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The silence game

*says this laptop is having troubles connecting to the internet, and that I have no idea what's in there*
*gives a rather creepy "Have fun!~" and laughs*
*Explains that Shigeru Miyamoto is responsible for making other games companies expect us all to believe that the future of video gaming is Motion Control, when in fact it's online!*

*Also points out that when I saw the EyeToy, I kinda predicted it might take off, and I still maintain my prediction, that is like 3-4 years old now, that it is only a matter of time until our brains are the controller...*
*Informs everyone that the Virtual Boy is much better than the EyeToy.*
*Adds that it is a video game system manufactured by Nintendo that was meant to be 3D.*
*Also says that it began sale to the public in July 1995 (5 years before my existance), but was discontinued in early 1996, because it was reported to cause severe eye injuries and headaches.*
*says that I can't get it yet either*
*is also happy because this will be my first maingame team that will have shiny in it for definite*
*continues to fail at DQIX*
*calls Lethal Armour a wimp for continuously calling for backup*
*grabs popcorn to watch CloudCat clean her room*
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