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Open When the Worlds Need Us

((... Huh. New world already? I had better make haste with my top-secret new character's form if I'm going to play him.
Also: Galacta Knight has been with Hidan the whole time. Really. He has.))

"Heh. Quite right, I am sure." Galacta Knight glanced at Hidan before addressing the higher being. "On the other hand, you have me as well. However, on my last deployment, I had no chance to join in the fun. Surely you would not be thinking of keeping me out of this?"
The being looked at Galacta Knight, even as Hidan started spouting off curses at the former

He's a loose cannon, that one. Hidan I can keep under control with my power, but I have no such incentive for him...

"Very well. I have already dispatched the other two with Aport, and if such means of travel are to your style, then I can Aport you to their location, if not, then get there through your own ways."

"Bah, Galacta'll never use your means of transportation," Hidan jeered, "his own pride as the self proclaimed 'greatest warrior in the galaxy.' There's no way-"

The being seized Hidan's throat with a black-gloved hand.

"Hidan, you and I both know that I can easily take you apart a thousand different ways, and you'll be kept alive for all of it. And Galacta Knight is far more... direct in his approaches. You continue to tread on my patience; and you have probably tread his into the ground. So do me a favor and scout out other possible locations for the pieces before I revoke the promise I made to you when we first met."

Hidan growled, but then nodded upon realizing that he should quit now before he dug himself deeper.

With a cold chuckle, the being let go of Hidan's neck, which had several deep grooves where he had been strangled, as if it had been done with a mechanical arm. The man muttered another sring of curses before exiting the chamber.

"As I was saying, when you find them, they will fill you in on what they've learned so far. One word of advice, though: You know how easily irritated Maine can get, and I have no incentive over either of them. Do not provoke him."
Galacta Knight could have busted his gut laughing as Hidan's jeers backfired, but he merely watched until the being was finished. I like my new employer. He knows what humor is!

Then he heard his last words. Had they come from the mouth of another being, he may have reacted with irritation, but this one had earned his respect. As much and for as long as one could earn Galacta Knight's respect, anyway. "Right, right. Sorry to say, provocation is my niche. If he crosses me in the slightest..." He paused, then said, "Fine. I'll make my way there."
Caeda once again practically smothered her pegasus to get it to stay still as the lightning once again struck, inflicting that sundering feeling for roughly five seconds. She reappeared on a desolate island, a seemingly vast, but really quite small, expanse of volcanic rock. There were some burnt ruins sticking up from the ground, and there were some buildings near the coast and appeared functioning.

KOS-MOS landed, and unstiffened her body.

"What... sort of place is this?", Caeda asked, "What happened here?"

"Readings and signs would indicate that this island is volcanically active.", KOS-MOS reported.

"Ah...", Caeda said.
Then, she heard the orange lizard say something, "Cinnabar? That's a fitting name. So... what do we do now? I suppose we could being searching."
Jim was transported by some odd lightning to an Island, mostly burnt off. Wait, how did I get to Kanto? he wondered. "And Cinnabar nonetheless. This meant that, to get off, that he would need to fly all the way to the Seafoam Islands, and then all the way to Fuschia. Jim looked around at everyone. That voice in his head had told him that these were to be his allies. He noticed a boy next to him in the air, two robots on the ground, and- Oh no! Nononononononononooooo! A Charmeleon? Of all things!? Jim flew to the ground near the Charmeleon. "Okay, let's get things straight. You don't hurt me, I won't hurt you. Sorry if I've offended your strength or something, but I wanted to get that out there." he said, staring rather intently at the creature's flaming tale.


Gohan watched as the weird beetle-man flew to the ground and started conversing with the fire-lizard. Gohan himself was too busy wondering where they were to realize that he was still flying. One he did notice, though, he decided to go over to the edge of the island. He noticed alot of weird creatures in the water. Where are we?
In one of the coastlines of Kanto, there was movement:

Two figures were observing the vast ocean in front of them, waiting for... something. One of them was clad in silver armor with yellow shoulder pads and a yellow stripe running vertically down the middle of the helmet, while the other was in complete white armor with an orange visor covering his entire face. Both of them carried a weapon in both of their hands, and this weapon was trained on the island in the horizon.

