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Open When the Worlds Need Us

While the screech hit KOS-MOS's receptors, she wasn't particularly affected, nor were her receptors damaged.

The noise send Caeda to the ground covering her ears. However, when she noticed it had spooked her pegasus, she leapt up and grabbed the winged horse by the neck.
"Ah!!! Stop! Stop! STOP!", she cried to her mount.
Her grabbing it by the neck managed to stop it from tackling anybody or flying away.
"Ah... OK, what is it?", she asked, ears ringing, unsure of who actually made the sound.

"If everyone has some means of transportation to the mission area, then it would be paramount for us to leave immediately.", KOS-MOS announced.
Having gotten a decent amount of attention, ravage abruptly shut off the whistle.

"As I was saying, Bonecrusher can create trans-spatial portals that will easily allow us to get to where we need to go. We just need to wait for-"

It was then that Bonecrusher raised his arm in triumph. While none of the others could see it, Bonecrusher was currently receiving a signal from one of his teammates:

"This is Constructicon Hightower, receiving Space Bridge request from Constructicon Bonecrusher. If signal was misfired, cut off now. If not, relay location."

"This is Constructicon Bonecrusher. Signal was not misfired. The location is known as two-fort."

There was a pause, and during said pause, Bonecrusher said to Ravage: "Hightower's relaying the Space Bridge as we speak. Keep them busy for a while longer."

Ravage nodded, and then addressed the group, "Space Bridge travel is relatively safe, so long as you remain still once the portal appears. The last time someone moved and got hit by a portal... just don't move, trust me."
X and Zero groaned and winced at the high pitched whistle. Zero glared at the larger robot.

"Was that really necessary?" he asked, annoyed.

X and Zero then blinked. "Uh, portals?" said X. "Isn't that a bit... Improbable?" Still, if it was true, it sounded like the best form of transport...
Ravage and Bonecrusher exchanged a glance at the blue robot's words of improbable portals.

"Do you want to show him?" Bonecrusher offered, "Or should I?"

"You do it; I get the feeling they'll react better if you're the one that shows them."

The mechanical feline then turned to the two robots that looked like fleshlings. "If you think that's improbable, then you should see another ability our species has."

At Ravage's words, Bonecrusher squatted down and folded back on himself until he was back in the form of the vehicle. If it weren't for the fact that Cybertronian was still buzzing from the speakers, one would not be able to differentiate it from any other human vehicle.
Cecill, having decided that they had not reached an agreement, jumped from the cabin, landing squarly on his feet just in time for his helmet sound sensors to feed his brain an extremly high-pitched noise. He noticed several others cringing in pain, the one with the flying fourlegged thing was trying to make it stop, and thankfully succeding. He went to shut off his sound sensors, but the sound abruptly ended. The metal thing stopped whistling and called out.

"As I was saying, Bonecrusher can create trans-spatial portals that will easily allow us to get to where we need to go. We just need to wait for-"

The giant tan robot behind him raised his arm.

"Hey, Pyro guy! Is this TwoForts place big enough for that? Or should I leave it here for now?" He pointed his thumb over his shoulder at the walker.
Scout snorted at the weird guy and turned away from him, stroking his bat gently, still smirking. Just wait until they got somewhere that he could be at his best. He'd never been to 2Fort, but he'd seen pictures and heard stories from a couple people at Well who'd used to stationed there. And, they had Respawn there! He was fairly sure the Respawn system database was worldwide, since there'd been no need to enter the transfers into the Well Respawn system.

Then, though, Scout was rudely yanked from his rare quiet musing by a high and painful screeching sound. Swearing loudly, he clapped his hands over his ears, knocking his hat and headset askew. A loud stream of colourful curse-words came pouring from the young man's mouth, and he glared at what he determined was making the sound. When the sound stopped, he wrung the handle of his bat in his hands.

"What the fuck man!" he screeched, apparently completely undaunted by the fact that the thing he was screaming at was several times his size and made of metal. "What a dick move! What the hell is youse guys problem?"


