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Open When the Worlds Need Us

Bonecrusher and Ravage skeptically listened to the human, and not even bothered to try and make sense out of his "two-fort" remark.

"I suspect that he is not the only one who has some sort of mental impairment," Bonecrusher remarked sarcastically, "For example, I would not get to close to that insectoid."

"I know, I know, but we have to remember the most important goal: finding out an alternative use for that machine. Especially before they can find one. If it comes to that-"

"Let me stop you right there, Ravage." Bonecrusher grunted, "That Lazarus fellow already has obtained two cogs, and despite the fact that we need those cogs, any move on our part would be extremely unwise this early. Lest you forget about Scrapper's report..."

Ravage glanced at the fleshling in the mask, at a loss for words. How could he have forgotten about what Scrapper had seen? That sight was what got them involved in this whole battle in the first place.
Cecill listened to all the people discussing their worlds. He wasn't even going to suggest his, there were at least 720 habitable planets, not to mention hundreds of thousands of other planets where they could hide stuff. He noticed a girl with blue hair saying something about TwoForts, but he ignored it and headed back to the car. He unlocked it, hopped in, and drove it right up to the tree. Grabbing his rifle, he clambered out and locked it again.
"So, are we going to this TwoForts or somewhere else?" He asked as he slung his rifle over his shoulder.
X and Zero looked at each other. "Uh, our 'world'?" X said, looking back at the group.

"I guess that it's a universe, you know, all the different suns and planets and stuff," Zero added. "But if you're just talking about our Earth, then we'd have to warn you..." Zero looked around at the odd assortment of talking animals, humans, and robots. "...Interesting folk that it's almost always in a war."

X looked at the blue-haired girl. "Well, Two Fort is such a generic name name that almost no one would use it."
Arctus walked over to the person holding the bat. he tapped the guy on the shoulder, "would you happen to have an image of twofort? That would make it easier for me to get there, not sure if i could take many of you with me but it's still faster than flying."
Gohan watched someone with a hood walk over and talk to the guy with the bat. He heard the guy say that he could transport people to this TwoFort place. Gohan flew over to where they were. "I can teleport as many people can physically come in contact with me at the same time, so together that should be enough."
Cecill turned to several men discussing travel plans. "Anyone leftover can come in my car, it's a 2 seater, so I can take one passenger"
"Any means of transport will be fine.", KOS-MOS said, "So long as there is a reasonable probability of reaching whereever we are headed."

"I'll be fine, I, of course, brought my trusty steed.", Caeda said as she patted her pegasus, who shook it's head and neighed, "But before we go, shouldn't we try and figure out what we might be up against when we get there? If anything at all?"
"Why don't we ask the inhabitants? Or rather, the one that makes sense" He pointed at Scout. "So, what will we be up against?"
"HUD!" Pyro shouted, sounding insulted. "HUDDA HUDDA! MPh MKON SNDS! WT ER UEW TKLN BET?"((I'M MAKING SENSE! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!)) he cried. "F WE GW OO NIT GUT SHIT!! ER SIT EN FIR!! ER BLAN IP HUDDA" ((If we go, you might get shot or set on fire. Or blown up))
Scout snorted and put away his pistol, jamming it roughly into his pocket. Damn REDs, always fuckin' around with him. At least it wasn't a Spy though, he hated Spies. He made a face at the guy with the anchor, listening as quietly as he could while trying to ignore the freak with the flamethrower next to him. Those cogs were pretty important, according to this guy...hm. They didn't look important, that was for sure.

Then everyone started to jabber at once about where they should go. Scout frowned, trying to make sense of it, when he felt someone grab his shirt. Swearing loudly and kicking out reflexively, he noted it was the damn Pyro again.

"Damnit, what do you want mumbles?!" He hissed, trying to decipher what the guy was saying. He wasn't too bad at it, since he hung out with the BLU Pyro a lot back home, so at least that wasn't so hard. She was pretty hard to understand too, so he'd gotten used to 'Pyrospeak', as his team liked to put it.

"You wanna go to 2fort? 'S that where you were stationed or somethin'?" He asked, trying to pry Pyro's hand off of him.

Then everyone started to ask him what 2fort was like. Scout blinked dully for a moment, before shrugging.

