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Open When the Worlds Need Us

Flandre saw the tall guy walk up, and glided up to meet him.

"Hi! You're tall!" she said, poking at his hat. She briefly touched his gun. "Ooh! I think I read about this once! Are you some kinda s-soldier of something? Because that's...do you have any cake? I'm hungry!" she said again, buzzing around his head and idly listening to him describe his homeworld. She sang quietly, "Solly solly soldiiiier...."

((hahahaha >:3))
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"Sniping a Sniper. Good luck with that one, Mate. Give us even the slightly hint of flesh and you'll have a bullet or arrow through it."

Sniper shakes his head and chuckles softly, glancing at the Pyro as he explained whom could use the bridge. He then starts to mention the 'Heavy and Medic' combo when a small girl floated up to him with odd crystal wings. He tilted his hat to her in greeting, a slight sad smile on his face.

"No Miss. I'm not a Solly. I'm a assassin that shots and shivs people. Solly's are more...box shaped than me, and they carry rocket launchers and shovels...sometimes pickaxes."

He then glances off to the side a bit, lost in thought.

"They have helmets that cover their eyes, a odd uniform that must be a heat stroke waiting to happen, a belt of grenades across their chests that can be unclipped below the front shoulder on the left side, and thick boots that absorb some of the damage done when they 'Rocket Jump' onto tall buildings...mostly they do this to attack, but sometimes its just to get where you are."

He then shakes his head from his daze and looks at the girl again, seeing that she is now floating around him.

"Now...what is this about you 'Reading' about my world? Is my world a bloody fairy-tale to you?"
"Arrows?", Caeda repeated.
While guns made little sense, she definitely knew about the dangers of arrows, especially to those of her specialization.
"If it's a small area, and there are archers of some sort running around, I'm not sure I'll be of much help.", she explained to the new guy.

KOS-MOS's eyes focused on the slim newcomer's rifle.
She analyzed it, and then delivered her report, "Your rifle is capable of penetrating my force fields about 5.79% of the time, and my armor 7.55% of the time. On a full charge. As such, it poses relatively little threat. My heavy weaponry should be able to blast through most forms of light cover. Enemy snipers, judging by your weaponry, should pose little threat to my internal components. If schematics of the location could be made available to me, I will formulate as efficient a plan as possible."

"By the way... We're all about to go into a fight, trusting our lives to each other, yet I've no idea what any of your names are," Caeda smiled, "I'll go first. I am Caeda, Princess of Talys."

KOS-MOS heard this, and mechanically introduced herself as she always did, although abbreviated this time as there were outsiders around, "I am an Anti-Gnosis Humanoid Fighting System, serial number
00-00-00-00-1. Development name KP-X. Abbreviated name KOS-MOS."

((And now I just have to go play TF2 on 2Fort...))
"I don't think I'll be showing any flesh. Not in inch-thick duratanium enhanced full-body armor, I won't" On the matter of the bridge, what's it made out of? If it's wood I could shoot through it from below, steel I'd have to melt, brick would stuff me up bad though..well, if we can't use the sewers, then we have to get rid of the snipers somehow...I could use the gas bomb and put em all to sleep whilst we go in, providing there are vents for the building." Cecill considered the options. "I suppose that the other option would be someone getting someone in the air and onto the base without the snipers noticing, maybe if someone were to distract them...someone who resists bullets, of course"
Flandre smiled broadly at everyone. "I'm Flandre Scarlet!" she repeated loudly, in case anyone hadn't heard her before. She took out a strange staff wth what looked like curved spades on the ends and twirled it.

"What I can do...well..." she tapped her face with her finger, "My sister, Remilia shut me in the mansion for a really long time, 'cause she said I was too dangerous or something...but sometimes if I look at something really hard...it just breaks."

To punctuate this, she began staring intently at a rock on the ground, her gaze boring into it. With a sudden clench of her fist, it disintegrated into tiny pebbles. The exertion that etched her face faded into her normal expression as she laughed lightly.

I also have this." She waved her staff, "Not sure what it does, but I'm sure it's something..."

She nodded, "Also, I'm a vampire." she smiled, baring a rather small pair of fangs, "I still want some cake....anyone have some?"
Sniper looks back to the group, a concerned look on his face now that they were planning on how to kill the people in his world. Granted that his job is to kill people on his base everyday, but that didn't make much of a splash due to respond.

