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Totodile vs Byrus

I bought this Taillow from ultraviolet years ago. He's waited a long time to get his chance in the spotlight, so we're gonna start with a bang! Go for Boomburst twice, then finish with a one-action Hyper Beam. This is gonna be ridiculously energy costly, but who cares, I just feel like being over the top this round.

Boomburst ~ Boomburst ~ Hyper beam
Round Twelve

Totodile (2/4 left)
Roxy ♀ @ Absorb Bulb
Ability: Early Bird, Flash Fire, Unnerve
Health: 38%
Energy: 75%
Status: Howling up at the moon. Poisoned (1%/action).

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts, Scrappy
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Fluffing up his newly-grown feathers eagerly.


"AHHHH!" screams Arundel, feathers sticking straight up.

Roxy takes a short break from her moon chant, flattered. Arundel finds her scary? Excellent! Tensing her leg muscles, she plants her front feet in the ground and arches her back to point her nose straight up at the moon, howling in the spookiest way she can possibly manage.

And yet Arundel is louder. Hopping agitatedly from side to side, the Swellow rustles his tail feathers and continues to squawk at the top of his lungs, visible huge rings of sound crashing over Roxy from all directions. The Houndoom cringes away with a startled whuff, teeth gritted as she braces herself against the ground. Her ear horns curl against her head in distress, but Roxy refuses to be beaten. Arundel wants a howling contest? He'll get one!

With renewed determination, Roxy resumes her spooky howling, waves of dark energy emanating from her horns and bone markings. Pulses of SPOOKY DARKNESS AND DESPAIR wash over Arundel, and he shudders as a bone-chilling cold seeps through him, but the best way to get over your fears is obviously to scream them away!

"SQUAWK. CAW. SQUAAAAAAAAAWK," bellows Arundel. He manages to ratchet the volume up even further for that last bit, and poor Roxy can take it no more. With a last, pitiful growl, she collapses to her side, ears twitching as they shrink back into her head and she reverts to her tiny puppy form.

Darkrai is quite displeased with this noisy, childish disruption to its epic battle. It retaliates by floating down to shove Arundel into a nearby gate, then immediately floats back up to rejoin its real battle.


Totodile (1/4 left)
Roxy ♀ @ Absorb Bulb
Ability: Flash Fire
Health: 0%
Energy: 72%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Dark Pulse ~ grrrrzzzzz

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 82%
Energy: 86%
Status: Suddenly feeling quite small...
Used: Boomburst ~ Boomburst

Arena Status
  • The moon is BLOOD RED. It's super-spooky, yo. Each Pokémon gains +1 Attack and +1 Special Attack, but has a 5% chance of using a random damaging move from its movepool instead of its given orders, which will inflict an extra 2% final damage.

Damage and Energy
  • Roxy's Health: 38% - 17% (Boomburst) - 1% (poison) - 24% (Boomburst) = 0%
  • Roxy's Energy: 75% - 3% (Dark Pulse) = 72%
  • Arundel's Health: 100% - 10% (Dark Pulse) - 8% (Strength) = 82%
  • Arundel's Energy: 100% - 7% (Boomburst) - 7% (Boomburst) = 86%

  • Speed order: Arundel (85) squawks alone.
  • Boomburst was a critical hit on Roxy's poor, sensitive eardrums. :C
  • Darkrai attacked Arundel with Strength for disturbing its slumber, or something.
  • Totodile sends out, then Byrus commands first.
Poor Roxy. Those crits are like vultures ...

Let's see if we can turn this around. Let's go, Korra!
I had a feeling a noisy bird would annoy the legends. Well, protean Pokémon are tricky to deal with, but let's give it a shot. Ice and rock attacks are most likely incoming, so go for heat wave if Korra is ice typed or if she has clones, and steel wing is she's rock typed. Otherwise, default to Boomburst. If you're trapped and can't use steel wing, go for Boomburst then, too.

Steel wing/Heat wave/Boomburst x3

(Eifie pls teach me how to do the fast reffing thing)
(Eifie pls teach me how to do the fast reffing thing)

All my reffing since the league restarted has actually been an experiment in getting my crappiest writing to the highest quality possible! I literally word vomit every reffing and post it without editing past a quick spell check. A sentence comes to my head, it goes in the notepad. Sometimes that has led to literary disaster.
Let's power through that super-effectiveness with our own super-effectiveness. Smack him Down first, followed up by a couple of Power-Up Punches.

