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Totodile vs Byrus

Round Six

Totodile (3/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Chomping down on her leaf frighteningly.

Byrus (4/4 left)
Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 19%
Energy: 40%
Status: What was that?! +2 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense.


This is it. The ultimate showdown of panda vs bunny. Of course, the eventual victor is clear, but Fiver's not ready to go down without a fight. Dusting off his arms, he rushes forward with his very best war cry, leaping upon his new opponent and bearing him to the ground. With his fluffy paws he slaps the Pancham twice across the face, then draws his head back, ears sticking straight up, to smash his forehead into Poe's. Caught completely by surprise, Poe struggles helplessly on the ground, unable even to scream for fear of dropping her precious leaf from her mouth. At last she manages to pull back a shaking fist and sock the fluffy bunny in the face, shoving Fiver off her with a soft squish of cotton. Fine, she didn't hit very hard, but she's just warming up.

The Pancham pushes herself back to her feet and attempts to put on her most intimidating glare, but before she can do so Fiver hurtles forward yet again with reckless abandon, forcing her to the ground where her head makes contact with a painful crack. The exhausted Buneary thrashes at her with all his limbs, determined to make every strike count, and Poe wriggles and squirms from beneath him until finally he can get his arm free again. One more punch to the side of the head and Fiver immediately goes limp, head sagging sideways, looking perfectly the part of the innocent little stuffed bunny he's meant to be. Cautiously Poe gives the bunny a poke, but Fiver doesn't move.

As Poe bends down to pick up her leaf, Cresselia suddenly swoops down out of nowhere to pick it up and slap her upside the head with it. It hardly hurts at all, but now Cresselia shall be the target of Poe's most terrifying glare... "Oops!" giggles the legendary Pokémon. "I... thought you were Darkrai... it's very dark here, you know."

Poe rolls her eyes and snatches her leaf away, putting it back in her mouth and crossing her arms in her ultimate gangster pose. Clearly intimidated by this frightening display, Cresselia sheepishly floats away.


Totodile (3/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 64%
Energy: 94%
Status: So, who's next? +2 Attack.
Used: Power-Up Punch ~ Power-Up Punch

Byrus (3/4 left)
Fiver ♂ @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Run Away
Health: 0%
Energy: 26%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Last Resort ~ Last Resort

Arena Status
  • The moon is plain old crescent again.

Damage and Energy

  • Poe's Health: 100% - 17% (Last Resort) - 17% (Last Resort) - 2% (Grass Knot) = 64%
  • Poe's Energy: 100% - 3% (Power-Up Punch) - 3% (Power-Up Punch) = 94%
  • Fiver's Health: 19% - 13% (Power-Up Punch) - 14% (Power-Up Punch) = 0%
  • Fiver's Energy: 40% - 7% (Last Resort) - 7% (Last Resort) = 26%

  • Speed order: Poe (43) stands alone.
  • Fiver was actually in a pretty decent mood, having just defeated his last opponent (and the moon gave him all those thoughts of comfort and joy and fluff!), and so he was not angry enough to be able to effectively combine Frustration with Last Resort. Thus he split them up instead (but did not survive to use Frustration).
  • Cresselia finally got in on the action, accidentally using Grass Knot on Poe. Since Poe is under 10kg, it hardly hurt at all. (I asked about Darkrai and Cresselia having infinite experience before, but I never took experience into account when calculating the damage for Darkrai's first attack, so I guess they'll have none and Night Shade will never do anything at all.)
  • The moon didn't change this round.
  • Byrus sends out and commands first.
oops I suck at combos

Good job, bun. Sluagh is up next. Start with telekinesis to limit Poe's contact moves, then follow that up with hypnosis and will-o-wisp. If she protects against telekinesis on the first action, try again on the second, and repeat on the third action if necessary. If there's a substitute preventing you from inflicting status, go for a psychic to try and toss the sub at its creator. (Or just attack it directly if you can't manage that.)

Telekinesis ~ Telekinesis/Hypnosis/Psychic ~ Telekinesis/Will-o-wisp/Psychic
He must be jealous of your awesome pecs. Well, build a Sub to avoid those statuses, but if you can't make one while you're floating in the air, get on his nerves with your sassiest Swagger. Either way, for the second and third actions, go with Dark Pulse if you're awake, but Sleep Talk if you're asleep.

