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The silence game

*continues to play DQIX*
*stops failing*
*listens to Miku*
*asks Hippy why she took CloudCat's book away*
*asks what book it was because I was obviously too engrossed in DQIX to notice*
*Points out the EyeToy was not 3D, it was the predecessor for WiiMotion, Xbox Kinect AND PlayStation Move!*

*Also points out the inconvenient truth that online gaming is the future, NOT motion control*

*Also sighs cuz no one will believe me cuz I'm right*
*says that brain controlled gaming is already here*
*also says I would link proof but cannot be bothered*
*sighs because now you'll probably never believe me*
*Points out that that prediction is 4 years old now...*

*Decides to go off and watch a Let's Play Silent Hill 2 by the same guys who did the Silent Hill 1 Let's Play I watched that made we want to play it jus so I could see this "Alien Ending"*
*says it did happen, and the people who did it were put in the Guiness Book of World Records*
*sits and watches as several Bagmas and Golems walk past me*
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*glances at LL*
*realizes the topic was computer games and no reference to Lord English was intended*
*stares at yetis*
*wonders why they're not Abomasnow*
*asks sv why she glanced at me*
*corrects self*
*listens to Miku*
*is happy for the Abomasnow has Snow Warning*
*attempts to Google Lord English*
*finds it's Homestuck*
*says that those lava pillow monsters looked like yetis to me just a while ago and I found it weird that there were non-Abomasnow yetis walking alongside Golems*
*goes hide in a lake*
*Listens to Scoo's silent flute playing* (What?)

*Then goes away to try and work that one out...*

*But is not helped by the fact I then suddenly get the bright idea to watch RedVsBlue which I've jus finished downloading...*

*Face palm*
*is mildly creeped out by dead Abomasnow but is afraid to come out of the lake because of the hailstorm*
*comes out of lake because it was cold anyway*
*smiles at CharizardHammer*
*would still like the hailstorm to stop*
*slowly walks into the game and raises Hell's Bane into the air*
*announces his return and his newest sword*
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