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Open When the Worlds Need Us

Lucidia started walking towards the edge of the nearest wall. She didn't know how big this place was, but it might be useful to learn. Not to mention the fact that there might be machine pieces stuck in holes below the wall somewhere. All the possibilities together still left a chance for an unsuccessful search, though, so she couldn't really expect to finish the mission at the first sight of soft ground.

"I can phase into the walls and check the inside a bit," Lightning's five heads offered, interrupting Lucidia's thoughts. The scout gave an approving nod, and the hellspawn swiftly faded out of view - the color faded from her outlines, and then she was gone altogether.

The electric-colored blob quickly materialized a short distance away, except she was hard to see because she was inside the wall. It was made of stone, which was rather uncomfortable for her, but she used her ten eyes to spot around. Upon closer examination, any rust proved to just be disintegrated iron on the rocks. Slightly disappointed but not giving up, Lightning phased about three meters to the right for a different angle - hellspawns weren't capable of teleporting far distances at once, unlike wrecktors and the like, which left her at a weakness. If anyone decided to attack her through the wall, it would also be trouble; not only because she had relatively low hitpoints compared to other monsters, but also because most of the Crack and Zap skills - that is, ice and lightning - would be capable of destroying the walls and attracting unnecessary attention. With this scenario, Lightning had to be as sneaky as a yellow ghost could.
"Split up?"

"Split up."

With a nod, X turned and dove into the water when Zero slowly walked to 2fort itself. It doesn't really matter where I start... Zero thought to himself. He made a turn to the right and and searched for an entrance into the base there.

Meanwhile, X walked along the the bottom, running his boots along the muck. He watched as the mud swirled up and carefully listened for the telltale clink of metal hitting metal.
Cecill's glove struck something hard. He yanked on it, eventually it came loose. DANG IT! He thought, groaning. Yet another piece of broken pipe. He chucked it over his shoulder and ignored it, proceding to dig. After a few seconds of digging, his Aqualung started beeping, he was down to his last minute of air. He shook his head and swam up. Breaking the surface, he spat out the Aqualung and put on the rest of his armor. While the Aqualung refilled with air, he would be over in the red base, looking around. He entered, passing the man with the saw and heading down the stairs towards the sewars.
It was time to get busy.
Bonecrusher found that driving around the outside of the fortresses was quite a hassle, as the space was somewhat tight for a vehicle of his size. Logic dictated that moving about in his robot form would be no easier. If anything, it would increase the chances of breaking things that really shouldn't be broken. Said things wouldn't necessarily be alive.

This form is far too... ungainly for this world, he thought, I would trans-scan a vehicle if I found one, but then I probably wouldn't be recognizable by the other Constructicons, unless I found this vehicle again... and that might take some time.
"Very vell," the Medic replied, "But vhat are they looking for? I have seen absolutely nothing of interest. Just a base-"
A man got out of the water and walked right past him, "HEY! Hey! Vhere are you going?!", the Medic shouted after him, "Ah vell, nothing dangerous there. I think. Anyvay, feel free to look and see, our glorious base. I am but a little busy, Herr Pyro can give you ze tour."

"Umm... OK, thanks.", Caeda answered, "So... Pyro, where to?"

Footsteps. KOS-MOS heard footsteps. She looked down the tunnel from which she came, but that wasn't it. They were coming from somewhere beyond the other tunnel. Knowing that this place was under a tentative ceasefire, she slowly walked through the other tunnel to a flight of stairs. KOS-MOS was about to turn her right hand into a blade, but stopped when she recognized the human as being from the group.
"Have you uncovered the objects yet?", KOS-MOS asked of him.
"Had a look-see in the water, didn't see anything so I thought that the next logical place would be here, seeing as it's pretty small and stuff." He said to the girl, before tapping at the wall. "Huh...run scan for flaws in the wall." Several results came up, most of them tiny dents that were too small to hide stuff in. "Search for holes bigger than 2 centimeters in diameter." He commanded. The search narrowed down to two results. One was a ways back in the wall, another down the far end near the stairs. "Huh..." He turned back and headed to the small hole. "Run scan of area in line of vision" The small camera in his helmet took in the area. "Nope, this hole is only inch-deep. The other one then" He turned and headed to the stairs at the far end.
Another useless cog dug up. "I don't think they're down here. Let's try something else. Quagsire, Ludicolo, let's go." The trio swam upwards, surfaced next to the bridge, and climbed out. They Pokemon shook the water off while Zero took off his breathing device and stuck it back in his jacket. "Okay, you guys are done," and with that, Zero called back the two Pokemon into their balls.