The sound of a radio activating broke the silence. The silver-armored one answered the signal immediately, and was greeted by the voice of the being.

"Have they arrived yet?"

Silver Armor chose not to answer, instead activating the optical zoom in his helmet. He could see movement on the volcanic island, but not too much movement.

"Agent Washington! Have they arrived yet?"

"I'm not sure," Washington answered curtly, "I can see something on that island, but it's too far away to confirm any-"

"That's them," the being said, "it can be nobody else."

Washington had his doubts, "How can you be sure? All you told us is that your spiders were there when they said they were going here. This place is a continent; they could be an-"

"Why do you think I Aported you to this coastline and told you to wait until my next signal? That's them. There can be nobody else."

Washington maximized the zoom on his visor, but still could not get a clear image.

"If it is them, then what? Do we just wait for them to cross the ocean?"

"You'll do exactly that. They will doubtless think of a means to depart from the island, but until then, you have a head start in finding the piece. Begin to search. You will soon find yourself with assistance from another."

The connection went dead at the end of that sentence. Washington looked at the white armored one, who was known as Agent Maine, but most knew of him as the Meta. Meta gave a few low growls after Washington finished speaking to the being.

"He said that it was them that were on the island, but I'm a bit skeptical as to how he could have known this."

Another growl. "I don't think he would be so thorough as to place spiders everywhere on this continent. Even if he did, that's a decent-sized island. I don't think the spider could be able to find them so quickly."
"We appear to have run into a snag."

Bonecrusher stared at Ravage, who was flying down and shifting back into his normal form. "A snag?" the Constructicon growled, "That's an understatement. We're cut off from the rest of this continent, and I can't think of a safe way for us to cross this ocean. I don't shift into a massive boat or flight machine, lest you forget. And the longer it takes for us to get to the mainland, the better the chance of whatever enemy we're dealing with has of finding the parts!"
"I do believe at least one of us has mentioned having at least limited transport capability.", KOS-MOS told Bonecrusher as she indicated Gohan, then asked him, "You have mentioned that you have an ability to teleport us some distance, have you not?"

"I think I could carry... One other person on my pegasus.", Caeda said, "But how about we ask whomever is down there in that small village?"
Arctus shook his head from the effects of the vortex. "Perhaps we should search the island before we try to leave it. Theres no way of knowing if one might be here or not."
He looked around the part of the island he was on looking for a hint of a part, though he knew he was unlikely to find one.
So this is it?

Galacta Knight, positioned high in the sky, looked down on the vast sea that separated Cinnabar and the Seafoam Islands from the rest of Kanto. This place seems like it could be peaceful compared to other worlds... he thought with an exasperated sigh. Like Popstar, perhaps. How bor-- He was interrupted mid-thought when a gust of wind knocked into him, taking him off-guard but barely sending him any distance before he could recover.

"Pidgee! Otto!"

"You--!" It was some sort of bird, with tan-and-white feathers on its wings and body and a feathery, red crest atop its head. Was it picking a fight with him?

Well, Popstar has its fair share of monsters too...

"Alright, bird. You had your laugh. Now it's my turn!" He charged at it, lashing out with his lance, but before he could it reach it he was hit with a vicious cyclone, more powerful than the weak gust from before. It knocked him out of suspension and sent him hurtling towards the continent below.

"Gaaaaaah!" He fluttered his wings, desperately trying to regain control of his flight. Stupid bird!

Before long, he hit the ground with a harsh thud. Pain shot through his back and every nerve. Wherever he had landed, gentle waves were lapping at his body. He got to his feet, still slightly dizzy and disoriented. The sea stretched out in front of him. Turning around, he saw that he had caught the attention of two armor-clad humanoids.

"My allies! I see you have made it. I, Galacta Knight, greatest warrior... have come to your..." His head throbbed painfully. "Forget it! I just crash-landed from Nova-knows-how-high, and damn it, my head hurts!" He sighed. "Tell me your plan and let us get on with it."
Moonwing noticed that the others were being struck by the same lightning that had transported them to the fortresses. She sighed, tucking her wings and tail in and preparing to be hit by that strange feeling of being teleported. For just a moment, it was odd, and she closed her eyes, not daring to move.