Substitute (15%)/Swagger ~ Dark Pulse/Sleep Talk ~ Dark Pulse/Sleep Talk
warning: sleep-deprivation-fueled "jokes" incoming

Round Seven

Totodile (3/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 64%
Energy: 94%
Status: So, who's next? +2 Attack.

Byrus (3/4 left)
Sluagh ♂ @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: In his element.


"Augh!" screams Byrus's Gastly the second he pops out of his Poké Ball, teeth chattering furiously. "No! Wait... " The ghost Pokémon's face contorts into a sinister grin. He's no scaredy-bun like Fiver. "Uagh! Sl...sluagh! Yeah!" His tongue lolls out of his tongue in amusement at his little joke, and Poe visibly quivers in fear upon hearing Sluagh's battlecry. Excellent. The stage is set.

For his first trick... levitation. And look! He is already levitating! Haha! Sluagh looks around at the battlers expectantly, and is met with polite applause. But Poe looks so sad and lonely down there on the ground, with no redeeming qualities of her own... so he shall be generous and raise her to his level, hmm, yes. A spooky clap of thunder sounds from above, and suddenly Poe, too, is floating, hoisted up into the air by Sluagh's finely-honed psychic abilities. Impressed oohs and aahs sound from the live studio audience that Sluagh has conjured up for this very moment, and he shakes Poe a little in midair with a smirk.

Not to be outdone, Poe's ready with a trick of her own. She's got no solid materials to work with, but no matter: the power has been inside her all along! The Pancham closes her eyes and opens her mouth, and an eerie white mist flows out of it, sapping away some of her energy for itself. The live studio audience watches in stunned silence as the mist congeals into a gummy olive-coloured substance, shaping itself into into a squishly little Pancham that promptly drops to the floor with a plop. Upon hitting the ground it melts into a shapeless pile of Substo Jel™, and Poe glares at it impatiently until it sheepishly reforms itself.

Hah! An amateur's stunt. Sluagh has no patience for these low-level tricks. He blinks his eyes shut, and when they open again they're glowing an eerie purplish-pink, and in a few seconds the same glow surrounds Poe's Substitute. With a (dignified) grunt he lifts the blob of panda into the air and sends it shooting forward into Poe's belly. Poe cries out in pain as her own Substitute strikes her weak point for massive damage and teeters over backwards, but invisible strings of psychic energy hold her up to watch helplessly as the Substitute splatters back onto the ground, just barely managing to hold itself together. Indignantly she clenches her fist and releases a pulse of concentrated energy from her darkest, most horrible thoughts: rotting leaves falling to pieces in her mouth, tiny fairies lighting up the sky, and (shudder) puppies, and these thoughts are just too much for Sluagh. Desperately he pops his Colbur Berry into his mouth and swallows it whole, but still the cuteness of puppies overwhelms him and he goes tumbling backward in the air.

Shaking, the Gastly struggles to right himself, blinking furiously to force thoughts of puppies from his mind. How could Poe have picked up on his one weakness? This is unacceptable! Focusing hard he pulls the nearly-destroyed blob of panda up into the air again and attempts to send it hurtling in Poe's direction, but it barely touches her forehead before exploding into a swirl of mist that creeps away through the cracks in the stone floor. Incensed, Poe retaliates with another wave of horrifying thoughts, but can't bring herself to think of puppies this time... it's just too much. Free from such stomach-turning ideas, Sluagh manages to hold himself up in the air this time without too much difficulty, and his grimace soon turns to a smirk as a beam of sickeningly-pink light spirals down from the moon above to knock Poe back down to the ground with a thud. Up high in the sky, Cresselia looks down sheepishly.


Totodile (3/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 31%
Energy: 78%
Status: Fuming. +2 Attack, -1 Special Attack.
Used: Substitute (15%) ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse

Byrus (3/4 left)
Sluagh@ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
Health: 80%
Energy: 83%
Status: Cackling to himself. Not weak to Dark-type moves (one more action).
Used: Telekinesis ~ Psychic ~ Psychic

Arena Status
  • The moon is BLOOD RED. It's super-spooky, yo. Each Pokémon gains +1 Attack and +1 Special Attack (these are in addition to their stat boosts in the end-of-round statuses above), but has a 5% chance of using a random damaging move from its movepool instead of its given orders, which will inflict an extra 2% final damage.