Smack Down ~ Power-Up Punch ~ Power-Up Punch
Round Thirteen

Totodile (1/4 left)
Korra ♀ @ Flying Gem
Ability: Protean
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Finally ready to EVOLVE, yo.

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 82%
Energy: 86%
Status: Suddenly feeling quite small...


Upon bursting out of her Poké Ball, Korra glances over at the now familiar ref, a cornerstone of her mid-evolution years. Determined to prove herself worthy of evolution at last, she flexes her muscles and then reaches down to grab a conveniently-located stone from the ground. She narrows her eyes toward her opponent, taking careful aim, and then lobs the stone right at one of his wing joints. Her aim is true, and Arundel cries out in protest as his wing crumples limply to his side, completely useless for flying. Clacking his beak angrily, he awkwardly runs forward on his own two feet, wings covered in a silvery steel sheen, and slases at Korra with his good wing. Now filled with Rock-type elemental energy, Korra hisses in pain as the Steel energy cuts right through the stony cast on her skin.

Drawing back her arm, Korra chooses a spot on her opponent's chest and lashes out with her fist, focusing on getting the proper form. The spot she picked was particularly tough, and the skin on her knuckles grows thicker and stronger from the impact. She grins to herself, satisfied.

Arundel, however, will have none of this. How dare his opponent take away his ability to fly? He could just about scream with rage! And so he will. "SQUAWK! SQUAWK! CAW! RAGE!" he bellows, and Korra winces as the sound waves crash over her. "ANGER! FURY! FIRE!" Arundel continues, and the sound of his rage bowls Korra right over to smack into a nearby gate, where she curls up and attempts to cover her ears, rocking back and forth in her pain, until the noise finally ends. Warily she uncurls herself and hops lightly forward, aiming another punch at her opponent's chest with hopes of strengthening herself. And after just a few seconds of precious silence Arundel's at it again: "A PLAGUE ON YOUR HOUSES! A CURSE ON YOUR MOTHER! I BET SHE'S SCOTTISH!"

Poor Korra can do nothing but wait it out, but thankfully Cresselia intervenes on her behalf. "FOR GOD'S SAKE, SHUT UP!" the legendary snarls, floating down to release a blinding beam of white light in Arundel's face.

Arundel obediently shuts up.

Overhead the moon becomes full again, and both Pokémon find themselves growing...


Totodile (1/4 left)
Korra ♀ @ Flying Gem
Ability: Torrent, Protean
Health: 60% (capped)
Energy: 93%
Status: Well... she wasn't expecting that evolution quite so soon, but she'll take it. Fighting-type. +2 Attack.
Used: Smack Down ~ Power-Up Punch ~ Power-Up Punch

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts, Scrappy
Health: 42% (capped)
Energy: 68%
Status: YES, GOOD. BACK TO MY TRUE FORM. Smacked Down (unable to fly, no longer immune to Ground).
Used: Steel Wing ~ Boomburst ~ Boomburst

Arena Status
  • The moon is full and spooky. The ghost of Roxy, temporarily fully evolved into a majestic Houndoom, is howling up at it. All Pokémon will transform into their final stages until the moon changes and have access to their final evolution's movepool and all of its abilities.

Damage and Energy
  • Korra's Health: 100% - 12% (Steel Wing) - 18% (Boomburst) - 18% (Boomburst) = 60% (capped)
  • Korra's Energy: 100% - 3% (Smack Down) - 2% (Power-Up Punch) - 2% (Power-Up Punch) = 93%
  • Arundel's Health: 82% - 11% (Smack Down) - 7% (Power-Up Punch) - 8% (Power-Up Punch) - 16% (Hyper Beam) = 42% (capped)
  • Arundel's Energy: 86% - 4% (Steel Wing) - 7% (Boomburst) - 7% (Boomburst) = 68%

  • Speed order: Arundel (125) > Korra (122).
  • (This is the third battle I've reffed with Frogadier Korra, I'm excited to see her finally evolve!)
  • Cresselia attacked Arundel with Hyper Beam. I assumed she also gets the +1 Special Attack bonus.
  • Totodile commands first.
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I'm excited too! Greninja is so awesome :D

All right, Korra, use Rock Slide, then Acrobatics, and Rock Slide again. If he has clones, take them out with Feint Attack. Throw up a Protect if he tries to status you or do any Attract/Captivate shenanigans.

