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Open When the Worlds Need Us

"Argh!" Cecill groaned as he watched his rifle sink into the pool. His Aqualung which he had left on the bridge was also gone, it had probably been blasted into the water by an explosion. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man in a black cloak running towards him and armed with a massive tripple-bladed scyth. "Wait for it..." he mumbled to himself. At the last moment, he turned around, pistol drawn, and held down the trigger until the pistol overheated again. The man, riddled with holes in his chest, dropped to the floor. Cecill gave his body a kick, and it landed with an audiable thud outside the BLU base. "Now all I need is my rifle...where'd that guy with the dancing pinapple duck go?"
((Uh... hey. What happened to my icicles, and why does everyone always ignore me in RPs?))

Moonwing cringed as she noticed that two dragon-like creatures were being summoned by one of the beings, and she took cover on the ground. The diamagon ace didn't really have anywhere to hide, but she needed to somehow examine how these dragons worked so she could fight to the best of her ability. For now, she would lay low and check out their fighting styles, and after that she would take advantage of them...

((Sorry, can't do much because no one appears to know that I exist in this RP.))
((Well I guess, your icicles killed the last demon-pup. I mean, demon-pups don't just drop dead, so I'm assuming you got the last one. If you want to be noticed, try killing/crippling one of the dragons?))

Then Cecill looked up. And regreted it. Across from him on top of the RED base were two large dragons. He sighed. Normally, he'd have taken them both on, but his rifle was at the bottom of the river and his pistol would take a moment to recharge. I'm gunna have to jump! Cecill jumped from the roof of the base, splashed into the water and sunk like a stone. He could just see his Aqualung, so he scooped it up and swam, desperatly trying to overwhelm gravity before he drowned. His head reached the surface, and he climbed onto the bridge. He put his helmet down, shoved the Aqualung in his mouth and dived again. This time, he managed to find his rifle. He surfaced again, grunted, and put his Aqualung into his pack. He put on his helmet and grabbed his rifle, then ran for cover as one of the dragons tried to stomp on him.
((I didn't see that one post... now I feel bad about it. They killed at least one of the Beasts *is just digging himself deeper*))

Hidan had just enough time to say "Oh-" right before he was gunned by his target. He was then kicked back further, and hit the ground with a thud.

"Ow! Damn it!"

The man then got up, and charged at the attacker, screaming:

"Do you have any idea how much that hurt, you piece of crap?! Who the hell do you think you are?!" At those words, he swung out with his scythe, and then let the rope attached to it carry the weapon even further beyond its normal range.

Just one hit will be enough, he thought, and then you're as good as dead!
Bonecrusher barely had time to register what just happened when one of the two Dragons reared back, and blasted a stream of blue energy out, and move its head, moving the energy across the battlefield, and tearing up the ground it struck, as well as anything else that would get in its way. The other Dragon flew up into the air, and began to circle around, looking for the most vulnerable target.

"This is bad," Bonecrusher noted, "Very, very bad."

"Those things can't be more powerful than those larger creatures," Ravage offered, "There must be an easy way to-"

He was cut off by the familiar sound of the diagrams forming. While the Dragons had been summoned, the remaining Demons had taken the opportunity to regroup and begin to form diagrams so that they could fire off more of the giant fireballs.

"Ravage, call me pessimistic, but I don't think there's going to be an easy way to do this."
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((Sorry, Darksong))

Gohan watched as the two dragons emerged, indicating that the battle was just getting started. The dragon creature behind him must have suspected the same thing, because she was crouched down, awaiting her chance to strike. "Nice plan, hope it works!" he shouted to her, above the noise of various explosions. If they want to make this more interesting, we can too. he thought, getting into a horse stance. His aura once again grew visible, engulfing him in a rich blue. Dust starting to swirl around him, Gohan's hair started swaying in the artificial breeze. Soon enough, in a quick burst of energy, Gohan's aura turned golden, along with his hair, the shape of which changed. "Showtime."
Moonwing glanced at the human who had called to her. Wasn't that the guy whom she concluded looked familiar before when they were back at the giant tree? At least his hairstyle did. But his appearance suddenly changed, and she was too puzzled to think about anything else. Her lithe tail lashed, and as one of the dragons breathed fire in her direction, she dodged back in a way that rivaled an expert gymnast. As soon as she was out of range of that attack, at least, she examined the huge dragon's tactics. It appears to use fire, so...