Damage and Energy

  • Poe's Health: 64% - 15% (Substitute) - 4% (hit with Substitute) - 14% (Moonblast) = 31%
  • Poe's Substitute: 15% - 13% (Psychic) - 13% (Psychic) = 0%
  • Poe's Energy: 94% - 8% (Substitute) - 4% (Dark Pulse) - 4% (Dark Pulse) = 78%
  • Sluagh's Health: 100% - 12% (Dark Pulse) - 8% (Dark Pulse) = 80%
  • Sluagh's Energy: 100% - 4% (Telekinesis) - 8% (Psychic) - 5% (Psychic) = 83%

  • Speed order: Sluagh (80) > Poe (43).
  • what is a sluagh, how do I pronounce this thing (don't mind my horrible joke, it seemed funny when I was dead on my feet... in my chair)
  • Substitute has never made any sense, so I'll say yeah, you can totally puke one up while floating in the air. They're actually banned in Sky Battles, but I'm gonna say that's because they just can't flap their wings and sustain that height.
  • Yes, Sluagh was able to hit Poe with her own Substitute. Psychic can normally be used to throw the target around, so this didn't affect the damage done to the Substitute, but since Sluagh isn't a Psychic-type and thus doesn't have the greatest affinity with his psychic powers, he wasn't able to do very much damage, and it cost him more energy to aim at a smaller target instead of just the general direction of the ground. (Also, Substitutes made out of pure life energy like I guess the sprite ones are seem very squishy.) This did Normal-type damage to Poe, as the actual impact didn't really have much psychic energy involved.
  • The first Psychic rolled for a crit. I factored this into the damage done to Poe instead of the damage done to the Substitute itself, since that makes more sense with the flavour of what's happening. (It also rolled to lower Special Defense, but the Substitute absorbed that.)
  • The first Dark Pulse also rolled for a crit... (Also, Sluagh ate his Colbur Berry upon being hit by it.)
  • The second Psychic destroyed Poe's Substitute. Since it had so little health, it took hardly any force to break, with the result that it didn't damage Poe at all. It also didn't take Sluagh any extra energy.
  • Telekinesis wore off after the third action.
  • Apparently Cresselia really doesn't like Poe. She hit her with a Moonblast, which lowered Special Attack. Good thing Poe's not evolved, eh?
  • The moon turned blood-red at the end of the round.
  • Totodile commands first.
Wow Cresselia, wow.

Uh, use Shadow Claw, then Thunder Punch, and Shadow Claw again. If you're unable to use physical moves, go with Dark Pulse instead. Sleep Talk if you're asleep.

Shadow Claw/Dark Pulse/Sleep Talk ~ Thunder Punch/Dark Pulse/Sleep Talk ~ Shadow Claw/Dark Pulse/Sleep Talk
Alright, Sluagh, I was trying to find an opportunity to clear smog those stat boosts away, but I think it might work better if we keep Poe at bay with telekinesis. Follow that up with a zap cannon, then use hex when she's good and paralysed.

If you failed to pull off your telekinesis on the first action due to rage, use psychic and try and concentrate on tossing her away from you.

Telekinesis ~ Zap cannon/Psychic ~ Hex/Psychic

[*] what is a sluagh, how do I pronounce this thing (don't mind my horrible joke, it seemed funny when I was dead on my feet... in my chair)
Haha, it's from celtic mythology, but I did like the idea of a ghost saying AUGH rather than BOO, just to be different. I'll be the first to admit that some Irish words do look funny from an English perspective, though. Like, our local supermarket has some Irish translations on their signs, so we have a huge sign saying "Cuntar", which means "Counter" in Irish... I get a chuckle out of that when I'm feeling especially immature. :p
seriously, don't let me ref after 8pm

Round Eight

Totodile (3/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 31%
Energy: 78%
Status: Fuming. +2 Attack, -1 Special Attack.

Byrus (3/4 left)
Sluagh@ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
Health: 80%
Energy: 83%
Status: Cackling to himself. Not weak to Dark-type moves (one more action).


"Ahahaha!" cackles Sluagh devilishly, eyes glowing bright red. "Oi, de deadly Sluagh, First av me Name, Kin' av de Andals an' de Rhoynar an' de First Tren, Lord av de Seven Kingdoms an' Protector av de Realm, chucker sentence yer ter float 'elplessly in de air!"

