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Open When the Worlds Need Us

"What was that?", Caeda asked as something could be heard outside.

"There are signs of energy-type weaponry being fired.", KOS-MOS reported, "Hostilities have begun. Preparing for battle."
KOS-MOS ran towards the front of the base. Looking outside from the ground-level entrance, she caught sight of extraplanar beings in the sky. Nanomachines converted her right arm into a cannon, and KOS-MOS took aim.

Caeda ran outside, following KOS-MOS, but she tripped in the process. Standing back up, she leapt outside towards her pegasus, who was clearly spooked. For good reason, there were monsters about, hostile ones.
"No, really,", she shouted, "what is going on here?!"
Gohan stopped flying when a blast shook the air. He noticed many beasts, and another shot into the air, indicating battle. Finally, something to do! he thought. "Kaaaaaa...............Méééééééé................haaaaaaaaaaa.............mééééééééé...............HA!" he shouted, firing a large blast of blue energy the size of a basketball court at the creatures.
Clara was both scared and excited when a boom shook the air. Her first thought was of battle.

Battle! It must be! What else could have made such a sound! Finally, I shall get some training!

"Lucidia. I will go check out the source. You may come or stay, but if there is a fight, then your friends may be of help."

The first battle! I wonder how difficult the opponents will be...


Clara ran towards the noise eagerly, her thoughts racing ahead towards her enemy.

I was just thinking about battle. Now my hopes for new opponents will come true.
Suddenly, several large blasts were heard from upstairs. He ran up, into the blue entranceway. He took his rifle from his back and ran out. A whole horde of weird creatures, including some that looked like dogs and beetles, were running around on top of the RED Base. "What the?" Then, a large blast from behind blew the roof of one of the bases. Cecill's combat nerves kicked in. He ran, firing a volley of shots. He was pretty certain he'd hit one of the dogs, considering the howl it had returned, but it might have been howling because it was scared. Cecill wasn't sure, but he fired another volley anyway.
Back at the underground cave, the being that controlled the spiders was even now watching the conflict unfold.

Hidan acted quite predictably, he thought, No doubt he will be irate upon his return to here. It won't matter, of course, since I have what he wants.

His attention was drawn by the sight of a large beam of energy that was currently directed towards a group of Infernity Beasts. Grinning, he turned over another card in front of him.

"Trap, activate: Magic Cylinder."
Ravage arrived at the scene of the battle to see that chaos had already broken loose. Several of his allies had already gone on the attack against whatever those creatures were. One of them, who Ravage identified as Cecill, had managed to cause severe damage to one of the quadruped creatures, which keeled over and burst apart in a bright flash.

"Bonecrusher, do you have any idea what those things could be?"

"Nope," Bonecrusher replied, opening fire on one of the larger demons. The blast of energy struck the creature, blasting it back, and then turning its attention to Bonecrusher, "and I don't really care about what they are either."

It was then that one of their allies fired off a massive blue beam. Several of the opposition, including the fleshling, scattered out of the way, but then something even stranger happened:

A pair of cylinders appeared in front of the massive blue beam, both of which were pointed towards it. As the machines watched, the blue beam entered one of the cylinders, and then-

it was blasted back out of the other one, now going back in the direction of the attacker.

"What just happ-"

"We don't have time to figure that out!" Bonecrusher yelled, already punching the larger demon, which flew backward several yards, "Kill that fleshling; it's probably the one controlling those things!"

"Can do," Ravage muttered, pointing his tail at the fleshling wearing the cloak. The symbiont's targeting system zoomed in on the fleshling, and calculated the most likely places where the attack would be lethal. Ravage chose the heart, adjusted his system to target, and fired.

A green beam of energy lanced out from Ravage's tail and went right through the fleshling's heart. A perfect hit. Certainly the look of surprise on the fleshling's face confirmed that the attack had gone through.

He never felt a thing, Ravage thought, now running at one of the creatures that somewhat resembled his own body type, stupid insect.
Hidan was indeed surprised the moment he felt the attack on his heart. Not two seconds after the beam hit, he clutched at his heart and stropped down on his knees.

Only to get up another second later, muttering a string of vulgarities the mildest of which was "Damn it." The human unlimbered his triple-bladed scythe and sought out the one that likely attacked him, and settled his sights on a mechanical cat that was now tearing apart one of the Infernity Beasts, which couldn't get enough time to Hell Howl.

Hidan grinned sickeningly at this sight. Though he knew he could not use his conventional methods against the machine, it would still be satisfying to hear the sound of it falling apart. With that in mind, he began to run at the machine, his scythe tearing up the ground that it was being dragged across.
Gohan noticed the mechanical beings attacking the enemies. He also noticed that, somehow, that human deflected his blast. So, it's a deflecting game, is it? he thought, sticking out both hands in a high-five position. As the beam touched his hands, Gohan shifted them and pushed them outward, commanding the beam to follow. Fearing another deflection, Gohan teleported down to where the battle was. A wolf-like creature lunged at him, but was quickly exterminated by a small blast of ki.
((I'm supposing that now would be a good time to post!))

