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Search results

  1. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    ah fuck i forgot to say: A panel lifts up next to the bloody message, revealing what it really says. "Not everyone is Electrode."
  2. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    fuck you i wasn't sleeping
  3. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    Another night passes in Ohmtown. The residents sleep easy, knowing that nobody can really harm them at night. It had to be some sort of misunderstanding, right? The only killers here just have a propensity for exploding, right? The town is shocked to find that is not the case. Ysabel has...
  4. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    don't spam fam i can't process actions if i'm sleeping
  5. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    day's over vote counts are final
  6. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    i was gonna do a votecount but sleeby i'll prolly be back to do the boring thing later
  7. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    eastern ok
  8. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    noon tmrw est 11 CENTRAL not est. timezones still hard
  9. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    this is the wrong account isn't it.
  10. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    oh wait you said mafia.
  11. RNP

    Power Plant Pokemafia

    vm/mf/zm/anyone else who has a 2-letter acronym for their name
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