"I – I think he's Scottish, boss!" Poe turns to her trainer. "What do I— augh!" The next second she's suspended in the air again by invisible psychic threads, struggling with frantic swimming motions to twist herself back to face her opponent, who continues his senseless chant, undaunted:

"Ay, is iad na groceries ar an g CUNTAR—"

"W-what did you just say?!" Poe screams indignantly. "I—I'm not some... some Icelander that you can just... touch inappropriately or... or...!" Boiling over with rage, the Pancham releases a wave of furious, dark thoughts in all directions while the moon eggs her on with its blood-red glow reminiscent of blood-red blood. Still feeling the effects of his Colbur Berry, Sluagh's not too rattled, and soon manages to chase the gruesome images away with thoughts of groceries sitting serenely on the counter. You know, this reminds him of a puzzle song!

"OI LOIKE TER AYTE, AYTE, AYTE, APPLES AN' BANANAS..." the Gastly chants, as his opponent watches him warily, not understanding a word. Nature understands his call, though, and in response a massive apple-shaped ball of banana-yellow electricity rises from the ground to hover in front of him. "OI LOIKE TER AYTE, AYTE, AYTE, AYPLES AN' BANAYNAYS..." Wait... that sounds almost exactly like how he said it before! That's not how the song's supposed to go! In his confusion, Sluagh abruptly loses control of the sphere of energy, and it goes erratically whizzing in random directions in front of him, until at last the draw of the psychic energy surrounding Poe pulls it into its target. The Pancham cries out as the electricity bowls her backward, coursing through her body to take hold of her arm and leg muscles. N-no! She can't stand for this! She's got to strike back!

"Y-YER MA WAS A DRINKER, MATE, AN'... AN' YER PA—" At that moment her legs spasm uncontrollably from beneath her, and the Pancham nearly loses her chain of thought. Shut up, muscles... what was she going to say... "AN'... AN' YER PA WAS SCOTTISH!" she finishes triumphantly, more waves of dark energy emanating from her as she spits out the venomous words. The scenery is suddenly devoid of colour as the pulse of energy rushes across the courtyard, and Sluagh's eyes widen in horror. His berry's long gone... it must have fallen off the counter...

The wave of darkness washes over him, surrounding him in an impenetrable blackness. All the wrongs Sluagh has committed in his life suddenly come flooding back to him: the time he ate his trainer's ice cream cone and blamed it on Fiver, the time he possessed Fiver's favourite stuffed animal and accidentally set himself on fire, the time he dyed Fiver's ears pink and the Buneary didn't notice for days... The atrocity of Sluagh's many misdeeds torments him for a few moments that feel like hours, and when the blackness finally fades away he's ready to commit his darkest deed yet.

"I AM BECOME DEATH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!" he thunders in a shockingly normal accent, and the clouds above thunder with him. The Gastly's eyes glow bright red and Poe is suddenly overcome by a wave of pure pain, a fire that surges through her body straight to her paralyzed muscles. Her arms and legs are screaming, electricity taking hold of them stronger than ever, and she falls to her knees in the air, unable to bring herself to launch another attack. Surely this is it... The Pancham closes her eyes and braces herself for defeat, but after a moment she's still just barely there, as the moon turns a lovely shade of blue above her.


Totodile (3/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 1%
Energy: 69%
Status: "Sc-scottish swine..." Severely paralyzed (25% failure chance). +2 Attack, -1 Special Attack.
Used: Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse ~ [paralyzed]

Byrus (3/4 left)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 60%
Energy: 64%
Used: Telekinesis ~ Zap Cannon ~ Hex

Arena Status
  • The moon has suddenly turned blue. How spooky! All damaging attacks have an extra 10% added to their crit chance.

Damage and Energy

  • Poe's Health: 31% - 13% (Zap Cannon) - 17% (Hex) = 1%
  • Poe's Energy: 78% - 4% (Dark Pulse) - 5% (Dark Pulse) = 69%
  • Sluagh's Health: 80% - 8% (Dark Pulse) - 12% (Dark Pulse) = 60%
  • Sluagh's Energy: 83% - 4% (Telekinesis) - 8% (Zap Cannon) - 7% (Hex) = 64%