Far above the beginning chaos, a lone figure was watching, suspended in the sky.

Ah. One of my allies, I presume. The attack has already started. Galacta Knight flexed his wings in preparation to dive, red eyes gleaming. Unfortunately for my adversaries, I shan't waste my time toying with them!

"Now the real battle begins!" he shouted, plummeting towards the ground with reckless speed. Brandishing his lance, he thrust it out in front of him moments before impact. It struck with tremendous force, sending him to a jarring stop even as he used his levitational abilities to hold himself rigid with his lance. As he did so, a towering spiral of wind and elemental energy erupted from the ground immediately before him, scattering dust and threatening to toss anything in its path several feet in the air.
((Hehehe, Hidan's here.))

Moonwing cringed as the sound of a large explosion shook the fortress; she had been scouting around the edge of the walls but now she was tempted to climb it and see what was going on. The nimble lizard went up the wall quickly, using her wings to help and digging her claws into the stone. Her azure scales stood out against the dull stone, but right now, it didn't matter; the situation seemed much more dire than her being spotted. She reached the top shortly, but ducked immediately as someone began firing some sort of weapon. But from the glimpse she could see, there was someone in a black-and-red cloak with some sort of three-bladed scythe. Was he an enemy or a friend? He looked rather sinister. Cautiously, she clung to the top of the wall, not showing herself over the edge.

But she was forced to let go as some sort of cyclone was conjured from somewhere. She had heard a battle cry, but who had shouted out? Circling low over the ground, moving very quickly but still visible, she looked up. She was out of the way of the tornado from now, but now she could get a clearer view of them. Still, she couldn't focus for long; she had to make sure that there were no missiles or anything coming her way.

((Just doing this because, like in nearly every other RP, I'm being ignored... and I have no idea what's going on...))
Clara arrived at the scene before she could hear Lucidia's responce. She was in awe of the larger enemies, but the beetles were probably easy. She used Dragon Dance to get ahead, and feeling slightly hyper from the power, breathed out a large Ember at a beetle. It dealt with it quickly, but it wasn't that satisfying.

Dragon Dance will only pump up your physical moves, She reminded herself, then ran at one of the dogs with a fire punch.

This will be fun!
((What's basically happening is that Hidan has arrived at 2fort and is being backed up by a bunch of monsters sent by another antagonist. Currently, we're all fighting the creatures.))

Ravage saw another quadruped die as he continued to attack another quadruped. By his count, there were only eight quadrupeds left, and four beetles were now dead, one had been burnt by the lizard, and three others had been struck down by the rereflected beam attack.

Regardless, all eight demons, as well as all four of the larger demons, were still alive, and though Bonecrusher continued to pummel one of the larger demons, it wasn't out of the fight yet.

Deciding to finish off the quadruped, Ravage jumped back, opened his mouth and proceeded to blast white-hot flames at the creature. Horribly burnt, the creature fell to the ground and came apart in a bright flash just like the other one had.

With that done, Ravage was about to attack one of the demons when he saw another large demon going to assist Bonecrusher's target. Ravage began to run after it, but something pinned down his tail.

Ravage turned around and saw, much to his surprise, the fleshling that he had just shot looming over him. Ravage's tail was being held in place by some sort of tri-bladed weapon. Ravage would have blasted it out of existence with one of his lesser weapons, but he was far too focused on how the fleshling could have survived.

"Surprised, you piece of crap?" he taunted, "I guess you're not as advanced as you make yourselves seem."

Ravage simply stared up at the fleshling, "I'm not entirely sure how you just did that," he said, "but I'm not going to give you the chance to-"

His words were cut off as the fleshling grabbed his scythe and ran, freeing Ravage's tail. The symbiont was about to taunt the fleshling for fleeing, but the moment he saw the mini-cyclone heading his way, all questions vanished.

This is turning into quite the freakshow, he thought, jumping onto the larger demon that was sneaking up on Bonecrusher, The thing let off an eerie wail and tried to throw off Ravage, not realizing the cyclone was there until it was too late.

Ravage jumped off the large demon and readied another weapon just as the cyclone went straight into the creature. The cyclone, presumably neutral about whatever it struck, proceeded to toss the large demon into the air and continue on its way. The large demon hit the ground just in time to be struck by the plasma cannon that was normally hidden in Ravage's back. The creature was sent flying back, and got up, deciding to find a better target. This happened just as Bonecrusher struck a decisive punch against one of the larger demons, which erupted into small shards of light, just as the others had.
Hidan had seen all of these events following his attack on the machine, and was none too pleased about the turn of events. He scanned the crowd for whomever had launched the cyclone, and was rewarded with the familiar sight of the white winged creature.