Taking a risk but also a golden opportunity, she jumped forward, then launched herself up into the air. With a quick spin, a small mass of water was conjured in front of her, and she made a mid-air maneuver similar to a flip that didn't have much thought put into it, and the blob of water turned into a spout that was sent raging towards the dragon. A mischievous grin pulled at the corner of Moonwing's mouth. A waterspout over land. Something you don't exactly see often. She stayed in the air, where she could quickly dodge oncoming attacks and then retaliate.
One of the Dragons was suddenly struck in the face by a waterspout blasted by the one Ravage identified as moonwing. The attack caused the energy it was blasting abruptly cut off, which then lead to Bonecrusher pelting the creature with energy blasts, only to cease shooting and slide out of the way as two of the Demons returned fire with their attacks.

Unfortunetely, this had the side effect of also catching the attention of the Dragon that had been circling. Finally spotting an opening, it dove down at Moonwing, and then pulled up, blasting a stream of energy at her.

Ravage, meanwhile, was sending a volley of missiles after the Demon. They struck home, and the creature exploded into light, much like the others did.

Four of them to go, he thought, but I don't know how much longer we can drag this on for.
Clara watched with awe at her allies, though she was not that impressed with the dragons themselves.

Dragonites and charizards are much more intimating.

Clara made a slow, careful Dragon Dance, then charged at the dragon, first hitting it with a Thunderpunch, then following up with a Firepunch. Clara breathed a Dragonrage at it before retreating.

Can't let it hit me.

The dragon had let out a roar of rage, which had impressed Clara.

Very intimidating.

He fired a beam of energy at her, the charmeleon responding with running away as fast as she could. It hit the ground, leaving burns on the grass.

Man, that was harsh.

She charged up a thunderpunch and charged at the dog demon.

Another worthy opponent!
Cecill nearly tripped as he dove inside the RED base. Just then, a large tripple-bladed scyth landed in the doorway. "Wait a-" He peered out, the demon's leader was cahrging at him. The weird thing was that he had about eighteen or nineteen holes in his chest. And he was coming at Cecill as if he was fine. "What the hell is going on here?" The man finally reached Cecill, who immediatly let go of the trigger, and grabbed the weapon like a baseball bat. He swung it, knocking his attacker to the ground. "Alrighty, let's see what your own weapon does to you, yeah?" Cecill turned around. The weapon was still embedded in the ground, but Cecill was able to yank it out. He turned back to the man and swung down, hard, ignoring the potentially lethal battle waging outside.

((Second character time, methinks?))

Vileplume looked again. All clear! He scurried up the steps just in time to see a massive fireball hit the doorway. I don't like fire! No no no, don't like fire! He ran out, his huge bag of berries behind him. Suddenly, he fell backwards. He looked up. Oops! He thought as he looked into the face of the Charmeleon.
The dog demon put up a fight, but not too much so that she could ignore it when a vileplume tripped and fell below her.

Clara was puzzled by the vileplume suddenly appearing, and even more with the big bag of berries. But it did mean a new pokemon to the crew, so that was good.

"Hello, vileplume! My name is Clara, and you are? Also, do you like battling?We're part of a battle right now! And after that, we can have a spar! Nothing is better than battling, you know. Also, on battles, we're fighting a dragon right now, but it's not that impressive. How be we show them some power, huh? What level are you at?"

New opponent! Nice. But how did he get here? Oh well. Doesn't matter.

She firepunched the dog demon that she was fighting and it burst into light. Quite odd.
The scythe buried itself into Hidan's chest. There was a pause, and then the man got up, laughing insanely.

"Damned fool," he whispered. He then grabbed the handle of the scythe, and began to wrench it out.

"Oooww..." he winced as he finally removed the weapon from his body. At that point, he glared daggers at the enemy.

"Do you have any understanding of the pain of others, heathen?!" he snarled, readying the scythe for another swing, "Because it seems to me that you do not. The gods condemn those like you to hell, and I..."

He swung the scythe.

"am your guide!"
Bonecrusher blasted another Beast to pieces as another Beast was outed by the lizard creature with a flaming tail. The Constructicon managed to skate backwards a millisecond before the Dragon he had attacked blasted another beam of energy out.

Ravage saw this, and moved to attack the Dragon, but before he could, a fireball launched by a Demon struck the ground inches in front of him, forcing him to leap back, lest the exposure to intense heat melt his chassis.

I'm running out of tricks, he thought as his back opened again for the cannon, someone needs to do something to kill at least one of those Dragons.
Cecill ducked under the blade and jumped forward, the weight of his armor pushing the man backwards and onto the ground. Cecill drew his pistol and fired a shot at one of the dragons. It hit the dragon's chin, and caused him to fall onto the ground. He kicked the mysterious man in the head, took his scyth and ran at the dragon who was now on the ground. "Thanks for the blade, you crazy dead-man-walking!" Cecill cried as he embedded the scyth in the dragon's back. "Eat that, suka!"


