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Search results

  1. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Asks CloudCat to bake cakes for everybody* *Takes a bath in the lava pool, that is on the roof*
  2. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Notices that The Ugg Man used direct speech* *Burns the abomasnow* *Uses the time machine on The Ugg Man*
  3. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Sees the hailstorm* *Sees that the lake is frozen over* *Melts the ice using Overheat and rescues sv_01.*
  4. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Says that snow in a house is bad.* *Throws the Abomasnow in a lake* *Melts all the snow inside using Heat Wave.
  5. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Brings an Abomasnow* *Asks why sv_01 wanted it*
  6. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Looks at the book* *Pulls out a NDS*
  7. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *shines on this moment with flamethower attack in the air*
  8. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Downloads all the data on a flash disk.*
  9. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *Provides everyone with popcorn* *Remembers that the shards guy is on an island far east in Hoen*
  10. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *tells Lapras about groudons ability instead* *pops the corn using ember attack*
  11. CharizardHammer

    The silence game

    *asks about the team" *gets some corn to pop*
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