  • Speed order: Sluagh (80) > Poe (11).
  • gotta provide sources for all my references to avoid Plagiarism Prawning
  • I apologize profusely for any offense I may have given the Scottish or the Irish
  • I'm so happy that this exists
  • The effects of Sluagh's Colbur Berry wore off after the first action.
  • Poe rolled for paralysis on the second action, but the roll wasn't too bad and she wasn't using a move that required any movement, so Dark Pulse went through with a slightly higher energy cost. Her paralysis chance didn't decrease that action.
  • Unfortunately, Poe rolled pretty badly for paralysis on the third action, and considering her near-fainted state, was unable to concentrate enough to use Dark Pulse.
  • edit: oh yeah! Telekinesis wore off after the third action. I knew I was forgetting something.
  • Byrus commands first.
Last edited:
oh god that made me laugh even harder because I just absolutely was not expecting that... Effie, how are you so good at making reffings funny

I guess we can just use anything to finish Poe off, so let's go with astonish. (Seems weird that the Pancham line doesn't get sucker punch, but I guess game freak was determined to screw them over with the low speed stat)

Astonish x3
Well, at least we tried. Try to Protect a couple times; see if you can make him use just a bit more energy.

Protect ~ Protect ~ ded
Byrus: I am honoured :O my trick is to ref when I really want to sleep and attempt to use my wit to distract people from the fact that I can't actually describe things for my life (also this is at least the second time you have called me Effie, soon everyone's going to be mistaking me for Superbird's big blubbery whale)

Round Nine

Totodile (3/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 1%
Energy: 69%
Status: "Sc-scottish swine..." Severely paralyzed (25% failure chance). +2 Attack, -1 Special Attack.

Byrus (3/4 left)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 60%
Energy: 64%


"BOO!" screams Sluagh, materializing from behind Poe.

The exhausted Pancham hardly even notices, too busy pouring all her energy into the nearly transparent bubble shimmering around her.

"DOUBLE BOO!" screams Sluagh, materializing in front of Poe.

The exhausted Pancham hardly even notices, too busy pouring all her energy into the nearly transparent bubble shimmering around her.

Finally the bubble fizzles and Poe drops down on all fours, chest heaving with ragged breaths. It is at this moment that Sluagh realizes his mistake. How could he have expected to win with the generic tricks of your everyday ghost?

"UAGH!" screams Sluagh, materializing inside Poe.

With a thin wail, the Pancham closes her eyes and slumps to her side, defeated. As Sluagh crows triumphantly to the heavens, Cresselia turns and lets loose a lance of pink Psychic energy in his direction to shut him up. It cuts straight through his body and his laughter turns to screaming as he must take a moment to stitch himself back together...


Totodile (2/4 left)
Poe ♀ @ Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Health: 0%
Energy: 63%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Protect ~ Protect ~ ded

Byrus (3/4 left)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 45%
Energy: 58%
Used: Astonish ~ Astonish ~ Astonish

Arena Status
  • The moon is plain old crescent again.

Damage and Energy

  • Poe's Health: 1% - 3% (Astonish) = 0%
  • Poe's Energy: 69% - 3% (Protect) - 3% (Protect) = 63%
  • Sluagh's Health: 60% - 15% (Psyshock) = 45%
  • Sluagh's Energy: 64% - 2% (Astonish) - 2% (Astonish) - 2% (Astonish) = 58%

  • Speed order: Sluagh (80) stands alone.
  • Poe managed to successfully Protect twice despite her paralysis.
  • Cresselia, missing her little panda friend, saw fit to attack Sluagh with Psyshock.
  • Totodile sends out and commands first.
I totally knew that.

Use Payback if he's attacked you on that action, but use Dark Pulse if he hasn't, or if you can't physically reach him. Protect if he tries to status you or uses Zap Cannon.

Payback/Dark Pulse/Protect x3
Byrus: I am honoured :O my trick is to ref when I really want to sleep and attempt to use my wit to distract people from the fact that I can't actually describe things for my life (also this is at least the second time you have called me Effie, soon everyone's going to be mistaking me for Superbird's big blubbery whale)
Oh man, I'm DUMB, sorry! I have no idea why my brain keeps reading your username as Effie, maybe I'm subconsciously thinking of that Hunger Games character or something.

Sluagh, let's go for a pain split while we've got the chance. Take a chance to chill after that, then follow up with a sludge bomb. I hate to harm the cute pup, but victory must be attained.

Pain split ~ Chill ~ Sludge Bomb
Round Ten

Totodile (2/4 left)
Roxy ♀ @ Absorb Bulb
Ability: Flash Fire
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Whuff, rrruff ruff. Bow-wow.