Vileplume looked up. "I don't know what power level I am. After I got to...er...I think my trainer said it was...twenty-two or something, then he gave me this wierd stone that evolved me and after that he released me. I've done lots of fights since then, but I mostly have the advantage of knowing the forest. But here...I don't really know. But I'll fight, it's good fun!" At that, he shoved his bag of berries behind a large pallet made of wood, then shot a red orb into the sky. Suddenly it got a lot brighter and warmer. Vileplume aimed at one of the dragons and fired off a beam of solar energy, striking it roughly in the face.
The Dragon that had been struck by Cecill slumped to the ground, but did not burst into light like the other creatures. Instead, it got back up, and struggled over to the base, where Hidan had just gotten back up and started screaming a good paragraph's worth of untypable obscenities.

The man jumped up on top of the Dragon, and tried to pull the scythe out of the creatures head. The weapon wouldn't budge.

"Damn it," he muttered, "stupid thing will have to be removed when you die,"

He jumped down from the Dragon as it began to fire off more beams. These ones, however, were not aimed as well, and the first of which blasted the remaining Beasts into oblivion.

"Damn it," Hidan snarled again.
Back inside the cave, the being watched as the infernal forces were whittled down to four Demons and the two Death Dragons, one of which was crippled by Hidan's scythe, the other had been struck by a beam of energy from what the being theorized was the sun. It didn't seem to affect the Dragon that badly.

This... has gone exactly as planned. The Infernities have provided a perfect distraction. What happens to them at this point is... irrelevant.

The being then turned his attention to the other two that had been in the cave when Hidan had left.

"After all, since you've found them, there is no more use that area has to us."

Neither being responded. It made no difference to the first. He got what he wanted. That was all that mattered.

The being then turned his attention to another card on the table. He flipped it over, muttering one sentence:

"Trap Activate: Destruction Wheel."
With the sudden blinding of a Dragon, Bonecrusher and Ravage found that they were having a lot easier of a time against the creature, in that they could now easily slip out of the way of its attacks, and still nail it with energy blasts and missiles.

Bonecrusher had just blasted more energy against it when a thought occurred to him.

A very bad thought

"I think we're being fooled."

Ravage ceased fire for an instant. "What makes you say that?"

"Look around you. The other Dragon and those Demons aren't paying attention to us at all, even though we're tearing this Dragon to pieces," he then skated out of the way of an energy blast that tore up the ground next to him, "It's too easy."

"Again, you're overthinking this," Ravage growled, firing a blast of energy from his back cannon, "Chances are the scythe in head made it a liability to the other creatures; they're not going out of their way to-"


What neither machine had noticed was that, while they were having this conversation, a collar of bombs had appeared from out of nowhere and fastened itself around the neck of the wounded Dragon, which had about a millisecond to register what happened before the collar exploded, causing the Dragon to erupt in a massive blast of dark energy.
Out of this blast came the scythe, which whirled end-over-end until it hit the ground right in front of Hidan. The man took one look at what had just transpired and laughed again.

"Now then, let's try this again..."
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"One dragon down, one to go. I should probably get those demons though, their fireballs are stopping quite a few of the close-range fighters getting close." Cecill mumbled to himself as he ran up the stairs of RED base. He snarled. "Hey, bitches, that ain't fire, this is fire!" With that, he activated the flamethrower attatchment and burnt three of the demons to a crisp. The last demon, who had jumped away just in time, looked between the remaining dragon and the wierd man who was controlling the demons, then made another diagram. This time, the larger version appeared behind it's head. Demonic scuicide? Cecill pondered as the demon blew its own head off. He turned his attention to the next threat- the dragon. Several lasers, missiles and oddly enough, solar flares, were hitting it left, right and center, but it didn't really seem to care as it continued to thrash about and breath fire. Cecill ran to the edge of the roof. I'm gunna regret this! He thought to himself as he jumped onto the dragon's back. He stuck his pistol against the back of the dragon's head and pulled down the trigger.