Rock Slide/Feint Attack/Protect ~ Acrobatics/Feint Attack/Protect ~ Rock Slide/Feint Attack/Protect
Wtf, Cresselia, I wanted to do the hyper beam >:(

Anyway, oops, I guess I was so worried about you getting trapped by rock tomb I forgot how vulnerable smack down would leave you. You are actually still protected by the damage cap for now, so let's risk a counter for that rock slide. Protect from acrobatics and let her waste the gem, then go for steel wing. However, if you end up trapped by rocks and can't move, then fall back on Boomburst.

Counter ~ Protect ~ Steel wing/Boomburst
Uhhh, whoops, I totally forgot to adjust the speed order for the evolutions, and it actually makes Arundel just a bit faster. It looks like it shouldn't be affecting your commands anyway, since Totodile's commands involve waiting every action, so hopefully there's no need to recommand!

edit: ALSO OOPS, I reminded myself about Korra's evolution boost over and over but apparently forgot it anyway. Arundel takes a whopping 1 point of damage thanks to the cap.
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Round Fourteen

Totodile (1/4 left)
Korra ♀ @ Flying Gem
Ability: Torrent, Protean
Health: 60%
Energy: 93%
Status: Well... she wasn't expecting that evolution quite so soon, but she'll take it. Fighting-type. +2 Attack.

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts, Scrappy
Health: 42%
Energy: 68%
Status: YES, GOOD. BACK TO MY TRUE FORM. Smacked Down (unable to fly, no longer immune to Ground).


Shuddering with the knowledge of what's to come, Arundel has no choice but to plant his talons firmly in the ground and watch his opponent warily, waiting. Noticing that her opponent doesn't seem about to move, Korra goes right ahead and smacks her new webbed Greninja hands into the ground, again and again, calling up a flurry of small rocks from below. The sharp-edged stones rain down upon Arundel, who squawks in pain and fury as they pierce beneath his feathers. But no. He's big and strong now, and he can wait this out. When the stones finally settle onto the ground, Arundel raises his good wing and lets loose a sharp, piercing cry, and the rocks rise up again at his command, pummeling his opponent with twice the speed they had before.

Korra leaps frantically from side to side, attempting to exercise her new ninja reflexes, but to no avail. Jagged rocks dig into her skin, and she screeches in pain, dropping to the ground and covering her head with her hands until the assault is done. Her body begins to glow bright blue as an internal reservoir of Water-type energy awakens within her in response to the pain. Slowly she rises back to her feet, and this time executes her ninja dance unencumbered, Flying Gem glowing brightly around her neck, running up a wall and gracefully somersaulting through the air to slam right into Arundel's hastily-erected shield. The Swellow's eyes narrow with the effort of holding up his transparent bubble against the impact, but he's ultimately successful. Awwww man. And she wasted her Flying Gem for this, too! Being a Greninja kind of sucks, man.

Dropping his shield, Arundel raises his good wing, covered in a layer of steel as before, and slashes harshly across Korra's side. With an indignant croak, Korra slams her hands into the ground again, and this time Arundel's wholly unprepared for the storm of rocks that smash into him from above. Cawing in terror, he attempts to shield his head with his good wing, but stones dig into the feathers until he's forced to drop it. Exhausted, the Swellow falls to his side, praying for the rock slide to end.

Above, the legendary battle becomes eerily silent. A shadow passes across the full moon, blocking out its light, and both Pokémon shrink back to their original forms, Korra's internal reservoir snuffed out in an instant. A cool breeze blows through the courtyard, carrying with it a faint echo of a very spooky roar, and both Pokémon shudder to themselves.


Totodile (1/4 left)
Korra@ Flying Gem
Ability: Protean
Health: 20% (capped)
Energy: 82%
Status: Oh dear... Rock-type.+2 Attack.
Used: Rock Slide ~ Acrobatics ~ Rock Slide

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 6%
Energy: 36%
Status: And now he has become little again... perhaps it's a sign that he should give in. Smacked Down (unable to fly, no longer immune to Ground).
Used: Counter ~ Protect ~ Steel Wing

Arena Status
  • A strange thing beyond the stars has been summoned, and the ghost of Fiver is beyond terrified. To stop him from having a spontaneous heart attack, both battlers can only use non-damaging moves next round.

