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Search results

  1. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Interesting though this sounds, and potential though it may have, it seems an awful lot like the plot of MtG's Shards of Alara.
  2. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    What if, instead of being in the conventional pokemon world, it took place in our world, with all of the "trainers" playing on some kind of virtual, online videogame, and all of the glitch pokemon are irregularities in the game? ...WHY NO, I AM CERTAINLY NOT TRYING TO BLEND .HACK AND POKEMON.
  3. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Pole-vaulting off of this, what if Pokemon, tired of being ordered around by beings to whom they are clearly superior, were to suddenly revolt and turn humans into their slaves? I...don't know...this just kind of popped into my head. :/
  4. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    What happened to Donphan being an elephant? You know; long nose, big ears, and lack of hooves? Moreover, while Piloswine (or Mamoswine) probably are the closest you'll get to a warthog, they don't exactly match the African climate very well. Might I suggest Grumpig as a last-ditch alternative?
  5. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    I know this wasn't on your list, but I would like to request that you at least think about bringing back Heaven and Hell. Seriously. Seriously. That thing had far too much potential to just die like it did. D:
  6. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    ((C'mon, people, I need some opinions on the swamp RP! D:)) The main thing I'm trying to do with this RP is make it as simple - as understandable to unfamiliar players - as possible. Truth is, there was another .hack roleplay I made before this, on the previous forum, but I tried to make it...
  7. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    And what is this now? Leviathan trying to make another RP? Madness! This's just something that's kind of been resting in my head for a while. The basic concept is that there's this swamp, full of monsters - hideously twisted and exaggerated forms of normal animals, nothing too fancy - creepy...
  8. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Okay, I'm just going to be real generic here and say HELLS YEAH!! Levi would be more than willing to offer assistance if you need help working on the plot...
  9. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Final Fantasy x, where x is any positive integer other than 11: A spiky-haired youth with an obscure and probably depressing past rallies together a ramshackle group of heroes against an ambitious monarch/military leader aiming to take over the world, only to find that an even more sinister...
  10. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    The first thing to consider in the planning of a WEWY-based roleplay is the setting in which it should take place; while obviously a large city is the ideal location, the culture of that city is something that could be problematic. I believe that the reason Shibuya worked so well was that it...
  11. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    I find that one major part of the likelihood of people joining a roleplay is how familiar the players are with the topic it's based upon. Pokemon RPs benefit the most from this aspect, as, given that this forum itself is based on Pokemon, everyone here knows about it. I suppose one could think...
  12. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Confirming what Skymin said. If my computer hadn't crashed I'd've posted it first. Random factoid: Did you know that all of the fashion brands in The World Ends With You, with the exception of Gatito, are based off of the animals in the Chinese zodiac? (I'm not too sure how Pavo Real is related...
  13. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    This subject doesn't seem like it falls into Shaymin's area of influence, and going straight to Arceus itself isn't much different from Mew in my opinion. I would like to suggest Jirachi for this situation; the ability to grant wishes would present not only a goal for the players, but also...
  14. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    It's interesting, but I for one would rather wait until the plot has become a little more defined to consider joining. Would the Players have to use pins to fight, or do they get to have a style that uses one of their possessions like Neku's partners did?
  15. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Yeah, that's what they were called (I think the dark creatures' name sounded like a snake). Man, that thing was so awesome. It was the first RP that made me go all "OMG I have to join this!" since JD's Skyfoxes.
  16. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Wasn't it you who once made an RP on the old forums about a world separated into the five elements of fire, earth, wind, water, and darkness, and each of those elements was governed by a different race of creatures? The plot was pretty much to assemble people from each civilization to stop the...
  17. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Shadowstar: Well, we all know that in Pokemon 2000 Lugia had fought against the legendary birds to restore elemental balance to the world. So maybe someone turns Lugia into a shadow pokemon so that it would create a disturbance among the birds again, effectively destroying the world. The...
  18. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Depends; is this a pokemon-based RP? If not, there is this one idea that's been brewing in my head for a few days, but I've been too occupied with Underworld lately to make anything else. Maybe you can make something out of this. "Imagine, if you will, a world consumed by eternal winter; the...
  19. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Countless years ago, the god of dreams, Kekoru, created a new world separate from our own. And when this world was finished, he split it in two, making an opposite duplicate that overlapped the original; one world shining with light, and another of total darkness. These lands were filled with a...
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