• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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The silence game

*Groans, because I should've seen that this would happen sooner*
*Points out that this is TEMPORARY glue, so at some point it would have to be less sticky.*
*Decides to make the most of the situation, and notices the ironic comedy in it.*
*Giggles at the thought of being glued to someone!*
*Decides to chat with DragonHeart*
*Asks if she got a new avatar*
*Tells DragonHeart that she is LUCKY because she has a summer birthday!*
*Explains that my birthday is in the cold winters of February.*
*Adds that my bithday is on the 17th of February*
*Has a stomach ache from thos chocolate chips*
*Hates winter*
*Thanks DragonHeart for beridding my aching stomach*
*Snickers about the word "beridding" because it is such a cool word*
*Likes that word :)*
*Also like the word "thus"*
*And "blase"*
*And the word "refine"*
*Likes words in general!*
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