As soon as she regained most of her senses, she opened her eyes, noticing that they were on an island that had appeared to be ruined by something. Immediately, the cawing of a bird filled her ears, and she whirled towards it, to see a brown bird with a lighter underbelly and a short red crest on its head. It reminded her of a living version of a mecha-mynah; something told her that this place had that kind of technology.

Taking her attention off of the avian, she looked towards those who were conversing. One was asking the familiar-looking boy about his ability to transport them some distance, and grew interested. She couldn't teleport, but a variety of monster scouts back at Green Bays could. But that wouldn't be a favorable place to explore; even she didn't know the entire world there.
Washington looked at Galacta Knight with what can be best described as a mixture of surprise and contempt on his face (though nobody could tell as much, since the expression was hidden by his helmet.)

"So you're what he meant when he said 'assistance from another.' I was thinking that he'd send Hidan, but I guess after two-fort, he didn't want to take any more chances.

"Apparently, the group that's tracking down the parts is on that volcanic island over there... or so he's told me. Our orders are to begin searching for the parts, since we have a head start."

The Meta growled. "I know it's vague, but as he just said to me, we have a head start. Knowing them, they're probably figuring out a way off that island right now. I suggest we take advantage of what time we have before they do get off."
Ravage glanced at Arctus. "I did a flyover while in reentry mode. I didn't see anything here that looked remotely close to a machine part, and they stand out pretty well on a volcanic wasteland.

"However, asking someone in that small settlement is a decent plan. However, neither Bonecrusher nor I would be able to communicate on a civil level, so we would need to leave that in the hands of someone else."
Before Lucidia's brain had time to process much, she was zapped by the weird transportation lightning and thrown onto some volcanic island in what looked like the middle of the ocean. From the snippets of conversation she heard, lots of people were trying to find out how to get off of the island and across the water.

Again, Lucidia reached into her little messenger bag and pulled out the chimaera wings again. "These can get you across the ocean," she called out, silently hoping someone would acknowledge her this time. As she looked around for takers, she noticed a somewhat tall guy with a spiky hairdo, and he looked oddly familiar. She didn't remember seeing him anywhere before, though ...

She also turned to her left and noticed that she was next to the diamagon ace, Moonwing. "You can get across the ocean by flying right?" she asked the dragon, but kept an eye on her own monsters - they would come with her when she used the chimaera wing, of course.
"Actually...", Caeda said as the curly-haired girl, she did not notice her before, "If we were to fly away, where would we go? We would need an idea of which direction land is, wouldn't we?"
Caeda raised her hand, "I'll volunteer to go into the village. I don't think I look threatening.", but then Caeda realized she was still wielding a spear.
Hiding it behind her back, she chuckled, "Haha, well, except for that. I don't know if this world's humans are used to seeing armed warriors strolling around."

"I shall proceed to the settlement with anybody else.", KOS-MOS said.
She probably wouldn't actually be able to help unless trouble brewed, but another facet of her mission was to gather intelligence about the other dimensions for the Vector Corporation. Not that it was a public goal.

"Jeez, won't you stand out? Although I guess that's not relevant.", Caeda remarked.
"I've already scouted out two locations during my flyover," Ravage offered to Caeda, "One of them is to the direct north of here, while the other requires going east and then going north. Either location ends out at a populated area. We can decide on either location after going through the small settlement here."

"As for me, I'm going to shift," Bonecrusher said to Ravage, "Because I think that even a vehicle like mine would draw less attention than my usual form." The sentenced was punctuated by Bonecrusher proceeding to shift back into his terrestrial guise.

"I hope you don't plan on staying in that shape our entire time here," Ravage noted, "It's going to get tiresome talking to you like that."