"Dammit, Galacta, you ruined my kill!" he screamed, "I was just about to show that heathen creature the power of Jashin... and then your cyclone interfered!"
Gohan noticed the scythe-wielding human attack one of the ones that had teleported them all. Gohan started to fly over, but realized that it jumped when a large gust of wind came charging towards them. Gohan flew over it, then got behind it, following it towards one of the so called "Infernity Destroyers". It jumped over the gust, but Gohan caught it with a roundhouse kick on its way down. He the proceeded to fly to where it was going, hoping to hit it again.
As the cyclone died away, Galacta Knight pulled his lance out of the ground and turned towards Hidan, eyes narrowed with irritation.

"Galacta Knight," he growled. "My name is Galacta Knight. If you had failed to notice, there are those here who have yet to make my acquaintance. I would prefer it if they did not get the wrong impression from you, that I allow others to make a mockery of my name by shortening it. Secondly,"--He fluffed up his wings indignantly--"that my attack intercepted your kill was merely a stroke of bad luck for you. Rather than scream and whine like a tot, I suggest you go off and make up for that unfortunate fumble instead of harassing me!" he shot. "Hidan." Sneering, he walked away with his head tilted up in an exaggerated manner.
Hidan was half tempted to swing out his scythe at the winged being for his insolence, but he held it down. Galacta Knight would not make a worthy sacrifice to Jashin. Instead, he turned his attention to the one that had blasted that large mass of energy at him, who was in the middle of finishing off one of the Destroyers. The large demon hit the ground yet again, got up, but only made it a few steps before the mechanical feline pounced on top of the creature, and tore it apart with its mechanical claws. The creature exploded into light as the machine made the finishing blow

That leaves two, Hidan realized, and suddenly he knew that the implications of only two Destroyers could only mean one thing: if they were to summon it, it would have to be now.
Meanwhile, Bonecrusher fired off a blast of energy at the beetles, which were beginning to swarm together and attack. The blast scattered all of them, or rather, all that hadn't been immolated by the energy.

The Constructicon noted that the only group that hadn't actually taken any hits were the Demons, which were now massing together and forming more diagrams between their hands. A superimposed version of those diagrams appeared in front of the Demons, and fireball after massive fireball began to erupt from the diagram.

Noticing that only a few of the monsters were left, Moonwing took her chance to attack. She flapped her wings furiously and took off, circling as she looked down. Quickly spotting something that looked like a canine, she turned towards it, even though she was still far above it. With a deep breath and powerful gust created by her wings, icicles that had been summoned by her flew towards the beast quickly.

(Sorry my post is so short; I'm not sure how these guys work.)
((I am always behind in a fight scene...))

Caeda found her chance to take flight without being seen. Or so it seemed, however the large demons were casting another spell. Caeda was up in the air and charging them, but a fireball burnt one of the wings of her pegasus.
"Oh come on!", Caeda shouted to her mount, willing it onward.
She positioned her spear and dove downward at one of the demons, hoping to retreat afterward.

KOS-MOS noted the thin humanoids firing incendiaries of some sort, standing strong against the force and the heat. She set her sights on the group, and opened fire with her arm cannon.
The dog demon thing had flinched, but it was not knocked out. Clara then followed up with a Thunderpunch to the face. It had flinched, and Clara finsihed it off by breathing more flames to it's face.

Ember's always been a great attack, she smiled to herself.

She dispelled a few bugs and then went to attack another demon beast.

Man, this is satisfying! This is much more fun than fighting other charmeleon!

Clara ran, only to be greeted with a nasty bite from the demon.

So much more challenging!

She gave the dog some thanks with another fiery punch.
Cecill watched as several of the beasts dropped to the ground and burst apart in flashes of light. He decided that if he was to be helpful he'd need to get to a suitable fighting spot. He slung his rifle over his back, drew his pistol, and dashed through the base. "Hey, guys, we need some help!" he called to the inhabitants of BLU base. He reached the roof, where a man who looked like Sniper, but with blue clothes, watched on in awe at the giant battle. He skidded to a stop just before he ran of the edge. The demon-looking guys had made a massive diagram in midair and it was proceding to wreck havoc on the BLU side of the area. Cecill aimed at one of the demons, and dropped him with two shots in the side of the head. The diagram decreased in size a small amount. Cecill held down the trigger and waved the gun in the direction of the demons, hitting if not killing a few of them. His pistol let out a hiss, so he stuck it in its holster and drew his rifle. He quickly sniped one of the survivors, then two more, before the remaining beetles ganged up on him. He jumped in shock, causing him to drop his rifle into the water.

