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The silence game

*Tells Kid about my first ever post on TCoD' Silence Game as Connor O'Reilly when I started scooping out and eating someone's brains with said ridiculously tiny wooden spoon OF DOOM, after which it kinda became my thing*
*Greets Yami Angel Christian with a warm "Long time no see!"*
*Tells about my adventures in the hospital*
*Tells Cloud to ask me again in 6 years*

*Am decidedly enjoying the Final Fantasy III Let's Play, even though I'm beginning to get confused by it as it is STILL regarded as one of the hardest games of all time... So hard, it wasn't released outside of Japan*
*is puzzled by time machines*
*looks online for art supplies*
*stops and looks for soprano saxophones*
*nods frantically because I love giraffes*
*can't wait till Friday because i will learn to play alto saxophone*
*is glad that i found a giraffe buddy*
*says that the difference is the shape and sound*
*starts listening to Evanescence*
*Yells "Yay!" at the fact that we're giraffe buddies.*
*Explains that I know nothing of music.*
*Is already listening to Evanescence!*
*Asks Scootaloo what her favorite song is*
*throws Hell's Bane to the ground*

*goes wolf form and tears at the ground with his claws*

*Snarls ferociously*
*flies above wolf*
*breathes fire at him*
*realizes he is a fire type*
*swoops down and eats a cupcake that was very coviently floating three feet below*
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