A holographic projection of a human in millitary clothing suddenly phased into the driver's seat of the vehicle. The projection looked at Ravage and said, in still-perfect Cybertronian, "Is this better?"
Vileplume looked at the Charmeleon. "I-if you're sure...." He muttered. The robot said something about standing still, and then suddenly a blue bolt of lightning struck him. "Hehe, that tickles!" He said, moments before bouncing of something soft and landing safely on the ground. His berry bag, slightly dented but otherwise intact, was quickly slung onto Vileplume's shoulders as he looked around. The ground underneath was very warm, and the only landmark that wasn't the sea was a large volcano. "Yeah, Cinnabar. Er...thatway...is Pallet Town, and that way is the place with the Safari Zone. I know that because that's were I was released." Vileplume said. "This place has loads of fire types, so better watch out!"
At that, a huge beetle flew down near Charmeleon. "AAARRRRGGGHHHH ARE ALL THE POKÉMON WE MEET AGAINST ME????" At that, he dug a huge hole in the ground and dove in, leaving only his petals visible. "Please tell me we're going soon..."


Cecill landed smoothly on the ground. The plant was once again speaking, and once again making no sense. He pointed out in the direction the plant had first pointed. "There are loads of sandbars, maybe we could swim to them and leapfrog all the way...eugh, if I had my AV-21 or even my Skiff, this would be a lot easier..."
He turned to the other people. All were also discussing ways to leave the island. He noticed a large beetle, that flame lizard, Clara, was it? and the Plant, Vileplume as Clara had put it. They looked like they were about to fight. Well, Clara and the beetle did, Vileplume had dug a hole and jumped in, leaving the petals on his head to betray his postition on this barren wastland. He shook his head and turned to the robots
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Moonwing turned to the blue-eyed Lucidia, and nodded. "I can fly across the ocean, so I don't need any other method of transport," she announced, although she wasn't sure whether everyone could hear her. "And I may be able to carry one person or other creature with me." The second part was louder, as she saw it as more important; it was obvious she could fly with the size of her wings. With an emphasizing lash of her spiked tail, she turned around to face the fire lizard and the walking rafflesia, and then another group of people to whom she hadn't paid much attention. Two of them were robot-like, almost like golems, but not quite...
Right... the parts. His head was beginning to clear a bit.

Galacta Knight scanned the immediate area. "Shall we head for the mainland? Unless they are buried underground, I very much doubt their presence here."

((I can only post so much, really. Hopefully the opportunity to introduce my second antagonist will soon arise.))
"That should be fine," Washington said, "We'll just have to make ourselves hidden from the others; I don't think the people here have seen anything like me or..." he turned around to see that Meta wasn't there.

"Meta, we're not on the move yet. Save your power for when we're actually in public."

There was a series of snarls, and then the Meta phased back into view.

"As I was saying, we're going to have to be careful with how this goes around. Meta can use his cloaking device, but that's a one-man item."

Another growl. 'I don't think that most would buy 'local law enforcement.' You saw their officers; I wouldn't blend in at all."
Ravage looked at Moonwing. 'What is the possible size for that 'other?' While I can flyover in reentry mode, neither of Bonecrusher's forms are flight capable, and they wouldn't hold up in water that well."

There was a burst of irritated Cybertronian from the vehicle. "I'm only saying it because it's true," Ravage shot back, "you can't move to well around here; there's no other way to put it."
People? Great. He's a humanoid, so he must be referring to humans of some sort. I would be best off masquerading as one of the local monsters, it seems!

"Right. Stay hidden," Galacta Knight muttered huffily. This wasn't his idea of fun! I just hope our adversaries get in the way. Then I can slaughter something! I have a lot of steam to blow off...

He shoved his thoughts away. "Considering what a conspicuous lot we are, even with him invisible, we had best avoid towns altogether." He glanced back at the Meta. "Then again... perhaps he could be our scout? For public areas and such, I mean. His cloaking device would be quite an asset for that."
The Meta snarled a little, and Washington shot back, "Meta, he's right. You would probably be the best to scout off in those civilized areas."

Another growl. "Hey, someone has to be the scout. Do you see a cloaking device on me?"

A few snarls. "I'm not going to argue with you on this. It's like back when we were tracking Epsilon. We all have our own jobs to do. You have the cloaking device, you're the scout"

The Meta let off a few resigned snarls, and then turned around.

"I was given a virtual map of this continent before we came here," Washington said, "The nearest city appears to be a place known as 'Fuchsia City,' so we should start our search there."
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