The loud screeching started the poor Little Sister as she sat under the tree watching the sky, and she clapped her hands over her ears and started to cry. She kept crying even after it stopped, curling into herself.

"No! No! No! I don't like it!"
Gohan watched as odd things around him suddenly started occurring, including a pompous boy with a bat and an attitude fighting with the car guy, Flandre talking to a man who identified himself as Sniper, a loud shriek that hurt his ears, and the small girl he was talking to crying. He felt sorry for her, and quickly flew over, kneeling down to her height on the ground. "Come on, now, no use in crying. Calm down. Di you say that your 'Daddy' was here? Do you want me to take you to him?"
Moonwing was about to nod when a loud screeching noise rang through the area. Her clawed hands automatically went to her ears, which were barely not guarded by the armor on her head. She squeezed her eyes shut until it was over, and then when she opened them, they were flaring with anger, her emerald eyes turned red. "What in the world!?" she roared, her tail lashing as she looked around for the thing that had caused it. It was large and metallic, but that was all she knew. Growling, she was about to unleash a Magic Burst, but figured that she should save her power for later. She mumbled something angrily, her wings spreading out for a moment, and then turned away, her tail swinging back and forth like a snake.
X just pointed, jaws dropped, and it seemed that Zero was doing no better.

You could almost hear the wind (and crickets and cicadas and hawks too. What an odd assortment of wildlife.)

Finally, X broke the silence. "Maybe not as imposable as I thought." Zero nodded mutely.
"Ah Piss!"

Sniper clapped his hands over his ears when the high pitched wail was sent through the airwaves as a means to get everyone's attention. He closed his eyes and cringed from the sound, a soft inadvisable whine leaving him. Once the noise stopped, he removed his hands and was greeted with the yells of Scout.

Leave it to a Scout...

"Scout. Though I don't doubt your ability to tongue-lash a robot, but keep in mind that this is a robot that can crush you by stepping on you. Piped down and let the bloody machine do his thing."

He then glances over to Pyro and nods to him.

"As for what you said. Yeah, Soldier has rockets. But let's just see what happens when Mr. Battle Armour there meets a few Crockets, shall we? Might bring the bloke down a few pegs."

Dingo then glanced at the tree, noting that there was a crying child under it. She looked odd for a human but he couldn't quite take the sound of a baby crying. As he was about to go over himself, he noted that someone had already flown over to comfort her. He smiles a bit and remains where he was, folding his arms and looking at this 'Walker' thing.

"....That won't be of much use in 2Fort. Little overkill if you ask me. But like I said before, this can all be peaceful by me having a chat with the teams. They'll let us look around for these gear things as long as you remain calm and not pose a threat....the BLU Soldier will stuff a rocket down your throat if you show the faintest sign of being hostile. RED Soldier may too, but that's because he's nuttier than a fruit cake."
"Okay, Bonecrusher, I think we've proved our point," Ravage said. Bonecrusher proceeded to return to his normal, gargantuan form, and it was only then that Ravage chose to address the fleshling that had ranted off against him for his screech.

"I merely did so to gather your attention toward me, since we were getting nowhere otherwise, and we would not be able to go to 'two-fort'. Now we can spend time standing around arguing about my methods, or we can go to two-fort and find any parts that are there."

It was at these words that the Cybertronian buzzing abruptly cut off, and a nimbus of small blue lightning bolts began to build around Bonecrusher.

"That would be the Space Bridge, if I'm not mistaken," Ravage pointed out, "It shouldn't take too long to fully build up and take us to 'two-fort'. Just be ready to stop moving."
"Bloo Seljur us nootz teew!" Pyro corrected. ((BLU Soldier is nuts too!))

Pyro heard the girl cry but decided against going over there. What better way to stop a girl from crying than a huge Masked marauder with a Flmerthrower, Axe, and a Shotgun?

((Damn ninjas. When I take time to read over you guys ninja me.))

Pyro stopped moving, but puffed a small but of flame around him. Almost as if he thought it was a shield.
Flandre shot a glare at Pyro, still trying to shake out the ringing in her ears.