Damage and Energy
  • Korra's Health: 60% - 36% (Counter) - 7% (Steel Wing) = 20% (capped)
  • Korra's Energy: 93% - 4% (Rock Slide) - 3% (Acrobatics) - 4% (Rock Slide) = 82%
  • Arundel's Health: 42% - 18% (Rock Slide) - 18% (Rock Slide) = 6%
  • Arundel's Energy: 68% - 18% (Counter) - 10% (Protect) - 4% (Steel Wing) = 36%

  • Speed order: Korra (97) > Arundel (85).
  • Sorry for all the fuck-ups last round you guys :C
  • Counter activated Korra's temporary Torrent. It disappeared once the wolf moon did.
  • What a time for a lunar eclipse, eh?
  • Byrus commands first. Remember you can only use non-damaging moves this round.
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oh man, perfect timing. Uh... There's not much point in you boosting your stats right now, and you're really lacking in those type of moves anyway, so just growl ferociously, then throw a confide in there before going for a tailwind. Is she tries to snatch it, go for growl again.

Growl ~ Confide ~ Tailwind/Growl

A strange thing beyond the stars has been summoned, and the ghost of Fiver is beyond terrified. To stop him from having a spontaneous heart attack, both battlers can only use non-damaging moves next round.

I'm just gonna imagine this music playing throughout the next round. Too spooky~~
Round Fifteen

Totodile (1/4 left)
Ability: Protean
Health: 20%
Energy: 82%
Status: Oh dear... Rock-type.+2 Attack.

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 6%
Energy: 36%
Status: And now he has become little again... perhaps it's a sign that he should give in. Smacked Down (unable to fly, no longer immune to Ground).


The air is still and silent. Even Darkrai and Cresselia have temporarily halted their battle, as a large, beastly shadow shifts from among the stars. Just a misshapen cloud...? Or something more?

Suddenly, a chilly breeze rustles a few leaves on the stone tiles, and both Pokémon jump. Glancing fervently behind her, Korra is quick to disappear behind a cloak of darkness of her own making. Yes, good. Here she is safe. No one will be able to find her.

Arundel blinks, perplexed, at the huge mass of soapy suds bubbling in front of him. Tilting his head, he clacks his beak and lets out a sharp cry, but the froth does not stir. Suddenly realizing the stupidity of what he's done, he looks frantically up to the sky, but thankfully the clouds do not stir, either. He and Korra heave twin sighs of relief as the latter emerges from her soapy haven, skin glistening and squeaky clean.

Tiptoeing over to Arundel, Korra motions to him to come close, so that the beast of the stars may not overhear. Haltingly, she whispers, "I... I'm not actually a ninja. I'm just a frog." Arundel's so shocked he nearly cries out again, but manages to restrain himself. Maybe he should hold back a little... it wouldn't be nice to crush little froggy's dreams, right? Lifting his good wing conspiratorially in front of the two to cover their faces, he murmurs quietly back, "I'm not a huge, fierce bird, either. I'm just a baby Taillow." Korra nearly falls backward in surprise. She couldn't tell! She should really take it easy, man.

Fear had brought the two together, but alas, they're on a battlefield, obliged to fight to the death in the shadow of the moon and stars. Korra breaks the peace first by hacking her finest array of toxins all over Arundel's glistening feathers. Arundel's chest swells in anger as he backs away, flailing his good wing about in attempts to get the poison off him. A light breeze begins to blow at his back, but it's no good: the venom has already worked its way into his bloodstream, and he begins to feel a bit dizzy.

The beast beyond the stars continues to watch from above, unmoving... for now.


Totodile (1/4 left)
Ability: Protean
Health: 20%
Energy: 76%
Status: Breathing hard, despite not having done anything tiring. Poison-type. +2 Attack, -1 Special Attack.
Used: Protect ~ Confide ~ Toxic

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 5%
Energy: 30%
Status: Watching the sky nervously. Backed by a Tailwind (4 more actions). Guts activated. Smacked Down (unable to fly, no longer immune to Ground). Toxic poisoned (1% this round). -1 Special Attack.
Used: Growl ~ Confide ~ Tailwind

Arena Status
  • A strange thing beyond the stars has been summoned, and the ghost of Fiver is beyond terrified. To stop him from having a spontaneous heart attack, both battlers can only use non-damaging moves next round.

