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Idea Center

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Hmmm...I was thinking of making a Harvest Moon-style roleplay for here. And there would be love, and romance, and farming and mining and COW-MILKING! Who doesn't love cow-milking? ^^
I'd might join as well.

I want a Phoenix Wright-type Pokemon RP. With lawyers and stuff. But what would the plot be? Who can help me form one?
Well, I got sick lastnight, and I did something horrible, let's just say I lost my lunch...
Anyways, it gave me an idea for an RP! So here's how it goes:

There was a rich Pokemon, indeed very rich. This Pokemon was a Ninetales. The Ninetales was born black as a Vulpix and is still black. She lives a wonderful life, oh, yes, very wonderful. She has servants left and right and, most of the time, never even has to get out of bed for what she wants. Recently, she has fallen ill. Her servants are in a frenzy. But there are some servants who are cool with it. They have decided it's the perfect time to kill the Ninetales and get away with the fortune...​

So, would anyone join? Basically, the evil servants are greedy, and are disguised as servants. Later on, they decide to attack, but the regular servants don't just stand around. They are armed, too, to kill the evil servants so they don't kill the Ninetales.
I would join that as a good side servant, a very loyal servant at that. Loyalty is just my nature. I'd be a Growlithe if I joined. :D
Hmmm... Alright, I'll do it! You'll see it in a couple of minutes! Lets just hope it does better than my Bakugan tounament...
...Uh. So.

Would anyone be at all interested in a TWEWY RP? I'm trying to gather ideas, because obviously it wouldn't take place in Shibuya, and I'm trying to come up with an original plot. Um. You would be able to play as either a Reaper or a Player, and as a Player you would team up with someone else unless I wanted to change the system. ...Or do you think it would be better for someone to be two characters if they were a Player...?

Anyway. I'd rather that it be an experienced RP, and preferably with people who're familiar with the game. Anyone interested? :3
It's interesting, but I for one would rather wait until the plot has become a little more defined to consider joining.

Would the Players have to use pins to fight, or do they get to have a style that uses one of their possessions like Neku's partners did?
Going back to the Star Wars RPG by Teh Ebil Snorlax.... I have to say that a few pages before he mentioned it, I suggested a Star Wars RPG, and nobody reacted. Those who did rejected the idea. Now I feel all lonely. Seriously, what do you have against me?
I don't remember rejecting it. It sounded interesting, and I said that I'd liek to be some sor tof assassin or bounty hunter.
...Uh. So.

Would anyone be at all interested in a TWEWY RP? I'm trying to gather ideas, because obviously it wouldn't take place in Shibuya, and I'm trying to come up with an original plot. Um. You would be able to play as either a Reaper or a Player, and as a Player you would team up with someone else unless I wanted to change the system. ...Or do you think it would be better for someone to be two characters if they were a Player...?

Anyway. I'd rather that it be an experienced RP, and preferably with people who're familiar with the game. Anyone interested? :3

I'd be interested in joining that. Of course, I'm in about 846 RPGs already (Give or take about three. Addicted? Heck yes.) but still. =P I don't have the game, sadly, but I might get it relatively soon.
It's interesting, but I for one would rather wait until the plot has become a little more defined to consider joining.

Would the Players have to use pins to fight, or do they get to have a style that uses one of their possessions like Neku's partners did?

I was thinking that there would be a variety of fighting styles; for example, my OC uses different elements (y'know, from the Periodic Table?) to fight, and I've seen other abilities based on Tarot cards, etc. It'd be up to the player, but I suppose if they were unoriginal they could just use Pins. xD; The upper-world fighters would, yeah, use more simplified methods of attacking. I'm thinking the characters will have both styles and choose between them when they partner up with someone else.

Anyhow. I was thinking it would take place in part of some American city (NYC or San Francisco are the main candidates right now) and there would be differences in this Game than the Shibuya one; obviously none of the characters would be the same, so no Minamimoto or Hanekoma, but the plot would be basically the same, at least where the Players are concerned. Um.

I'm wondering if I should make it invite-only. :/ 'Cause, ideally, I'd only like it to be people who've played the game. But then, I don't know who likes to roleplay...
My Star Wars RP will be set in the Legacy Era. Darth Krayt has abandoned the Sith by using ancient Sith alchemy to fuse himself with a Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon). Using his own mighty Force power and the natural abilities of a Duinuogwin, he has become Darthuokraytus, and is forcing the Duinuogwin to go to war with both the Jedi, the Sith and the Empire-in-exile However, Darthuokraytus apparently did not foresee the forming of a Sith/Jedi/Imperial alliance against him, called the Safoliance, led by the Supreme Council of the Safoliance, consisting of Cade Skywalker, Celeste Morne, K'Kruhk, Darth Nihl, Darth Wyrrlok, Azlyn Rae and Sigel Dare.

You play the part of a Jedi, a Sith or an Imperial Knight who is part of an elite group organised by the Council who are to complete three top secret tasks that will help to defeat Darthuokraytus.
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Flora and Ashes said:
Hmmm...I was thinking of making a Harvest Moon-style roleplay for here. And there would be love, and romance, and farming and mining and COW-MILKING! Who doesn't love cow-milking? ^^

I'd join.

Teh Ebil Snorlax said:
My Star Wars RP...


This too.
Yay. Plotplotplotplot...

A strange cave was discovered on an uncharted island, swarming with dragonflies. The explorers who found the island dubbed it "The Cave of Dragonflies" and went on their merry way.

However, upon closer inspection, the dragonflies were not
all that the cave held.

A few daring teenagers ventured into the cave and discovered that there was a large plain and a giant lake- perfet for starting a city!

They began building. After finishing, they dubbed the new city "The City of Dragonflies."

You are either one of the founders or a newcomer. Will you help make the city great?

/stupid plot
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