"Fuck if I know, I was stationed at Well. Never been to 2fort in my life. Mumbles here knows what he's talking about though, ask him!" Scout said, still trying to push Pyro off of him. "Though if it's anything like Well, youse are all in for a rude awakening, you can get blowed up, shot, backstabbed, set on fire, whatevs."
"HUDDA!" Pyro shouted and pointed at Scout nodding his head, the Respectless Rubber Glove on his head wiggled as he did. "TIS RUT! DUNGARROOS PLOOCE!" ((He's right! Dangerous place!))
"Tsk tsk, seems I may be late..."

A tall thin man strolls through the grassy field, glancing at the area around him with mild interest as he passed. He smiled sadly at the scene of peace and green terrain, a complete mirrored situation that he has grown accustomed to back in the world of Fortress on the 2Fort base camp. He shifted his shield on his back, feeling his gear press against him as he adjusted the strap. He gave a final glance to the world he came from, a slight sneer of his face as he remembered the last conversation he had with the Old Hag before he left.

"Good riddance. Bloody wanker"

He then picked up the pace and made his way toward the tree, studying the people that stood under it. There was a small creepy girl talking to some boy dressed in a orange kung-fu outfit, a Scout from his own world that surprised him a bit, and a Pyro as well.

So she let more than just me off the leash for a bit. How interesting.

"The first thing we should do is to decide where we should begin our search. Obviously, a familiar world is the best choice."

He stopped short of the man that spoke, tipping his hat down on his face and smiles a bit.

"Then I've arrived at the right time. Sorry for the late arrival Mate. I had a few...tasks that needed tying up before I left Fortress."
"Well, I figured as such, since you both seem to be well armed...", Caeda said, as another man joined the group.
His aesthetic seemed similar for some reason to the other two who were concerned. He also carried a gun, this one long with a scope.
"Somehow... I get the feeling... you're with those two?", Caeda asked the newcomer.

KOS-MOS weighed in on the supposed danger, "After analyzing your weapons, which appear archaic by modern standards, I have concluded that the guns you carry have a 1.19% chance of penetrating my forcefields and after that, a 2.33% chance of penetrating my armor. Therefore, I conclude that no signifigant threat is posed."
"SNIPUH!" Pyro shouted. "UT lST SIM EN U NI!" He immediately ran over to the Aussie and (tried) to explain what he wanted. "MEL THAM ABUT TUE FERD! EE MIT GU THIR SAN!" ((Tell them about 2Fort, we might go there soon.))
Ravage, having heard enough of the fleshling's constant incoherent babbling, turned to another that looked somewhat similar to the babbling fleshling - he was sure that it had been identified as "Scout" and snarled: "I know of nearly two billion forms of language in my programming, and yet, for all I have, I cannot understand a word that thing is saying. You seemed to gain some basic form of what that thing is trying to enunciate so tell me: what is it suggesting?"

"I'd like to mention how overly articulate that was," Bonecrusher pointed out, "or rather, how needlessly articulate."

Ravage chose not to respond to that, as he could easily tell that Bonecrusher was just goading him on. As of now, all that had been accomplished was the suggestion of a "two-fort" as a possible location.

Wherever we are going, I hope we get there soon; all this talking is getting us nowhere.
Sniper smiles down at his RED friend, lifting a hand and made the 'Calm down' motion to him. He then turns to the group and smiled his sly 'Dingo' smile, crossing his arms over his chest.

"2Fort. Well, I suppose I could share a bit of the place. It is two identical bases, one with the RED stamp and the other with a BLU stamp, connected by a single bridge. There are three levels to the buildings. The top being where the respawns and 'Sniper nest' lays but I personally like sitting on the actual roof for my job. The middle level is the ground floor where people tend to enter and exit, nothing much there but stairs that lead to the top floor and entrance to the Intel as well as a single stairway that leads to the bottom floor. The bottom floor is the sewers, which empties into a moat that lays under the bridge. The way the water gets to the moat is through large pipes that are large enough for a grown man to run through."

He then looks at his nails boredly, shrugging a bit from the explanation of the pipes.