"That worked well" he mumbled. "Activate gas bomb, poison!" A mist of purple leaked from the disk on his left forearm. The sniper coughed, then faded with a scream. "Oops" suddenly, Cecill was blinded as several bugs exploded around him. He blinked, then looked around. There were still a few enemies left, but most were dead, and it looked like the others had the critters pinned.
I just wish I hadn't had to waste one of my poison capsuals so soon! He mused as he surveyed the battle.
Lucidia raised both her eyebrows a little bit, for somehow she was entirely unable to raise one eyebrow at a time. "A battle? Sounds good, but where is it ... " She started following the Charmeleon in a slow jogging step, but Lightning was quick to pop up back in front of her.

"Found nothing," the hellspawn said quickly, but Lucidia pointed to behind her monster, and the head-blob-thing quickly turned to watch as several things which resembled a cross between crabids and hell hornets swiftly ... swarmed, was the way to put it.

"Just when I need a Woosh spell, nobody has one! I guess it's kinda my fault, though ..."

Lucidia was just about to command Lightning to cast Kazap on the demon bugs (since demons were definitely more on the darker side), when a ring of light appeared on the ground below the hellspawn, and she made an odd writhing motion that activated several small shoots of lightning to branch out from the circle and zap a small group of bugs, killing some and stunning a few others. The hot air from the electricity quickly dissipated.

Lucidia looked back to Dorchet, who was unfortunately too tall to do much to the insects other than stab them with his sword like a shish-kebab, but as long as he didn't get hurt too much then she probably had nothing to worry about. The dog-demon would probably be a better suited target for him, though.

Last but not least was Blackstar. He had no trouble spitting his satellite at bugs like a game of ping-pong ball, but he also seemed to want to attack the dog-demon. Hastily, he began muttering some incantation in a language that sounded like nothing more than hot wind, but soon the same magic circle of light appeared beneath him, probably confusing some of the insects. After a quick spin, there was a small explosion near the ground, scattering some bugs.

"Just step on the bugs and go for the dog!" Lucidia called to Dorchet, who seemed slightly distracted but also tried some walking. It was hard to step on the bugs since they were constantly moving, but if he swept his sword the right way he might be able to scatter them for a second long enough to get his footing.
Gohan hovered over the demon as it exploded. Well, this is starting to be fun! he thought as one of the big ones charged at him. "I'm gonna need to borrow this, Krillin!" Gohan shouted thrusting his hands in the air, palms facing up. "Destructo," he started, a disc of yellow energy forming above his head "DISC!" He threw it at the large bipedal demon, chopping its head of. He charged at the ones in a group, shooting another Kamehameha at them. He only took out two, but the rest scattered, destroying the pentagram.
Back in the cavern, the being saw that the Infernities had been brought down to a small amount: two Beetles, two Destroyers, four Beasts, and five Demons. The remaining five Demons scattered, and unless he did something quickly, they would not get a chance to regroup.

This is what I get for not bringing the Necromancer or the Launcher, he thought, not that it matters in the long run, of course, but I was hoping I could drag this out a little while longer. Instead...

He looked at the table in front of him, and placed two cards with a picture of the Beetle on top of two cards with a picture of the Destroyer. He then began to chant.
Bonecrusher took aim at one of the remaining Demons. They were beginning to regroup, but he was confident that he and Ravage could kill them all before they started to attack again.

Then the unexpected happened.

The two remaining Destroyers, which had started to gather black lightning in their hands, cut off the energy abruptly. At the same time, the two remaining Beetles flew in front of the Destroyers, and began to glow green a second before dissolving into what can be best described as a green wireframe of the creature with two small glowing orbs inside of them.

The beetles then took flight, and the orbs broke free from the creature, dissolving the frame, and began to circle, creating two green rings. It was then that the Destroyers jumped up, and began to be encased on the green rings, and soon, six of the same glowing orbs began to emerge from the Destroyers.

Only then did Bonecrusher hear the deep voice that seemed to be issuing from nowhere:

"The dead and the living...The moment they meet at zero, above the cage of eternity, the demonic dragon comes out! Synchro Summon!"

A pillar of light burst from the glowing green ring, encasing both Destroyers. When the light cleared, Bonecrusher and Ravage found themselves facing two giant, horrific creatures

"Come forth, Infernity Death Dragon!'"
Hidan had been watching this entire spectacle, and began to laugh insanely once the two huge Dragons emerged.

"Looks like you're really pulling out the stops on these heathens," he commented, "I do think now's the time to show these scumbags just how close to hell they really are."

With that, he now ran to the roof of the base that the Demons had been attacking, since he noticed that there was someone standing on top of there.

Lord Jashin... I assure you that you will be getting at least one sacrifice today.
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