Zero reached down to his belt and pulled out a black ball with green circles on it (Dusk Ball). He threw it, and out came a purple balloon creature with a white "crest" and four flaps that looked like they were used as hands. "Drifblim, can you give me a quick air dry?" Drifblim did just that; he blew a gust of wind at Zero and he was totally dry. "Thank you. Now..." Zero took yet another ball off his belt, this one half-red and half-white (plain Pokeball), and when he threw that one, a crimson, bipedal bug creature with huge claws emerged. "Scizor, you and Drifblim take to the skies and search the area from the air. I'm going to make my way down to the sewers. If you're attacked, use any method of offense or defense that you see fit. Understand?" Both Pokemon made sounds of compliance, and flew up into the air.

Zero walked over to his shirt and jacket and put them back on. Okay then. Now the real fun starts Before setting off, he took one more ball off of his belt, this one with a white half and a half with a green camo pattern on it (Safari Ball). Zero tossed it and released a beast that looked like a kangaroo on steroids (Kangaskhan). Just in case. "Let's go." Zero headed into the red base and down some stairs, Kangaskhan in tow, passing both the cyborg thing and the alien that had gone underwater with him along the way.
Cecill turned when he heard footsteps. The kid with the Pokémon had come down, followed by a large, brown kangaroo...thing with a lil baby in it's pouch. "Well, I better get back to that hole. He walked the seven steps to the second hole, and discovered it when deeper then his fingers could reach. "Run scan of area in line of vision" The scan results again came up with nill, the crack in the wall went in about three inches, widened for a bit then ended. He doubted that the cog was in there, but he shone his helmet lamp in the hole anyway.
Arctus glided back out of the deep crack in the wall he had been searching and looked up at the sky, 'where the heck are these gears? are they all gears? maybe there aren't even here...' thoughts raced through his head then he noticed the small blue thing climb onto the back of the car, 'must be one of those two big machines' he ignored it and turned back into a shadow and moved down into the sewers.
"OOH TINY PYRO GO SHOW SNIPER TINY FRIENDS" Heavy exclaimed and grabbed Pyro and ran up the stairs to the Sniper Deck.

"HUDDA HUDDA!" Pyro eclaimed being drug.

"What you say? Sniper is with you? Oh. We go see HardyHead now!" Heavy drug Pyro back down the stairs, and down some more into engie's workshop, and the group with him slowly followed.

((Some one NP play Engineer. Someone who knows the Engie thing.))
Caeda was about to follow the big strong man who had picked Pyro up and was now dragging him like a doll to someplace within the base.

"Ah, ja, zat is Heavy.", Medic explained, "He can be a bit... ah... heavy-handed? Hahaha! Off to ze workings now. Good luck."
And the Medic trodded off in a different direction.

She then heard something in the opposite direction. Turning, Caeda saw a man from their group with a large creature following him, the odd-looking one who had jumped into the water, and the blue-haired girl.
"Hey! We're over here, ah, umm... I'm kinda bad with names, hehe.", she called out and waved at them, "Anyway, we're going this way now."

KOS-MOS heard a shout from a familiar voice. She turned to see Caeda and some of the locals.
"Understood.", KOS-MOS replied, "I am commonly addressed by my short name, KOS-MOS.", and she walked over and followed Heavy.
Zero stopped when he heard someone call "We're over here!" He turned and saw a girl from the group. "Hey, whatever-your-name-is. I'm Zero, for future reference. And this creature with me is Kangaskhan. We're heading for the sewers. If you want to follow along, feel free." He wasted no time, and continued on as soon as he said everything he needed to stay.

