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Idea Center

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I probably won't join, because it just rubs in the fact that Aria failed. Miserably. >>
As you see, I'm not the most optimistic, but I'm serious.
So guys, I feel the need to remake one of my old RPs. Does anyone remember The Arceus Gene or The Chimera Project? I'll take a vote of which one to redo~
Wasn't it you who once made an RP on the old forums about a world separated into the five elements of fire, earth, wind, water, and darkness, and each of those elements was governed by a different race of creatures? The plot was pretty much to assemble people from each civilization to stop the dark empire from taking over the world and killing everyone, etcetera etcetera. I think it was called something like "The Dark Land". That's something I'd really like to see again.

If I'm just raving madly to the wrong person, then I vote for The Chimera Project.
*raises hand*

I want the Chimera Project back.

Human/Pokemon splices are epic.

Sorta like the fifty-dollar alien mask I got yesterday... THANKS MOM!
:D yep, that was mine. the one with the Drakes, Mer, Harpies, Wolfen, and... demon things I forgot the name of, right?

Yeah, that's what they were called (I think the dark creatures' name sounded like a snake). Man, that thing was so awesome. It was the first RP that made me go all "OMG I have to join this!" since JD's Skyfoxes.
Would anyone be interested in a Paper Mario-based RPG?

I have two ideas: One (old) dinner party game, and one (newer) more adventure-based one. ^_^
I think that I'll redo the Chimera Project first, and do some major overhauls on the other one before I re-start it. It needed a bit more... oomph.
I've got a few ideas...

One is a PDM2 idea, where all humans have the Dimensional Scream ability. It basically follows the "prologue" of the game, where the hero, Grovyle and Celebi are in the dark world, searching for the clues to find out what happened and how to prevent it. I'd open it a bit wider though - so all humans have the ability and a partner Pokemon (preferably a second line starter, like Grovyle).

The other one is "Bad Blood". It follows a family where each started with an Eevee and evolved it into something different. However they all really dislike each other due to childhood events, personality clashes, arguements and such. But when the world is threatened, the siblings are pulled together again (along with their friends) and forced to work together to survive and battle against the evil.

Anyone interested or have some critique?
Oh, but you're the maker, the owner pwner, you have the rights to choose what Pokémon you want to be first.

I could be a Jolteon.

I call Jolteon if you call Umbreon!

(God I hate this keyboard)
Awesome ^_^ If not many people join, then we can have more then one - about halfway though I'll allow a second Eevee anyway, since everyone has more then one favorite.
I am, I am! XD I'm just wondering what Eevee to have myself.

Just let me see how many people are interested... 4 of us. That leaves four other Eevee's, including Eevee itself. =)
Before I begin fleshing it out (I noticed that usually when I post a complete RP, five people join then it drifts to the back of the forum ; ; Shadow-Seekers was my masterpiece and like four people signed up), I was wondering, would anyone be interested in a Star Wars RP?
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