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Idea Center

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Sure. Sorta. I'm busy with Diamond training Josephine @_@

But that's off topic. Yeah! :D

As for Pokemon: no idea. I think of some plots sometimes. How about something involving you having the option of being a Pokemon or a Pokemon Trainer? I'd join Legend of the Stone Tablet but I can't write that much -_-
What'dya think of this idea, then?

Well, you can be either a dragon, a dragon tamer, or a dragon slayer. The dragons and the dragon slayers are in a war, and the dragon tamers are neutral, trying to stop it.
Although, you can be a neutral dragon, or a dragon tamer who's on the dragon side of the war, you decide.

The dragons can be almost any type of dragon, like wyverns, frostdrakes and european dragons, also lungs. You are in a tribe of dragons, almost like a military lair, where you train on other dragons and ready for the war. The dragons also have their own language, but are forbidden to teach it to humans and other creatures.

The dragon tamers are humans and elves that have either earned the trust of a dragon, or have raised one since it was a baby. Also, if you want to be on the dragons side, you may be a smith dwarf who makes armour to the dragons or be specialized in the dragon language (which means you can talk drakish, the dragons language)

The dragon slayers are humans, dwarves and goblins that have dedicated their life to dragon slaying. They believe that dragons are evil and should all be killed. You then wear special equipment; Dragon slayer armour, a dragonfire cape, dragonfire shield, and a dragonslayer weapon (Battleaxe, sword, mace... you choose)

I will improve it. So, anyone who likes this idea?
What'dya think of this idea, then?

Well, you can be either a dragon, a dragon tamer, or a dragon slayer. The dragons and the dragon slayers are in a war, and the dragon tamers are neutral, trying to stop it.
Although, you can be a neutral dragon, or a dragon tamer who's on the dragon side of the war, you decide.

The dragons can be almost any type of dragon, like wyverns, frostdrakes and european dragons, also lungs. You are in a tribe of dragons, almost like a military lair, where you train on other dragons and ready for the war. The dragons also have their own language, but are forbidden to teach it to humans and other creatures.

The dragon tamers are humans and elves that have either earned the trust of a dragon, or have raised one since it was a baby. Also, if you want to be on the dragons side, you may be a smith dwarf who makes armour to the dragons or be specialized in the dragon language (which means you can talk drakish, the dragons language)

The dragon slayers are humans, dwarves and goblins that have dedicated their life to dragon slaying. They believe that dragons are evil and should all be killed. You then wear special equipment; Dragon slayer armour, a dragonfire cape, dragonfire shield, and a dragonslayer weapon (Battleaxe, sword, mace... you choose)

I will improve it. So, anyone who likes this idea?

I've often had a somewhat similar idea, I suppose.

Dragons and Humans have never got along, but for the most part, dragons live mostly solitary lives, hunting in and defending a large territory. Humans, however, see dragons as a threat, and many have sent warriors or even armies to hunt dragons. In order to try to quell the violence and bloodshed, a group of dragons finally got together and agreed on a strategy... to plant dragon eggs, so that young, impressionable humans could raise and bond with newborn dragons. The idea being that eventually these humans could rise to power within the human community and begin to change opinions all around. Obviously now, the powers that be soon began to see these "dragon riders" also as an additional threat, and began to hunt them down as well. The riders would have to bond together with others of their kind and try to survive, as well as counter violence from both sides.

I guess the big difference would be the lack of organization within the dragon community, and the enhanced role the 'trainers' would end up getting.
I've often had a somewhat similar idea, I suppose.

Dragons and Humans have never got along, but for the most part, dragons live mostly solitary lives, hunting in and defending a large territory. Humans, however, see dragons as a threat, and many have sent warriors or even armies to hunt dragons. In order to try to quell the violence and bloodshed, a group of dragons finally got together and agreed on a strategy... to plant dragon eggs, so that young, impressionable humans could raise and bond with newborn dragons. The idea being that eventually these humans could rise to power within the human community and begin to change opinions all around. Obviously now, the powers that be soon began to see these "dragon riders" also as an additional threat, and began to hunt them down as well. The riders would have to bond together with others of their kind and try to survive, as well as counter violence from both sides.

I guess the big difference would be the lack of organization within the dragon community, and the enhanced role the 'trainers' would end up getting.
... That's strange, I came up with that idea just today ._.

Wow.... I was just thinking about making a dragon thread also, with lungs, Europeans, Frosts, Knucklers, ect. It'd be a Dragonology thread, and you'd be either a young Dragonologist or a dragon...

I'd join, Bakuphoon!
Okay, so I'm done with the story and plot and tuff, but I have to go for school soon. Glad you like it, people ^^
Err, I'm going to post that RP after this one, as it is finished much sooner.

For thousands of years, Werewolves and Vampires have been enemies, killing eachother coldly. Now, this is brought to the Pokémon world. Where peace once were, the evil roams. Humans and normal Pokémon are almost extinct, killed by creatures so vicious and bloodthirsty, you could never imagine. They tear you apart, drink your blood, eat your flesh and chew your bones till there’s nothing left. The only protection the humans have, are they trusted Pokémon who would never leave them for anything, the light and the hope. However, hope there is little of, the light is gone and can only be seen by those with true hope, and most of the Pokémon are not to be trusted, they flee.

You are basicly either a Werewolf, a Vampire, Half-Werewolf, Human or Pokémon.

The Werewolves are canine, lupine or feline Pokémon that have turned were either by being born so, or bitten by a werewolf. They usually live in the forest, preying on weaker and stronger animals in a pack. Werewolves fear fire, not light, as it might set fire on their homes and their fur will buuuurrnn!! They are normal Pokémon at day (though they might have some distinguishing features that shows that they are werewolves or half-weres, like bigger fangs, bigger claws etc. and werewolves at night (They change to a more vicious and bigger creature. They often have changed colour (like an Espeon might turn black or grey (Colours of wolves, like brown, grey, black, white, orange and golden. It may also be varied))) they have bigger fangs and claws etc. And their eyes are always red at night.

The Vampires are undead Pokémon or humans that live on blood from other creatures. They bite the victim, the victim becomes paralyzed after 5 minutes so that the vamp can suck blood out of it in peace, then when they are finished, the victim will come in a zombie-like state (In other words, it will become limp and will not be able to think on it's own. It will be able to move, but veeeryy slowly, and the vampire that bit it will be able to control it) then dies after 1 hour. The zombies are, however, not aggressive unless they are told to by their master, even if you hit it several times with a club.(There is a cure to turn you back human or Pokémon, though, but that's a plant living in the werewolves forest.) Back to the Vampires, they fear light most of all, so a good ol' flash will be a good repel from them. They live in the sewers and underground so beware there, sometimes, at night, they come out to roam the streets.

The Half-Weres are humans and non-canine, lupine and feline Pokémon that have been bitten by a Werewolf. If you are bitten by one, you may turn into a half-were yourself, however lupine, canine and feline you are. Half-weres often have small fangs, claws and some other things, like red eyes. Yes, all half-weres have red eyes.

Humans are... normal people. You can have Pokémon, but you don't have any Pokéballs, so the only thing that bonds you and your Pokémon is your trust to each other and your friendship, in other words, your Pokémon may abandon you anytime. You are hunted on by Werewolves for your flesh and Vampires for your blood, so are your Pokémon.

The Pokémon are Pokémon. You may also be with a human, preferably someone elses character.
Wow. This became much longer than I thought, and I'm not even finished with it o.O
I call a ... Er, choices, choices. XD Werewolf Pokeom? Or regular Pokemon who gets bitten? Hm... Argh, too many good RPs being thrown around here. I want to join so many. x_x
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