Scizor and Drifblim were still flying around the sky. They were speaking with each other in the Pokemon language. Scizor turned to Drifblim. "This isn't getting us anywhere. Drifblim, you're a ghost; why don't you fly down and look inside the walls, or something? I'll keep the search going up here." Drifblim figured this course of action would cover more ground than if both of them were in the air, so he replied with a simple "All right." Drifblim lowered down to the ground, phased out, and flew straight into and through the wall of the red base, starting at ground level and working his way up.
"Nothing" Cecill mumbled. He turned away from the stairs and sat down. "Where could they possibly be?" He wondered.
Ravage was prowling around the inside of the blue colored base when he received the signal of an incoming transmission. Answering the transmission, he was immediately met with an irritated Bonecrusher.

"There's nothing here," he snarled, "I've gone through the entire exterior of this place and have found nothing. Not a single part that could go to the machine."

"Calm down," Ravage said, "These forts are very large; chances are that we haven't even seen the more widespread area of where the part is."

"Be that as it may, I continue to think that this world in itself is a dead-end, and that had we started off somewhere else, we would have made far more progress."

"Look at it this way: we've found no opposition either," Ravage offered, not paying attention as he yet again walked past a tiny black spider, "if we continue to not face any opposition, this could be much easier than we thought it would."
Clara flinched as she saw the floating heads fly into the wall, then disappear and leave the Charmeleon wondering wherever the yellow ghost could be.

Quite odd and powerful, though it is sad if we would lose the heads. Perhaps it was intentional, though, as it would also be bad if you couldn't tell where he/she/it was.

I do not know the gender or names of her friends.

"What are the names and/or genders of your friends, Lucidia? I do not know."

Did she announce them? Am I always zoning out?

Yes. It is a weak point.

"Also, do they battle? It would be beneficial if I trained against other species. In fact, if I battle enough, I might even evolve! The pride of being a charizard..."

I would love to have that pride. I will not be disgraced by staying in this form.

You know, you're only level 17. One battle will not make you evolve.

((With battles, could Clara level up and evolve? How often?))
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Lucidia turned to the red lizard - the reptile had asked a question, and like always it was polite to answer it... so of course the scout did just that.

"The yellow one who just went through the wall is Lightning. She's female. And that big rooster over there - he's Dorchet ... and last but not least, Blackstar is the male blue star thing behind me." As she mentioned each team member, she made small hand motions towards them to indicate their presence.

At the mention of his name, Dorchet turned a bit more towards Lucidia, and gave a little smile - or whatever a chicken would call a smile. Blackstar just let his satellite orbit like always, as if he didn't care.
((You can if you want, but judging by the current level of your character it will have to take some time))

Twice now had the black spider seen the mechanical feline prowling through the fort. Several others of its kind had noted other, out of place beings in the area, and relayed that information to this black spider. The black spider now had enough reason to relay its information to its master.

Slipping into a minute crack in a wall, the black spider began to concentrate on the information that it had seen. It then focused on one other spider in the hive mind not at this area: that particular one resided with its master. Doubtless that it would receive the information and its master act on it.

But how its master would act on it, the spider did not know

In a dark chamber of a cave where the light of day knew no meaning, the steady glow of three candles provided illumination for the beings that remained hidden within the cavern.

One of those three beings held a black spider in his palm that was slightly larger than those at the fortress. Gently placing the spider on top of a long table in the chamber, the being's right arm began to glow. Upon this glow, a dark web emerged from the spider's mouth, and began to display images that the smaller spiders had seen.

Once the display had ended, the being turned to three more that stood in front of him. Then, he spoke:

"At last... they have fallen into place... those that desire the parts."

He let off a small laugh, "And in doing so, they play right into our hands. Nothing in that world remains but their death."

One of the beings that the first one faced stepped forward, saying "I'll go. I haven't yet found any parts... this way, I can at least perform some sort of service to you."

The first being laughed again. "Your loyalties always please me... very will, you will be the first... Aport!"

At this, the one that had volunteered slowly vanished, as if he were dissolving. After he had completely vanished, one of the other two beings growled softly. This did not go unnoticed.

"Do you object? Did you want to be the one that made the first move?"

The other being then spoke, "No, he's just certain that he isn't going to make it very far at all. Even though-"

"I am well aware of the problem he has... and the ones that he will cause. I have... my own means for solving that."

At this, he held up a small card. Displayed on that card was the image of a strange, demonic creature.