Byrus (3/4 left)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 45%
Energy: 58%


"RrrrRRRARRR, rrruff ruff," yips Roxy completely non-ferociously as she bursts out of her Poké Ball, and Sluagh's world instantly shatters and dissolves from around him. W...why? Why must his opponents continue to torment him with his one weakness... cute puppies?! Can't an Irishman catch a break around here?

And now his trainer wants him to link minds with it? What?! What if it... does something cute, like wagging its tail or something?! With a heavy sigh, Sluagh twists his face into a grimace and braces himself as his eyes glow a pale purple. Across the courtyard, the hated puppy paws at the ground in agitation, whining and shaking its head as its eyes too take on the same colour. A thin current of light forms between them, carrying life energy from one side to another until the concentration of purple light is roughly equal on both sides. At last Sluagh closes his eyes, shuddering, and tries to enjoy the rush of new energy in peace.

Unfortunately for the Gastly, Roxy isn't having it. Baring her teeth in an adorable snarl, she lunges forward, canine body surrounded with a curtain of dark energy. Her oversized paws beat relentlessly against the ground and her tongue hangs out one side of her mouth in concentration, making Sluagh cringe. Why... why so cute?! And that's not all: it hurts, too, when Roxy leaps up to plunge her front fangs into Sluagh's face. She flails her paws about, attempting to get a hold on the Gastly's perfectly round body, but fails and falls down onto her back with a loud whimper. The cuteness of it all is just too much for Sluagh, and he screams in agony as the added adorability courses unchecked through his system.

No. No. He's got to relax and forget about the cute. Taking a deep breath, Sluagh closes his eyes and floats solemnly in his spot in the air, but once again Roxy refuses to tolerate this. If Sluagh refuses to play, then she's going to take the game to him! With a sharp bark, the Houndour sends waves of dark energy his way, and Sluagh cries out again as thoughts of puppies with their big cute eyes and their tongues hanging out and their heads cocked to the side and their tails wagging overwhelm him. One of the imaginary puppies notices him and pricks up its ears curiously, and oh my god it's too much. He can't take it. He can't relax. In fact, he's going to be sick.

Eyes snapping open, Sluagh hacks up a sickeningly bright purple stream of his most digusting toxins onto Roxy's exposed stomach, and the puppy cries out in shock and horror. Flipping onto its side, it paws frantically at the purple mess, attempting to get it off before it absorbs through its fur and into its bloodstream, whining frantically all the while. Finally it gives up and jumps up to bat at Sluagh with dark-energy-laced paws, and the Gastly resigns himself to being no more than a helpless victim of cute. Apparently the cuteness has reached its threshold for now, though, and the pain quickly fades away.

"Boooooring," scoffs Cresselia from above. She floats down and snores in Sluagh's face, but it's hard to tell whether Sluagh doesn't notice or just doesn't care.


Totodile (2/4 left)
Roxy ♀ @ Absorb Bulb
Ability: Flash Fire
Health: 61%
Energy: 87%
Status: Rolling around in the dirt, trying to get the poison off.
Used: Payback ~ Dark Pulse ~ Payback

Byrus (3/4 left)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 32% (capped)
Energy: 32%
Status: Desperate to get out of here.
Used: Pain Split ~ Chill ~ Sludge Bomb

Arena Status
  • The moon is plain old crescent again.

Damage and Energy

  • Roxy's Health: 100% - 28% (Pain Split) - 11% (Sludge Bomb) = 61%
  • Roxy's Energy: 100% - 5% (Payback) - 3% (Dark Pulse) - 5% (Payback) = 87%
  • Sluagh's Health: 45% + 27% (Pain Split) - 23% (Payback) - 15% (Dark Pulse) - 18% (Payback) = 32%
  • Sluagh's Energy: 58% - 27% (Pain Split) + 6% (Chill) - 5% (Sludge Bomb) = 32%

  • Speed order: Sluagh (80) > Roxy (65).
  • Roxy's first Payback was a critical hit.
  • Sluagh had a pretty hard time Chilling while being assaulted by super-effective, horrifying thoughts of puppies...
  • Sluagh hit the damage cap on the third action.
  • Cresselia Snored at Sluagh, but a) she wasn't asleep, b) he's immune to Normal-type moves, c) he'd already hit the damage cap, so. Better luck next time, Cresselia.
  • After cheating and rolling three times... the moon is still crescent. ffs.
  • Byrus commands first.
oh geez not the PUPPIES

Unfortunately, those paybacks and dark pulses are hitting hard, so you're not gonna get much hits in here before you drop. Let's keep at it with the sludge bombs, but switch to venoshock if she gets poisoned.

