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Search results

  1. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    (Sorry, didn't mean to drop off the face of the planet. ) Sniper continued to stroll through the BLU base at his leisure, noticing that a few people had followed and tried to look around themselves. He watched as they looked, noting where the looked for the gear. He smiled sadly as they...
  2. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Sniper glanced over at Pyro, patting him on the shoulder. "Pyro could lead you into the RED Base, I'll go into the BLU base with whomever wants to come. Tip though, ask the Engineer if he has come across any odd gears. Might prove to bear fruit." Sniper then turns and starts for the BLU base...
  3. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Sniper licked one of his fangs when Solly stomped off, glancing over at the small girl with a grin. "Friend...yes, yes, my friend is loud. But he means...ok, he doesn't mean well but he's ok none the less." He then turns his attention back to Solly and smiles, wrapping his arm back around his...
  4. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "Now now Solly, no need to be rude to the small girl. She's a very curious Shelia. As for the people here with me...well, they are here for a very unique mission. You see, there is this world ending device that needs to be destroyed...and t has been, sort of. I'm not too sure about all this, all...
  5. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "No shelia, this is 2Fort." Sniper folds his arms and smiles up at the bases, the dust in the air finally settling. He wasn't sure what the light show was all about, but it did bring them back to 2Fort to look for these gear things. He then chuckles as a thought struck him. "Hopefully the...
  6. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "Ah Piss!" Sniper clapped his hands over his ears when the high pitched wail was sent through the airwaves as a means to get everyone's attention. He closed his eyes and cringed from the sound, a soft inadvisable whine leaving him. Once the noise stopped, he removed his hands and was greeted...
  7. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Sniper looks back to the group, a concerned look on his face now that they were planning on how to kill the people in his world. Granted that his job is to kill people on his base everyday, but that didn't make much of a splash due to respond. "Mates. You need to slow down a bit. Just because...
  8. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "Sniping a Sniper. Good luck with that one, Mate. Give us even the slightly hint of flesh and you'll have a bullet or arrow through it." Sniper shakes his head and chuckles softly, glancing at the Pyro as he explained whom could use the bridge. He then starts to mention the 'Heavy and Medic'...
  9. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Sniper smiles down at his RED friend, lifting a hand and made the 'Calm down' motion to him. He then turns to the group and smiled his sly 'Dingo' smile, crossing his arms over his chest. "2Fort. Well, I suppose I could share a bit of the place. It is two identical bases, one with the RED stamp...
  10. Sylph

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "Tsk tsk, seems I may be late..." A tall thin man strolls through the grassy field, glancing at the area around him with mild interest as he passed. He smiled sadly at the scene of peace and green terrain, a complete mirrored situation that he has grown accustomed to back in the world of...
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