"May sound like a clever way to get into the base, Mates. But trust me, it happens to often for it to be a real surprise. We have clever teammates that take this into consideration. As do the BLUs, I must point out. The problem is that we only have nine members of each side so it is tricky to cover all the weak points in the base. My main job is to take out the viable threats that use the bridge, so the Sewers is a way for them to avoid me temporally. But then we usually have a few sticky bombs or Pyro to stake out the top of the stairs. Spies do love to slither in the sewers to put the drop on us."

He then smirks, a dark yet pleased look in his eyes.

"The sound of a Spy on fire. Pure bliss, mates."
Lucidia looked up again at the sound of the leader talking. At least, she thought he was the leader, since he seemed to be doing all of the important speaking. He mentioned something about going to other worlds, and then everyone started mentioning methods of how they would be able to go about switching worlds. Might as well jump on the bandwagon.

It only took her a moment to think of an idea. She rotated the bag slung about her shoulder and waist and immediately began fishing through one of the smaller pockets. She appeared to be doing so carefully, though, as if she was looking for something fragile. After about ten seconds, she pulled out three large white feathers tinged with dark, sinister purple at the ends.

"Well, I believe I would have the ability to transport two others here as well as me... oh, and don't worry about them," she said to no one in particular, gesturing towards the three odd creatures a bit in front of her. "They always come with me - it works funny like that with the ... mental link, I guess you could call it."

Lucidia took one of the feathers in her right hand, careful not to drop them - as if doing so would kill her - and held the other two slightly higher in her left hand. "Any takers?" she called, looking a little crazy while holding up two seemingly useless feathers.

"Can't we just teleport there ourselves?" Lightning grumbled, squirming around a bit like something to which she was similar - a bunch of worms with faces.

Blackstar grinned a little wider than normal, which sometimes seemed physically impossible. "Maybe we'll beat everyone else there," he mused.

Dorchet seemed irritated, and whipped out his hands in a sort of reverse shrug. "Two things that are really important," he said, somewhat sarcastically, and then continued. "First, we don't even know where we're going." He held up the pointer finger on his left hand, as if he was actually saying something scientific. "Second, don't forget that my species doesn't teleport...!

"Good point," Blackstar said quickly, but Dorchet whirled upon him with a glare, and the sun-thing quickly shut up.
Cecill watched another newcomer arrive. How many of us are there? This must be a really important mission... The newcomer explained about the TwoFort world. ""May sound like a clever way to get into the base, Mates. But trust me, it happens to often for it to be a real surprise. We have clever teammates that take this into consideration. As do the BLUs, I must point out. The problem is that we only have nine members of each side so it is tricky to cover all the weak points in the base.My main job is to take out the viable threats that use the bridge, so the Sewers is a way for them to avoid me temporally. But then we usually have a few sticky bombs or Pyro to stake out the top of the stairs. Spies do love to slither in the sewers to put the drop on us."

"We have way more than nine people. Is there a way we could get rid of the snipers without them hurting us?" He then heard the blue-haired girl say something about armor and shields. Then he had an idea. "Your weapons are solid projectiles, right? They'd just bounce off my armor for the most part, so if I could get onto the bridge, would I be able to snipe the snipers? Or is there cover on the roof where they can hide behind?"
"Hud! Uh lek shatting spehs un feer!" (I like setting spies on fire) ((Pyro like shatting spies?)) Pyro lit a puff of flame near Sniper to check if any spies were near him. "New Spihs hurr!"(no Spies here!) He semi-saluted the Sniper as he finished Spy-Checking.

(damn ninja!)

"New! Enli Scoots and Selgirs cuhn git on tue the brej!" (No! Only Scouts and Soldiers can get onto the bridge.)
"Ravage, it looks like they're discussing how best to get to the world. Do you think..."

"You took the words right from my vocoder," Ravage said. Switching back to English. he then stated: "If I could have everyone's attention: Bonecrusher here is capable of utilizing Space Bridge technology, or rather, technology that allows for the opening of trans-spacial portals. These portals are relatively easy to use, and there is a good chance that they could transport all of us to this 'two-fort' place once the proper coordinates are entered. Does that sound satisfactory?"

While this was happening, Bonecrusher was switching through various radio frequencies while constantly muttering to himself.

It was right around that one... I hope they didn't change it without telling me again...
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