"Mates. You need to slow down a bit. Just because my world is in constant battle doesn't mean you should walk in with guns blazing. I can always talk to my teammates and get a ceasefire for the day, more so since I know a few BLUs back home that I can chat too and convince a ceasefire. But if you just rush in like a water buffalo, they will shot you. And I doubt you'll be coming back after that. The difference in 2Fort is that we can come back. We have this computer that 'Respawns' us...brings us back to life to fight more. You can only shoot for so long before you are out of ammo, we can just keep going."

He then slips his hands into his pockets and shrugs.

"Don't know how it is on the other bases, like Well, but we come back after being shot down. So a little...finesse goes a long way, if you know how to do so with them blokes."

He then slips a hand out and takes his hat off, holding it over his heart.

"And I should introduce myself. I'm known as Sniper. But a few people back home know my real name...but don't concern yourself too much over that, Sniper works fine for me, Mates."
Moonwing was rather distracted by all the chatter, but was intrigued by the group of strange but familiar creatures and their human. The one with many mouths, the bipedal chicken and the miniature sun... that was it! Was this person...? Yes. Moonwing didn't know whether to be friendly or cautious, since someone like this would gladly attempt to scout her. Usually. But right now the human seemed like she wanted to collaborate, so the diamagon ace changed her actions to fit the former description.

"That's a chimaera wing, correct?" she asked, her tail undulating as she walked towards the monster scout. "Used to teleport..." the blue dragon examined it closely, although she didn't do so to the point of annoying the monster scout. She took a few steps around the scout, watching the human's monsters cautiously.
Lucidia was looking around anxiously for anyone who might want a feather when she noticed that someone was indeed approaching, but it wasn't human. She recognized this thing from her library - if she remembered correctly, it was a diamagon ace. Wasn't there only one? Maybe the incarnus just moved around a lot. Either way, it was making conversation, so Lucidia decided to answer the female dragon.

She nodded slowly with a slight smile. "Yep. I don't know why I keep these things, but I thought they would come in handy sometime ... " She pondered why an incarnus would be here as she spun one of the feathers around again, and then held out the one in her right hand. "Why do you ask? Would you like one?" Lucidia was slightly intimidated and considered leaning back, but she didn't want to offend such a godly creature.

What she didn't notice was that her team was wandering in this direction, apparently curious about the diamagon ace. Dorchet was leading them, but his gait was casual as always, making him appear slower. Lightning considered teleporting but she didn't want to startle the incarnus either. Blackstar ... didn't camouflage very well, so his thoughts were probably on the same track.

Even so, Dorchet was by far the tallest of the three ...
"First of all, I don't have ammo, just a heat clip. If the heat gets too high, it overheats. Kinda like reloading, I suppose. Second, then can shoot all they want. Anything short of a couple high-power rockets will do little or nil to this armor. It's called Assault armor for a reason. Third, Cecill Sunhawker. I think that's all." He said. "Well, shall we get going towards this TwoForts place?" He took a step back, unlocked his AV-21 and climbed in. "'Cos I'm ready to roll" He said, a smile invisible beneath his helmet.
((Well now I feel ignored))

Bonecrusher was in the middle of changing frequencies when Ravage cut him off.

"Never mind; it seems that they have already found some other means of transporting themselves to the 'two-fort'."

"It's just as well," Bonecrusher mused, "I couldn't find a decent frequency to contact the others; it seemed that they did change without informing us."

"Typical," Ravage muttered, disgruntled. Deciding simply to wait and see how things unfolded, he calmly watched the discussion.
Arctus stood carefully noting the conversation and building a map in his head. "well my name is Arctus and I dont think even the most skilled sniper can take out a shadow. But I might need cover because Pyros will probably give me some trouble, even as a shadow. This is assuming that we will even be fighting. So do ANY of you three have a picture of this place so we can get going?"
"You can call me Scout. We're not supposeta use our real names on-base, so I guess the same goes here. Not like I'd tell youse guys my real name. I like my privacy," Scout said, glad to finally be free of Pyro's grabby hands.

The teen watched the RED Sniper (where did he come from?) argue with some dude in armour, and his face cocked into a smirk at the weird guy's cockiness. He had no idea what he was dealing with, did he? Well then, perhaps Scout could...educate him? He liked that idea, yep. Even if he didn't like learning things, as a rule, he did like teaching people lessons.

Scout approached the funky vehicle the guy was driving and stood about two or so feet away from the door he'd climbed into, hands on his hips and bat clutched in a fist. His grin was so wide the Cheshire Cat would be jealous, and there was something...a bit off about the glint in his eyes.

