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Open When the Worlds Need Us

The blue beast was only briefly fazed by the combined efforts of Moonwing and Lucidia, but the two purple monsters - while not being harmed too much by the Firepunch - were now even more irate than they were before. The two purple beasts looked at the remaining four blue creatures, and nodded as one.

All the remnants jumped once, and smashed into the ground with intense force. The resulting stomp generated a massive shockwave, and Bonecrusher had to dig his tires into the ground to stop himself from toppling over, while Ravage jumped up and shifted to reentry mode to protect himself. Neither Cybertronian knew how their allies could defend themselves from this giant earthquake.
Meta was thrown off his feet by the massive earthquake that those things had created. The former Freelancer hit the ground hard, and was clearly shaken upon getting up.

Snarling what were undoubtedly choice curses, Meta thought the situation over. He could easily abandon these weaklings and find Washington again - the two could continue their search from there - but these beasts were no better than those aliens at Sandtrap. They had challenged him, and he had to respond accordingly.

The Meta did not fire any weapon, but instead just stood his ground, and suddenly vanished. Unseen, he could now make his move.

Clara jumped up as the nidoking used earthquake, missing it for a few seconds. Clara flapped her arms futily, trying to prolong her flight. She fell to the ground and got hit by the earthquake, getting bruised and battered by the super effective attack. She jumped back up again and again before it stopped.

If I was a charizard, I'd be immune to that.

The fire type stood up, slightly aching, but she was proud.

I did not faint! From two nidoking!

She did another dragon dance. It was slightly painful, but the charmeleon managed.

Special attacks then. Dragon rage affects them enough.

Clara breathed out another dragonrage at the second nidoking.

Just don't use earthquake again...
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"Wooahaahh!" Cecill stumbled backwards and fell, landing on his backside. "Alright, pests. That did it." He got up and grabbed his rifle. Before he could charge, Vile stepped in. He pointed to the beasts, made the sign for "huge", then pointed at Cecill and made the sign for "small"
"Don't worry, Vile. I've fought bigger...albiet, I did have Grenades, and a Medic with me, but still, this time there are giant robots and dragons so.." He shook his head and took aim. "Eat this!" He fired, but the shot just bounced harmlessly off the blue hide, leaving nought but a small black mark. "Oh...fudge."


Vile, meanwhile, didn't see the point of worry. Earthquake wasn't that strong, even Fire Punch was much more powerful. He thought for a moment. "No moves I know are good against Poison Types...but Psychics are...I wonder if Mimo is still at the zoo?" Vile ran quickly past the battle, to the zoo. He found the Mr. Mime sitting in his garden. "Hey Mimo!" Vile called
"Oh, hey Vileplume! What's up?" Mimo asked.
"A bunch of Nidoqueen and Nidoking are messing about and loads of people are trying to fight them, and there arn't any psychics!" Vile explained.
"I'd help, but I can't get ou-" He stopped mid sentance. Vile's Acid attack melted the fence easy.
"Now come on, Mimo, we have to help!"

The two Pokémon ran through the streets, finally arriving at the scene of battle. Mimo quickly made a gesture with his hands, and a blue shield shot up, covering most of the combatatants. Then, with a flick of his wrist, one Nidoking was sent flying into a wall.
"This should be fun!" Mimo chuckled. Vile nodded exitedly.
Caeda's pegasus suddenly lifted off. She wasn't sure why, until she looked down and noticed intense shaking on the ground.
"An... earthquake?", Caeda pondered out loud, "They are quite strong..."
Then, she had an idea. Perhaps a risky one, but there really wasn't that much else she could do against them.
Caeda pointed her spear towards the closest blue one's head, "There!", she shouted.
The pegasus obliged and flew full speed at the monster's head. Caeda aimed her spear for the eyes.

KOS-MOS turned her sights towards another one of the beasts and opened fire, but sudden tremors shot her accuracy percentages way down. She phased out the two cannons and her right hand transformed, but this time into a large blade. KOS-MOS then attempted to make the approach, but the shaking made movement too difficult and instead she fell forward.

Clara seemed to be the only one affected by the earthquake!!!