"Hey! It's not nice to call people names! I'm sure this blue Solly guy is good friends with Sny-purr here! Right, Mr. Sny-purr?"

But she dropped the conversation immediately afterwards, and turned too look at the two giant robots, who were talking again.

"I'm ready to go to this Tew-Fort place!" She shouted. She landed gently, and miraculously went rigid, not moving a single muscle.

(Okay, okay, I'll stop making references to the RP that Moony's RED Sniper's from now...))
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After the screeching sound stopped, Arctus removed his hands from his ears. 'Almost as bad as Scark's scream back home'. He decided he would watch the robot, rather than hear another whistle. All this talk of portals and Space bridges was boring him. He focused on the tree behind his back and was about to open a portal of his own when he thought he would need someone with him, 'Eh, they'll show up soon enough.' The shadows of the tree intensified and he fell backwards into the void.

Arctus always loved the sensation of his Portals, but a thought occured to him; 'I hope no one was in that shadow when I opened this, or else they'll be in this portal too. No problem really, they should end up at 2Fort anyway.' He continued to relax as he fell through the void.
KOS-MOS froze up and stood absolutely still, her last movement being to announce, "Ready for transport."

Caeda, in contrast, panicked a little, "Wait. Perfectly still?", she asked.
Then she worryingly indicated her pegasus, "Ummm.... that might be a little hard for him."
"If you're sure.." He set his pistol to stun, just in case, holstered it, and hovered his finger over the armor lockdown button. He himself would still be able to move, but not enough to interrupt with this space-bridge thing...right?
"Ready!" He called, and hit the button. Several magnets engaged, locking every piece of armor in place, almost like he was a statue.
"It's in the best interests of that winged equestrian to hold still," Ravage said, "Most things that don't hold perfectly still when going through a Space Bridge... well, let's just say we only rarely find all the pieces."

By now, the nimbus of lightning bolts had begun to build up massively, and a large blue cloud was expanding around Bonecrusher. As the blue cloud expanded, the lightning bolts began to shoot off randomly within the cloud.

"Here we go!" Ravage yelled, knowing that within moments, the lightning would begin to strike him, along with everyone else, and it would be this that would allow them to travel to the two-fort.

He looked up at Bonecrusher, who was clearly deep in concentration. He had to be, if the portal were to completely expand. That was why Bonecrusher usually did Space Bridges; he was far larger than Ravage, so this allowed him to hold portals together.

Ravage's thoughts were then interrupted by the sight of a bolt heading for him. Bracing himself for the contact, he rooted himself as firmly to the ground as the lightning struck...
Moonwing could hardly hear over all of the jabbering, but she could hear a repetition of "perfectly still." Warily, the bipedal dragon looked around, seeing everyone pause tensely as if that was what they had to do. Cautiously, she folded her wings and lowered herself to her flat feet, resting her tail on the ground. This way she wouldn't accidentally lose her balance when whatever was going to happen happened. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply, and held it in as something consumed her. She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew somehow that it was why everyone was freezing like they were.
"Wait, so we won't need these?" Lucidia questioned, already slipping the three chimaera wings back into her bag. "Then again, I don't know how to get to this fort place, anyway."

Perfectly still would work if she could just pay attention. She pricked an ear and listened for something, but she heard the fizzling of lightning in the air. It was rather confusing, seeing as the sky was clear last time she had checked. But apparently this was the mode of transportation for everyone, so she glanced at her team to make sure they weren't moving either. It looked like Lightning was doing well suppressing her natural writhing movement, and Blackstar's satellite had stopped moving almost as if he were frozen in time.
Caeda quickly threw herself onto the pegasus, "It's alright, just stay still, OK?", she quietly told it.
The pegasus managed to hold still for the most part, probably out of fear of the lightning bolts.
Lightning bolts shot out at both Caeda and KOS-MOS. They were zapped away in an instant. It wasn't unlike hyperspace, but a lot louder and flashier. It was also, at least for Caeda, oddly painful, but only for 5 or so seconds, before they were deposited onto what they could only assume was 2Fort.
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