Damage and Energy
  • Korra's Health: 20%
  • Korra's Energy: 82% - 2% (Protect) - 1% (Confide) - 3% (Toxic) = 76%
  • Arundel's Health: 6% - 1% (poison) = 5%
  • Arundel's Energy: 36% - 1% (Growl) - 1% (Confide) - 4% (Tailwind) = 30%

  • Speed order: Arundel (170) > Korra (97).
  • Darkrai and Cresselia, too, were cowed by the strange thing beyond the stars.
  • The moon didn't change this round... what a great time for this.
  • Totodile commands first. Remember you can only use non-damaging moves next round.
Why is this thing beyond the stars loitering around.

Korra, let's be careful. Chill out for a bit, but keep an eye out. If he uses Attract or Captivate, throw it right back at him. Protect if he goes with Supersonic.

Chill/Attract/Protect x3
Gah! GROWL. GROWL LIKE THE VICIOUS BIRD YOU ARE. But throw in a supersonic at the end to make her waste a turn protecting.

Growl ~ growl ~ Supersonic
Round Sixteen

Totodile (1/4 left)
Ability: Protean
Health: 20%
Energy: 76%
Status: Breathing hard, despite not having done anything tiring. Poison-type. +2 Attack, -1 Special Attack.

Byrus (2/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 5%
Energy: 30%
Status: Watching the sky nervously. Backed by a Tailwind (4 more actions). Guts activated. Smacked Down (unable to fly, no longer immune to Ground). Toxic poisoned (1% last round). -1 Special Attack.


The beast beyond the stars remains still, and Korra tries to remain still, also. Arundel, however, is not done displaying his dominance. He spreads his wings and growls an adorable little growl, which serves only to further unsettle her. "Keep quiet!" she hisses at him. "Do you really want to attract..." she gestures upward, "th-that?"

Arundel growls back in response, and Korra sighs to herself. She almost respects his bravery (or perhaps stupidity) in the face of Certain Death. Because it's true, they're going to die here. The beast is going to leap out from the clouds and murder them both. Maybe she should just... make friends while she can.

Korra turns back to Arundel, and the Taillow takes his opportunity to unleash a series of disorienting warbles interspersed with sharp chirps into her ear. Korra's too quick for him, though, and immediately disappears behind her wall of froth again. Arundel grumbles to himself as his precious soundwaves dissolve into the foam... if a Supersonic is used in a cloud of soap and there's no one outside to hear it, does it still make a noise? Has he still expended energy? Hmm...

While Arundel ruminates over this, Darkrai flies down, unabashed in the face of Certain Death, to breathe a lick of flame into Arundel's face. The Taillow immediately crashes to his side, looking almost like he's... faking it just to get into his Poké Ball and away from the beast?! What a cheater! Korra pouts.


Totodile (1/4 left)
Ability: Protean
Health: 20%
Energy: 84%
Status: Judging her opponent's lying, cheating ways. Normal-type. -1 Special Attack.
Used: Chill ~ Chill ~ Protect

Byrus (1/4 left)
Arundel ♂ @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Guts
Health: 0%
Energy: 27%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Growl ~ Growl ~ Supersonic

Arena Status
  • A strange thing beyond the stars has been summoned, and the ghost of Fiver is beyond terrified. To stop him from having a spontaneous heart attack, both battlers can only use non-damaging moves next round.
  • Byrus's side is backed by a Tailwind (1 more action).

Damage and Energy
  • Korra's Health: 20%
  • Korra's Energy: 76% + 5% (Chill) + 5% (Chill) - 2% (Protect) = 84%
  • Arundel's Health: 5% - 2% (poison) - 6% (Incinerate) = 0%
  • Arundel's Energy: 30% - 1% (Growl) - 1% (Growl) - 1% (Supersonic) = 27%

  • Speed order: Korra (97) stands alone.
  • Korra had a lot of trouble Chilling because it was so spooky.
  • Darkrai Incinerated poor Arundel to death.
  • Ummm, I can... reroll the moon, if you want...
  • Byrus sends out and commands first. Remember you can only use non-damaging moves next round.
These otherworldly abominations just love loitering... If this arena is gonna be reused, it might be a good idea to add a note in the arena description that the same moon can't be rolled twice.