"Let them be lead into the inferno..."
Ravage's continued search was suddenly interrupted by a blip.

This particular blip came from his radar, and normally it would have made no difference to him. It would have been just like any other.

Except that this one had appeared completely out of nowhere, and well inside the range of his radar.

He sent a transmission to Bonecrusher, and was met with a less-than impressed response:

"That blip on your radar was caused by a fleshling. I can see that fleshling even now."

"What kind of fleshling is able to suddenly appear inside the range of a radar?" Ravage pointed out, "It could be some kind of advanced-"

He was cut off by a sudden yell of shock from Bonecrusher. At the same time, another noise, or rather, series of noises caught his attention.

Those noises were a sudden mass of blips as countless other beings appeared inside of the range of his radar, all at once.
(I'm gonna go ahead and bail. Someone can have Gohan or you can make him die if you want.)

EDIT: Nevermind, I thought it wasn't going to go anywhere without MG, but it seems as if we've got it under control. Back in if that's okay?
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(Sorry, didn't mean to drop off the face of the planet. )

Sniper continued to stroll through the BLU base at his leisure, noticing that a few people had followed and tried to look around themselves. He watched as they looked, noting where the looked for the gear. He smiled sadly as they searched and found nothing. After a few moments of calm watching, he strolls toward the Engineer's workshop and opened the door, ducking the flying wrench coming for his head.

"Who's try'n to interrupt me now!"

"I come in peace and hopes of finding a object."

"...RED Sniper? The hell you want. Soldier already told us about the ceasefire and civvies outside."

Sniper chuckles and slipped into the room, looking around the shop aimlessly. He stopped when he came across a pile of scrap metal, kneeling down and starts to root through it.

"Well, the civvies and I are looking for a special gear that may or may not be in this world of ours. Do you mind me looking for it?"

The Engineer grumbled a bit, unease with the Sniper rooting through his equipment and messing around with the arrangement. After a few moments of internal struggle, he nods to Sniper and returns to working on his sentry.
This doesn't make sense, Ravage thought, If there was another Space Bridge, I would have noted the necessary energy fluctuations. I would have felt any sort of power surge if it had been a portal, and that's necessary in order to get to within the range of my radar that instantaneously... isn't it?

Ravage thought the possibilities over. An individual form of teleportation would be a good theory, but he doubted that all those targets would have been able to perform a mass teleport at once without causing some sort of alert.

So what was it?

I need to radio Bonecrusher again, Ravage decided, Maybe he can-


The sudden tremor threw Ravage off balance. The symbiont fell ungracefully to the ground, but quickly jumped back up, realizing that whatever had just appeared had caused something.

But what it had caused remained to be seen.
Several Minutes earlier

A lone human stood on top of the red-colored fortress, and surveyed the land below him. This human, clad in a black cloak with red cloud markings, could see that there were several beings in this world that were not part of what he called... the normal frame.

So, these are the heathens I'll have to kill, the human known as Hidan thought, now I can show him just how loyal I am to his cause... and that I can drag those that oppose him to hell.

Hidan started to jump, but suddenly became aware of a presence behind him.

Turning around to attack, he found himself facing a slew of strange creatures; four different species in total. There were a good twelve Infernity Beetles, ten Infernity Beasts, eight Infernity Demons and four Infernity Destroyers. It was quite a foreboding crew. Hidan recognized what they were instantly

"So, that damn leader doesn't think I can win on my own, then?" Hidan muttered, "So be it, then. I will still show them the powers that hell can grant..." at these words he looked at the infernal creatures, "and I will show them the power of Jashin." He then shot his arm in the air, declaring: "Show these heathens your power! Attack!"

At these words, he leaped down to the ground, and at the same time, one of the Demons created a violet diagram in between his hands, and at the same time, a much larger version of the diagram appeared in front of the blue-colored base. Moments later, a fireball the size of the diagram erupted from the circle and impacting the base, creating the explosion that knocked Ravage off his feet.

Bonecrusher took notice of this instantly, and took action: his right arm shifted a few times to reveal a cannon, and he pointed the cannon in the air and fired. A blast of energy shot straight up into the sky, a plain indication that the battle had begun.
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