Vileplume made a sad face when the dragon exploded. He wanted to beat that one up too! He sighed and turned to the first dragon, suprised to see a man with green armor on holding a small silver thing to the dragon's head. "Huh?" He mumbled. "Whatever!" He suddenly felt slightly cold, the Sunny Day effect had worn out. Wierd, they normally last longer that that? He shook his petals and grinned. If the dragon hadn't liked the Solar Beams, then he would hate this. He shook his petals faster and faster, until they began to glow green. Then, he stopped shaking and threw his head forward. The green energy surrounding his petals turned into a massive bundle of razor-sharp leaves. The bundle spread out and launched, cutting the dragon's wings badly. "Eat that, you stupid...dragon thingy!"
((Wow, i missed alot! GAH TEH FORUMZ ATE MAH POST!))

Arctus charged at the beast that had just dropped down in front of him and swung downwards only to feel his Obsidian blade bounce off the beasts hide. "What the..." he dodged a stab by the beasts horn and stabbed with the tip of his blade into the chink behind its head. a shudder went through the beast and it disintergrated into dust. A small black star rose from the ashes and vanished into a puff of light. 'Wait, thats only supposed to happen on Gerathena.' he prodded through the remains with his sword but found nothing. 'Strange, this may cause the rest some trouble if we go to my homeworld.' He resheathed his sword and climbed to the chaos above.

The fight above was incredible, fire and energy flew everywhere. "This. Not good." He drew his sword and ran at the nearest monster.
((Pichu Chris - try and tone down how many enemies you kill in one post; it kind of rushes things unnecessarily))

The blast from the pistol stunned the Dragon. It turned its head at the offender, even as a set of leaves were sent in its direction. The leaves bounced harmlessly off the Dragon's hide; even if they were sharp, this was a creature that had taken direct energy blasts to the face and survived; leaves couldn't do much to harm it.

Deciding to eliminate this enemy on top of its head, the Dragon flew up in the air, turned over so that its head was facing the ground, and went into a screaming power dive.

Bonecrusher had seen all of this, and as he began to open fire on the thing. The energy blasts struck the Dragon, but they did not deter its dive-bomb.

"I don't think it realizes what the implications of its actions are," Ravage noted, "this seems to be the only one left; all of our attacks will now be focused on it."

"Perhaps that's the point; it knows that it's going to die soon; these moves are moves of desperation."
"Looks like you're ahead of me, Vileplume. I'm only level 17. "

Clara felt the warmth of Sunny Day, but it quickly faded away.

"You know Sunny Day? We might be able to make that work. We both get stronger in the sun. Too bad it didn't last."

Clara look at the last dragon divebombing them, and went to help.

"I'm gonna help, ok?" She yelled back.
Moonwing managed to whirl somewhat out of the way before the blast got to her, and didn't take the full power of the attack, but with the strength of the dragon, she was still sent to the ground. She managed to do somewhat of a flip and land on her feet, although rather clumsily, and landed awkwardly on her back. She flapped her wings tentatively, feeling them a little damaged, which would make flight hard but not impossible. At least her armor had prevented her from taking too much damage from the fall.

Her cerulean-colored scales glimmered for a moment as she flexed her arms, and then she placed her clawed hands near her chest and then pulled out as if she was summoning all the energy inside her. A large explosion happened very close to the dragon, managing to land right under it so it would dive-bomb straight into the middle. It had been a little hard for Moonwing to aim, and so it took a little more energy than usual, but luckily, diamagon aces were creatures with lots of magic points.
Gohan looked up just in time to notice an ally about to get slammed into the ground. Gohan quickly teleported, getting eye level with the one called Cecill. "Here." he said, grabbing the man and throwing him. "Sorry, didn't have much time!" he shouted, turning his attention back to the dragon. He once again teleported, this time about five feet in front of the dive-bombing dragon. haven't used this one in a while, he thought, putting his hands on his forehead. "Masenko.............HA!" he shouted blasting the dragon into oblivion. "Yay, that was fun!" he announced, his hair and aura going back to normal. He flew over to where the man he threw landed. "You alright?"
((I regret introducing Galacta so soon. Here, have a filler.))

Galacta Knight had flown to the top of the BLU base and was again watching the commotion below.

It looks as though that Hidan brought an army. Fair enough; I shall wait until he and his minions are felled. Then it will be my turn. Weakened, our enemies will have to deal with the greatest living threat--me! Their defeat will be ensured. As he thought this, there was deep pang, almost unfamiliar to him. No... victory is never certain. Never again. Frustration surged through him, followed by disbelief. Why did it happen? How? Where did I go wrong? He shut his eyes, as if he could blot out reality. Yet he began to torment himself. It matters not what happened! I am inferior! Imperfect! Inadequate! He was no different from any other weakling now. Why should he make an exception of himself?

He opened his eyes again. Just wait. I will see to the demise of the very world! Then there will be no question of my supremacy.
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