I'll go with The Strand next. Let's go for a substitute, then coil and gastro acid. If she tries to snatch anything, flash her! If she protects against gastro acid or has a sub up, coil again.

Substitute(10%)/flash ~ coil/flash ~ coil/gastro acid
whoops, I should think arenas through better

Korra, we are in a tight spot. (not helping that this is the second Eelektrik you're going to lose to) So let's fight dirty. Take advantage of your speed to get in an Attract before he can get a Sub going. Then use Mud Sport, and follow it up with a Confide.

Attract ~ Mud Sport ~ Confide
Round Seventeen

Totodile (1/4 left)
Ability: Protean
Health: 20%
Energy: 84%
Status: Judging her opponent's lying, cheating ways. Normal-type. -1 Special Attack.

Byrus (1/4 left)
The Strand ♂ @ Thunder Stone
Ability: Levitate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Hisssssss. Backed by a Tailwind (1 more action).


Hissssssssss, hisses The Strand. Korra is slightly intimidated, but she must push through. She sidles up to the Eelektrik and hisses back at him, as cutely as she can manage. Attempting to get her eyes as heart-shaped as possible, she regales him with tales about how the two can find love in this dire situation, how their love is more powerful than the beast beyond the stars, and how it will light up the sky and banish the beast forever! The Strand is quite convinced by these quite convincing tales. Nodding to his new ally, he floats off a short distance away to sculpt a token for his love, a blob of mud and leaves in a shape vaguely resembling his true love... himself.

As The Strand exhales some of his life force into his work of art, Korra, too, digs up handfuls of mud from the grass in the courtyard. She has a bit of trouble smearing the globs of mud all over herself, as her soapy scarf keeps cleansing it away, but eventually she forces it to stick. The Strand is helpless in the face of such beauty, and completely forgets his commands in lieu of hissing his admiring approval as Korra doubtlessly blushes furiously beneath the layer of muck.

With a hand Korra beckons her lover closer. The Strand willingly obliges, leaving his sculpture behind, and Korra stretches up to whisper into his top fin. A few more words of her secret love for him in the face of this battle and The Strand is hooked, resolving to hold back on any attacks his cruel trainer might command him to perform. Up close, though, that mud doesn't smell good at all, and The Strand feels his stomach roiling. A second later he vomits up a cloud of near-transparent acid that clings to Korra's skin, locking in the Normal-type elemental energy flowing through it. Korra glares at him, disgusted, and The Strand airswims off in shame.

Up above, the battle between Darkrai and Cresselia resumes in full force as the moon turns an angry shade of red...


Totodile (1/4 left)
Ability: Protean
Health: 20%
Energy: 75%
Status: Cringing at the thought of what she's doing. Normal-type. Covered in mud (7 more actions). -1 Special Attack.
Used: Attract ~ Mud Sport ~ Confide

Byrus (1/4 left)
The Strand ♂ @ Thunder Stone
Ability: Levitate
Health: 90%
Energy: 90%
Status: Unable to face his lover in his shame. Has a 10% Substitute. Severely infatuated (40% failure chance). -1 Special Attack.
Used: Substitute (10%) ~ [infatuated] ~ Gastro Acid

Arena Status
  • The moon is BLOOD RED. It's super-spooky, yo. Each Pokémon gains +1 Attack and +1 Special Attack (these are in addition to their stat boosts in the end-of-round statuses above), but has a 5% chance of using a random damaging move from its movepool instead of its given orders, which will inflict an extra 2% final damage.

Damage and Energy
  • Korra's Health: 20%
  • Korra's Energy: 84% - 4% (Attract) - 4% (Mud Sport) - 1% (Confide) = 75%
  • The Strand's Health: 100% - 10% (Substitute) = 90%
  • The Strand's Substitute: 10%
  • The Strand's Energy: 100% - 5% (Substitute) - 5% (Gastro Acid) = 90%

  • Speed order: Korra (97) > The Strand (40).
  • Totodile commands first.
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