Sludge bomb ~ Sludge bomb/Venoshock x2
Puppies! (also ffs I know what move I'm banning next challenge)

Let's do this, Rox. Beat him to the punch.

Sucker Punch x3
Round Eleven

Totodile (2/4 left)
Roxy ♀ @ Absorb Bulb
Ability: Flash Fire
Health: 61%
Energy: 87%
Status: Rolling around in the dirt, trying to get the poison off.

Byrus (3/4 left)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 32% (capped)
Energy: 32%
Status: Desperate to get out of here.


"Rrrrrraff. Bark bark," insists Roxy. No! Stop it! The cuteness throws Sluagh off his guard, giving his opponent an opening to rush in, surrounded by dark energy, and swat at him with an oversized paw, sending him hurtling backward through the air. It's all too much for him to take, and he pukes up another stream of purple venom that splatters all over Roxy's head.

"Grrrrr. RrrrRRRRRRrrrr," spits Roxy, shaking herself furiously. Again Sluagh cringes, and again Roxy closes in, clinging to his head with both front paws as she kicks at him with the back ones. All he can do to get her off is unleash another blast of foul toxins into her fur, and this time they take hold: as Roxy falls to the ground, snapping at a purple spot on her fur, the poisons seep into her bloodstream, and she whimpers pathetically.

No! Stop it with the pathetic whimpers! They're too cute! Sluagh is completely immobilized in place, helpless as Roxy lunges at him a third time, and this time he can take the cuteness no more. It's curtains for our Irish magician friend, and he tumbles down to the ground to be quickly recalled.

Above, the moon suddenly begins to grow until it reaches its full majestic glory, shining an eerie white light down onto the courtyard. Engulfed in the moon's power, Roxy suddenly finds herself growing into her oversized paws at last, lengthening into a lithe wolf form as horns of white bone sprout from her head.


Totodile (2/4 left)
Roxy ♀ @ Absorb Bulb
Ability: Early Bird, Flash Fire, Unnerve
Health: 38%
Energy: 75%
Status: Howling up at the moon. Poisoned (1%/action).
Used: Sucker Punch ~ Sucker Punch ~ Sucker Punch

Byrus (2/4 left)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 0%
Energy: 22%
Status: The curtains are closed, the show is over. Time ter noggin oyt for jar, aye?
Used: Sludge Bomb ~ Sludge Bomb ~ AUGH

Arena Status
  • The moon is full and spooky. Roxy, temporarily fully evolved into a majestic Houndoom, is howling up at it. All Pokémon will transform into their final stages until the moon changes and have access to their final evolution's movepool and all of its abilities.

Damage and Energy

  • Roxy's Health: 61% - 11% (Sludge Bomb) - 11% (Sludge Bomb) - 1% (poison) = 38%
  • Roxy's Energy: 87% - 4% (Sucker Punch) - 4% (Sucker Punch) - 4% (Sucker Punch) = 75%
  • Sluagh's Health: 32% - 15% (Sucker Punch) - 15% (Sucker Punch) - 15% (Sucker Punch) = 0%
  • Sluagh's Energy: 32% - 5% (Sludge Bomb) - 5% (Sludge Bomb) = 22%

  • Speed order: Roxy (95) woofs alone.
  • The second Sludge Bomb poisoned Roxy. I'm still using the old 3%/round scale, since this battle started a while ago.
  • "Jar" is Irish slang for "a pint"? The more you know...
  • The battling legends smiled upon Roxy this round, for not even a vicious legendary could harm a cute puppy...
  • Byrus sends out, then Totodile commands first.
I googled "three Houndoom moon" and I'm sad to see no one thought to insert it into that meme. :( I guess it's not quite wolfy enough.

Arundel, let's go for it.
Good dog, best friend!

Let's do what we can while we can. Dark Pulse to your heart's content, but Snatch away any stat-boosting moves he might use. Protect if he tries to use a status on you (unless it's poison), or if he tries to use Mud-Slap.

Dark Pulse/Snatch/Protect x3
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