• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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The silence game

*replies that she is a dragon and can do anything!*
*demonstrates by making the sun set*
*sunlight catches her scales*
*Breathes a large plume of blue and lavender fire*
*Asks if Dragon can please make it morning again*
*Doesn't want Saturday to end*
*Loves the spectaucular show of colorful fire*
*Allows Dragon to play in the lava pool, because it looks like she's having fun*
*Tells her to be careful*
*Gets out of lava pool*
*goes to a cave behind a waterfall*
*takes shower in the cave*
*Notices about 3 other dragons in the cave*
*dragons look at her*
*is embarassed*
*warmly thanks cloud*
*makes 2 cups of chocolate milk*
*warms them up into hot coco*
*they are just right*
*sits down and watches the sunset with cloud*
*sun is down*
*gathers logs, sticks, and leaves in the dark*
*breathes fire on them and makes a fire*
*conjures up hot dogs and roasting sticks*
*hands a stick and hotdog to Cloud*
*is happy*
*Gladly accepts the hotdog and stick*
*Roasts the hotdog*
*Eats the hotdog*
*Finds a tent and sets it up*
*Is in a very cheerful mood*
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