :C But, the attack it used was Night Shade, so it didn't affect Fiver at all. Lucky bun! (For future reference, do Darkrai and Cresselia have infinite experience?)
  • Byrus commands first.
Okay, good going! But this isn't the kind of tactic we can expect to work twice, so we'll need to make the most of it. Wait until after he's done his little lucky chant, and fire off another natural gift. Another two natural gifts should finish him, but Kirlia has a lot of tricky moves you're going to have to watch out for. Use a substitute if he attempts to use pain split or memento, and magic coat away any status moves, including encore and disable.

Natural gift/Substitute (10%)/Magic coat x3

(and if you absolutely must fall into berserker bunny rage, at least choose something good :P)
Well, finish your chanting first. Then get back to what you were planning on before he sabotaged you.

Lucky Chant ~ Stored Power ~ Stored Power
Round Five

Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 29%
Energy: 62%
Status: Putting his all into beating himself at the game. Encored into Lucky Chant (1 more action). Protected by Lucky Chant (3 more actions). +4 Special Attack, +4 Special Defense.

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 59%
Energy: 55%
Status: Relieved that The Mighty Darkrai has spared him. +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.


Ganymede continues to high-five the air in a pattycaking frenzy, while Fiver lets loose another beam of dazzling white light that strikes with the force of a speeding fist, knocking the Kirlia backward and snapping him out of his reverie. Pretty standard fare, really. The moon looks on in disappointment, brightening its red light and willing the combatants to go berserk on one another. Cresselia and Darkrai take a brief pause from their eternal struggle to place bets on which Pokémon will crack first. The lunar Pokémon's laying down hard on Ganymede, but after Fiver shrugged off Darkrai's attack like it was nothing, Darkrai's got a lot of confidence in the feisty little bunny.

And yet those above shall continue on unfulfilled. Possessed by nothing but cool rationality, the two follow their trainers' orders to a T: Ganymede closes his eyes in concentration while Fiver looks on. All his meditation practice comes back to him now, and the moon, still hopeful, lends a bit of its own red light, amplifying the tiny waves of psychic energy quivering between the Kirlia's horns. The strands of pink light grow larger and larger as Ganymede pours all his mental fortifications into them until they're taller than his own head, and with his most graceful twirl he sends them flying forward, buffeting Fiver back heavily into one of the stone walls surrounding the courtyard. Thrashing about in the unexpected pain, it takes Fiver a moment to regain his bearings and push himself, panting, back to his feet. Where did Ganymede suddenly get all that power from? Well, no matter. Fiver can take him. With a short cry the Buneary sends another flash of white light Ganymede's way, and though the Kirlia attempts to spin to the side the beam hones onto his energy signature and strikes true.

Another blast of psychic energy comes his way in retaliation, this one somehow even more powerful than the first. The force tears at Fiver's fur and overwhelms his brain, and he's nearly ready to give in when some mysterious force intervenes. The moon, horrified that it won't get to see any real bloodthirsty action, chooses this moment to step in, or perhaps floats in. It beams thoughts of comfort and joy and fluff in the Buneary's direction, dulling the pain to give Fiver just enough energy to keep standing and let loose yet another burst of white light. The moon can't save them all, however, and it can't stop Ganymede from stumping over, unconscious. Disappointed, Cresselia and Darkrai resume exchanging blows, wallets left untouched on the sidelines.


Ganymede ♂ @ Dawn Stone
Ability: Trace (Run Away)
Health: 0%
Energy: 36%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Lucky Chant ~ Stored Power ~ Stored Power

Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 19% (capped)
Energy: 40%
Status: What was that?! +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.
Used: Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift

Arena Status
  • The moon is plain old crescent again.

Damage and Energy

  • Ganymede's Health: 29% - 12% (Natural Gift) - 12% (Natural Gift) - 12% (Natural Gift) = 0%
  • Ganymede's Energy: 62% - 4% (Lucky Chant) - 11% (Stored Power) - 11% (Stored Power) = 36%
  • Fiver's Health: 59% - 27% (Stored Power) - 34% (Stored Power) = 19% (capped)
  • Fiver's Energy: 55% - 5% (Natural Gift) - 5% (Natural Gift) - 5% (Natural Gift) = 40%

  • Speed order: Fiver (85) stands alone.
  • what the fuck am I writing, what are words, send help (I think I am going to take a bit of a break before reffing your next round, so feel free to take time with commands and stuff)
  • Stored Power had a base power of 220. The second one was a crit, but it was capped anyway (otherwise it would have KO'd Fiver).
  • Lucky Chant wore off after the third action.
  • Totodile sends out and commands first.
Holy crap, it's a good thing there was a cap. (Or maybe it wasn't a good thing. Probably both.)

Okay, I'll send out Poe next. Go with Power-Up Punch all the way, unless you're burned, paralyzed, or frozen, in which case use Facade. If he's unhittable, or if you're too attracted by him to do anything, go with Bulk Up.

Power-Up Punch/Facade/Bulk Up x3
Alright, I was trying to think of something fancy, but. Let's just go with a last resort, then follow up with a last resort/frustration combo, as I imagine you're not going to be a happy bunny at this point. If you don't feel you can combine those, just do them separately. (though you won't be able to get that frustration off after those punches.)

Last Resort ~ Last Resort + Frustration
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