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Totodile vs Byrus

Good work! Now sing his praises with Echoed Voice. Even if it doesn't get STAB, it's getting around that Sub, so that's useful. And we aren't going to survive very long anyway, so let's just have at it.

Echoed Voice x3
I suppose we could attract back, but I'm not keen on having a stall war, so let's try and work past it. Start by dazzling your lover with nice shiny things, and go for flash cannon. Then, kiss her! With your teeth. If you manage to pull both those moves off, end with the round with a Round, because I absolutely do not doubt your musical abilities, and neither will she. Otherwise, try Crunch again.

Flash cannon ~ Crunch ~ Crunch/Round
Round Eighteen

Ability: Protean
Health: 20%
Energy: 75%
Status: Cringing at the thought of what she's doing. Normal-type. Covered in mud (7 more actions). -1 Special Attack.

The Strand ♂ @ Thunder Stone
Ability: Levitate
Health: 90%
Energy: 90%
Status: Unable to face his lover in his shame. Has a 10% Substitute. Severely infatuated (40% failure chance). -1 Special Attack.


Ah...! Suddenly the chorus of a thousand angels visits upon The Strand's ears, and he watches his lover appreciatively. Her voice is a bit loud, though... it kind of grates on him, to be honest. But he could never tell Korra that! It would hurt her feelings! Instead, he shall distract her with his own bedazzlement: a beam of blinding silver light, unleashed straight from the mouth of his truly. Oops! Maybe he should he looked away before letting it go... he didn't mean to hit Korra in the face... this is kind of awkward.

Korra, however, is not deterred! She picks right up again from the chorus, warbling the lyrics even more loudly than before. Ah, yes, truly divine... indeed, The Strand cannot resist the temptation to wrap himself around her and give her a little... pucker on the cheek. It's not his fault if Frogadier aren't well-versed in the ways of Strand Love. He leeches onto her skin, digging his teeth in ferociously in a display of ownership. Korra pushes him off, protesting.

Now Korra's positively belting out the lyrics, and man, that's a catchy tune. The Strand just can't help himself. He begins to croon the words himself, a deep baritone to match Korra's lovely soprano. Together their voices rise into an ululating crescendo until even Darkrai and Cresselia are watching in awe. Overcome by this display of beauty and harmony, Korra abruptly passes out.


Ability: Protean
Health: 0%
Energy: 65%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Echoed Voice ~ Echoed Voice ~ Echoed Voice

The Strand ♂ @ Thunder Stone
Ability: Levitate
Health: 57%
Energy: 79%
Status: Yodeling soulfully to the moon.
Used: Flash Cannon ~ Crunch ~ Round

Arena Status
  • The moon is full and spooky. The ghost of Roxy, temporarily fully evolved into a majestic Houndoom, is howling up at it. The Strand is singing with her, badly his voice reminiscent of the chorus of a thousand angels.

Damage and Energy
  • Korra's Health: 20% - 8% (Flash Cannon) - 9% (Crunch) - 6% (Round) = 0%
  • Korra's Energy: 75% - 1% (Echoed Voice) - 3% (Echoed Voice) - 6% (Echoed Voice) = 65%
  • The Strand's Health: 90% - 6% (Echoed Voice) - 11% (Echoed Voice) - 16% (Echoed Voice) = 57%
  • The Strand's Substitute: 10%
  • The Strand's Energy: 90% - 4% (Flash Cannon) - 4% (Crunch) - 3% (Round) = 79%

  • As it made great flavour sense, I rolled the 5% chance of disobeying orders before The Strand's infatuation roll. Had any of those succeeded, he wouldn't have needed to pass an infatuation roll to use his randomly-chosen move.
  • Korra did get STAB on the Echoed Voices, by the way, since she was Normal-type when she lost Protean.
  • Thanks to the Special Attack boosts from the moon, Korra's Echoed Voices did just enough damage for The Strand to pass his infatuation roll on the second action. His attraction wore off entirely after the third Echoed Voice.
  • Darkrai would have used Pursuit on The Strand, but I didn't feel like writing that in, as it totally ruined the moment.
  • And there we go! I'm just going to list KOs, so the db can do the experience for me: Fiver KO'd Ganymede, Poe KO'd Fiver, Sluagh KO'd Poe, Roxy KO'd Sluagh, Arundel KO'd Roxy, Korra KO'd Arundel, and The Strand KO'd his lost love Korra. Byrus gets $32 and Totodile gets $16, and I get a cool $20. Good game, both of you! I hope to ref Sluagh and Roxy again, especially...
  • (Totodile, you might want to poke The Omskivar to handle this one in the database if you want it processed before Friday.)
Good game, Totodile! I really enjoyed this one, it let me use a lot of mons I hadn't got the chance to use before. And thank you for reffing, Eifie. I really appreciated the quickness of the reffings, and they were really fun to read, too. I like how much personality you give the Pokémon. :D
Ah, I was doomed the moment I gave Ganymede that conditional to use Lucky Chant. But it was still a fun battle! Thanks for the good fight, Byrus. And thank you, Eifie, for the great reffing!

And I may have lost, but I get a couple evolutions out of it. So that's a win for me ...
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