Type disadvantages are weak. I must be rid of them!!!

Clara stumbled over to Vileplume and the mr. mime.

"Hey Vile, hello Mr. Mime. Nice to meet you. I guess I was the only one here to be hurt by the earthquake, huh? Type disadvantages are terrible."

Clara did yet another dragon dance.

It's better to just brush it off.

She let the flames run out fiercely from her mouth. As soon as she finished her dragonrage, she ran up again with a firepunch.

This is a stupid idea. Punch it and run!!!

Again. The firepunch did little. But at least Clara managed to dodge the counterattack of the nidoking and run back to her friends.

"I guess I should just use dragonrage, right Vile?"
"If you wanna keep your skin from that gang, you used ranged attacks. Not close-up ones." Mimo explained. "Alright, gimme a second..ok, there, I used Reflect and Light Screen, that will stop the attacks from hurting as much. Now, shall we get back to fighting?"
He turned and raised his hands. A jolt of electricity jumped forwards, striking one of the Nidoqueen. It didn't flinch, the Thunderbolt hadn't effected it at all!
"Oh, dear. Psychic, then..." He raised his hands again, and the Nido he'd sent flying into the wall took a trip to the sky, and down again. He landed with a tremendous THUD, and was KO'd after a quick Dig attack from Vileplume.
Vile nodded. "This is fun, let's do it again sometime!"


Cecill groaned as he picked himself out of the cliff. That blue dino thing was tough! He raised his rifle again, and set the sniper scope. He knelt down for better accuracy, aimed for the eyes, and fired.
The combined attacks sent all of the beasts backwards. Those that could get up staggered to their feet, yet again looked at one another, and charged. Bonecrusher and Ravage readied their weapons, and-

Neither had any idea what had happened, but one moment the beasts were charging, the next, all of them were suddenly sprawled onto the ground. The white-armored thing that had been there earlier was standing in front of them, as if in triumph.
Seconds Earlier:

The Meta knew that he would be taking a huge chance by using this next power. The last time he had tried to use it, he had caught himself in an inversion, which had taken time to wear off.

But here, it was worth it. These things were beginning to make their attacks more focused, and could actually overwhelm these weaklings. Meta couldn't have that, not when he had a chance to make up for what had happened... at Avalanche.

The Meta activated the unit. Within a moment, everything had slowed down to a crawl.

If he had Gamma, he could pick off each of those monsters at his leisure. But a chance for that had been snatched away from him a long time ago, and now he would have to act fast to kill these beasts before time sped up again.

Meta aimed his cannon at each of the beasts and methodically fired. Several rounds struck each of them, brutally wounding them before their bodies could even register it. The moment he fired at the last beasts, time returned to normal, and Meta now found himself staring at each of the ones that had been designated enemies by his employer.

He could fight. But he had just used his time-distorter, and was exhausted. So instead, he took a different option: placing his cannon on his back while activating the transmitter on one of his shoulders. This would send a signal to Washington, one that would tell him "back off, I've got it under control."

Meta could easily flee if things got nasty, after all. But for now, he could take a chance to help himself, and maybe his employer, if the situation provided.

The nidokings quickly fell to the invisible force of her previous enemy. Even if if was an enemy that dealt the final blow, the experience was just as good and levelled her up just the same.

Twenty now! Twelve levels to evolution!

Clara walked over to her foe, extending her hand.

"Hello, ally. I guess were were on the same side this once. Congrats on dealing the final blow. Also, thanks for levelling me up!"

The charmeleon gave a smirk to her previous attacker on her last sentence.
Meta turned his head to one side at the sight of the red lizard. He had seen the thing fighting the blue and purple beasts, so he knew it wasn't on their side, but all the same....

He reached for the trigger on his cannon, but an incoming call from Washington stopped him short.

"Meta, what the hell do you think you're doing? If you've taken care of the hostiles, get back here! We need to keep up the search! We need to-"

Meta cut off the connection. Making a low growl, he turned and sarted to walk, only to be stopped short by the robotic cat.

