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Idea Center

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We need a new Pokemon RPG. Any ideas for plots? I'm sort of generic at the moment but I'll think of something, and then you guys can help me improve on it! ;D

*Just give me ideas, not plots.*
Here's my idea.

All over the world, there are creatures called Pokemon. Humans capture and train them to excel on their own journeys. Everything is peaceful, with the exception of Team Galactic and a few arguments.

But now, trouble is upon us. Humans are driving Pokemon out of their homes, and Galactic is catching Pokemon to be slaves. Those crueler than imaginable kill Pokemon on the spot, for no clear reason.

You have a mission. You can either be on the humans' side, doing bad things to Pokemon, or you can be on the Pokemon's side, protecting yourselves and attempting to endure the humans attacking you.

Humans on the Pokemon's side do not actually live with the Pokemon, but they protest against the killings and cruelty.

Pokemon on the Pokemon's side live in the wild, trying to protect themselves against the humans.

Humans on the humans' side attempt animal cruelty on Pokemon.

Pokemon on the humans' side are used as hunters, tracking wild Pokemon and letting the trainer do things to them.

It's time to choose your destiny!
It just connected perfactly in my head. With the trainer, and the wild Pokemon, and the trainer's Pokemon watching... It just felt natural. :P

Maybe I should write about this.

You weirdo. XP

Now that I think about it...

I need a title. XP
I like your idea, Cryptica. I was thinking "The Battle Between Love and War", but that's only because it sounds kind of hippie-ish to me =p.
Up for the "The City of Dragonflies" thing. If I was in it I would be the young, immature, game playing idiot X3.
I think that "The City of Dragonflies" would be a good name.
I had an RP named that. But it wasn't like yours

I thought it had been used before.

I'm probably gonna go with "The Town of Dragonflies." I think it fits better, seeing as it's not too populated or anything. ^^
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