"Oooh, cocky are ya? Lemmie tell ya this, pally. If you were from where I was from? You'd be fuckin' dead! Your wussy armour ain't gunna save ya from what you're gunna see out there, ya hearin' me?" -- the boy brought up the wooden bat and stroked it gently with the other hand -- "Helmet or no, I can swing this baby at over 70 miles per hour, one blow and your brain's gunna rattle in ya skull like my Ma's jelly salad in a glass bowl. This's a deadly weapon, brutha, and I've practiced with it since I was a little kid. So don't be so cocky, capeesh?
Cecill was just about to settle down when he was threatened by that blue-clad guy, Scout.
"You can hit my head if you like. Sure, blind me, mute me and make me deaf but whatever, you won't hit my brain. Because my brain isn't in my head." With that he aimed his pistol at the boy's head. He quickly set it from "Lethal" to "Stun" and fired. The bolt went straight past his face and continued to disappear into the sky. "Warning shot, mate" he said. "And besides, aren't we supposed to be allies and stuff?"
"Actually, that sounds like a much better idea if you could try.", Caeda replied to Sniper, "We're just looking for rusty little cogs, right? If you could somehow get everyone to stop fighting for a moment, that'd be great."

KOS-MOS simply sat by while the discussions continued. They weren't actually talking about anything signifigant to her. She had an objective, the means to do it, and hopefully, the means to get there.

She turned to the two large mechanical beings, who also seemed to be standing by, "The probability of the others departing for the mission is slowly decreasing. You mentioned a method you had to transporting us there reasonably quickly. If possible, I would like to leave now.", she asked of them.

((I got your back, Exo.))
"Gah, this is taking too long! Anyone whos coming with me better speak up, I wont wait forever!" Arctus paced over to the tree and settled down into a sitting position. He watched the gathered beings in case anyone wanted to come with him. His eyes settled on the two huge mechanical beings, 'they'll be harder to transport, but i should still be able to.'
Cecill was really, really annoyed now. He'd been called off vacation, harassed by some loudmouth kid with a bat, and now he was being ignored. "Stuff this to hell" Cecill growled, he powered up the engines and headed across the field. He only went for about 200 metres before meeting a friend of his, Hilao Iba. Behind the scaly reptilian was a large walker vehicle with a twin-cannon on the front,. two shoulder-mounted cannons and a rotating turret on either side. "Good to see you, Hilao." The two aliens swapped vehicles, Hilao driving back towards the portal leading to his world, and Cecill commanding the vehicle as it stomped back to the tree. He stopped and lowered the walker's cabin to ground level, the legs sticking out behind it like fins. He opened the main viewport. "Did we reach an agreement yet?" He called
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((...I was sleeping and all these posts showed up.))
X looked vaguely disturbed and Zero looked vaguely interested at what appeared to be never ending violence in Scout, Sniper, and Pyro's world. "Wonderful..." X muttered to no one. Zero stepped forward as his friend was composing himself.

"My name's Zero and this," he pointed to X, "is X. If that 2fort of yours is as dangerous as you say, how are we supposed to sneak in?"
Ravage glanced at the being - his scans could not decipher if it was completely mechanical or not - and said: "As I mentioned previously, Bonecrusher is capable of opening trans-spatial portals known as Space Bridges. If we could get organized quickly enough, he could utilize one to take us to 'two-fort'."

At his words, Bonecrusher began to once again check through the various frequencies, muttering to himself all the while.

Ravage then continued, "Of course, I'll need everyone to PAY ATTENTION!"

Those last two words were then punctuated by a high-pitched whistle that suddenly emanated from Ravage's vocoder. While Bonecrusher knew to adjust his audio receptors so that he would not hear the noise, he doubted that anyone else would know to take those measures.
More delightful braggery from the boy. I've never been shot before, but I'm sure these 'bullets' can't hurt me. Clara was wondering on whether or not to confront him or not, and eventually decided it wouldn't be worth it. A terrible noise shot through the air as she heard,

"Of course, I'll need everyone to PAY ATTENTION!"

Well, fine. Don't have to torture us with terrible sounds.
"BIT tHIR UR HEH PUAR RICKET!!!" Pyro shouted. "SELJERS OOSE TUM!"((But there are High power Rockets! Soldiers use them!!))

"ind My name is Hudda Hudda Mpha hudda hudda. BET CELL ny PYRO!!"(And my name is *censorship huddas. No one must know* Bur call me Pyro!)

"HUDDA HUDDA! HUDDA!" Pyro shouted as the whistle sounded. Pyro began running in a circle and covering his ears with his head, though his suit and mask somewhat dampened the noise.
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