"I don't know who or what you are, but I think you owe us at least an explanation for bringing those things on us. What exactly were they, and why were they chasing you?"
Washington sighed after the Meta hung up on him. Turning to Galacta, he said, "Our ranks may have just dropped by one. Meta isn't responding to the contact... I houldn't be surprised, given all that's happened."

He started to move, "That means we have to pick up the search where he left it... which is likely where he encountered the hostiles. And given the circumstances, we probably need to move quickly."
In the cavern again, the being had watched the entire conflict unfold with an almost resigned feeling. He had expected Agent Maine to make such a move, given all that had happened to him, but he hadn't imagined that it would be when he was right near the enemy group.

"Maine... you never cease to surprise me. I think that whatever your next move will be, I will enjoy watching it. In the meantime..."

He turned around. "In the meantime, Washington and Galacta Knight will merely have to make do without you... something that I think they are capable of."
The white-armored being stood silent for several long moments. Then, it took a strange rectangular device and activated it, bringing a holographic display on the device. After that, Ravage heard the sentence he had jsut said being replayed on the device, and then he heard a new sentence, in his own voice, emerging:

"I don't owe an explanation."

Both Cybetronians were taken aback by this.

"Would it be so hard to speak normally? I don't think I've heard you say anything except those growls since I've seen you."

The being groweled in response. "I'll take that as a 'no' then," Ravage said, clearly disgruntled.
Galacta Knight rolled his eyes. "Oh, bother. That's one less weakling we have to fret over."

He lifted from the ground and glided after Washington as he walked away.

"Suppose our friend has been slaughtered by those beasts? We had ought to dispose of the body once the conflict dies down, should anyone from that city happen upon it," said Galacta Knight, his matter-of-fact tone doing nothing to hide his wishful glee at the thought. "Good riddance to that fool, getting caught up in the beasts' attack on our adversaries."
"Oh, Meta's not dead," Washington said darkly, "I don't know what he was up against, but I can tell you from personal experience that it takes a lot to kill him. Furthermore, he answered the call, and dropped it just as easily. Odds are he's used this battle as an opportunity to escape from us. It wouldn't be the first time he's pulled such a trick."

He paused to activate a tracking device in his helmet, which would lead them to where Meta was attacked by the hostiles. "Besides that, if something did seriously hurt him, I would be informed by either our employer, or... something else. Something that all of us Freelancers can use to call for help.

"In any case, we need to get moving. Whatever attacked him, there's a chance that they were guarding the next piece of the machine. And if not, we can at least find out what it was that caused them to attack Meta like that.... as well as finding out what they were in the first place."
Bonecrusher aimed his arm cannon at the creature. "I don't know why he helped us, but I'm positive that this was one of the beings that were on that shoreline earlier. And if he is, then he was definitely working with that winged thing that attacked us. Why should we trust him now?"

Ravage moved in front of the Constructicon. "We don't need to trust him," he said, "but if he is working with our enemy, we can use him to figure out more of their plans."

"Two problems with that: First off, we'd be working with the likely only enemy that we can't understand a single word of. Second off, what if he deliberately did this to try and dupe us into trusting him."

"Then we'll just have to be very wary of him," Ravage growled. Switching to English, he addressed the white-armored being. "I guess in thanks for helping us, you can tag along with our group for a while. But before you do, is there any way you can tell us your name?"

The humanoid paused for a moment, and then took out another holographic projector. This one fast-forwarded through several images, which displayed what Ravage guessed was some sort of attack. Eventually, the images froze on a message carved into a steel wall:

We Are The Meta.

"Well... I guess it's good to meet you... Meta."
In the cave, the being stood up, picked up a lit candelabrum, and began to walk.

Maine's departure from Washington and Galacta Knight was one thing, but this alliance, however temporary, with the enemy was not something he had completely factored into his plan.

And with Hidan still on the move, I believe that we will have to make do with what we have...

He stopped when he reached a chamber that held a single torch in the middle. The being placed the candelabrum nearby the torch, which suddenly blazed on its own. An image appeared in the flames: a dark shape.

"The time will soon come for you to make your move. Attack the heroes the next time that they rest; should this succeed, I may be able to make a personal move in this plan."

((SE, this is what we discussed earlier for the entrance for your other antagonist.))
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