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Idea Center

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I was just wondering, but would anyone be intrested in an Anime Style Night Crow and Light Fang Digimon Tournament RP?[/phewthat'salot] I'd rather not make another RP if no one's interested. By 'Anime', I'm referring mostly to Data Squad/Savers.
RuneScape? Probably, as long as we get to use our real characters. But it's not guaranteed I'll join if it's made.
Bwarg. =_= I've fallen into a large RP funk and I think I need something simple and Pokemony to get back on my game... throw ideas at me?
I've posted this idea at 3 other forums what feels like a long time ago (but the most recent posting was 3 months ago). So... time for one more posting here, yay.

Steelfount is a broken city. Many Pokemon and people live in it's confines. This city is crowded, poor, and impoverished. Many people and Pokemon are homeless, living in alleys between grimy apartment complexes, or even on the streetfronts. Crime is rampant. All hope is lost for those homeless, and it doesn't seem much better for the people within their small, cramped, and dirty apartments. Shanty towns appear outside town.

this RP details the lives of people and Pokemon living the the city i described above. you can choose to be a human or a Pokemon. remember that this city is essentially a dystopia. life is dreary, dangerous, and dull. seems easy, right? well, for the most part it is. no legendaries, and keep in mind we are in a city. Feel free to be a part of the city's administration, mayor, cop, and whatnot. And said folks' Pokemon. Pokemon cannot talk directly with humans, and humans cannot talk directly with Pokemon.

I am aware the grammar is iffy in the second paragraph, but this was originally made like, 4 years ago, back when I only used proper(-ish) grammar for RPing, but enough of my old grammar habits, any interest out there?
Yes, a little. Although I'm wondering..... What about pokemon that fully understand human speech like Lucario?
Me too. I've always liked tough RPs where you struggle to survive. Except this time I won't care too much if my character dies. I'll just make a new one. :)
OK, then. I need a good name. I had previously used Pokemon: City of Ruin, but that feels old now.

And hopefully someone wants to be the mean oppressors.
I was thinking something along the lines of "The Fight to Survive" or something that shows the struggle between Pokemon and Humans.
There's no real struggle between Pokemon and humans, though. Its open-ended, though, so feel free to make some hate. If anything, the struggle would be between the citizenry and the ruling class.
Oh. Then it could be something like The Dying City or The Somber Population.
EDIT: Or The Somber City or The Dying Population.
Or it could be the Dying Population of The Somber City or The Somber Population of the Dying City! :D
Yes that'll work. I'll get it up now...

Edit: Call me crazy, but today I got the urge for a RP that takes place in a rather cold world. I have the setting(-ish), now I need a premise.
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