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Open When the Worlds Need Us

Gohan had barely heard the girl's name when she flew off towards the gigantic robots. Gohan then turned his attention to the small girl on the grass from earlier. He decided to introduce himself. She seemed nice, and her eyes were cool. "Hi, my names Gohan, what's yours?" he asked, trying to say the same thing he said to the other girl. "Any idea what's going on?"
As soon as the fairy-lady started buzzing around the tall rooster, he started paying attention. If you have a fly, you need a Fly Swatter, he thought, but made no attempt to swat at her with anything. It was over quick enough, anyway, since she apparently wanted to annoy the two robot-things instead. Still a little on edge, since he hadn't seen any of these people before, he slipped his long sword back into the sheath and turned to Lightning, his floating yellow teammate.

Lightning noticed that Dorchet the rooster-thing was looking at her, but he seemed more edgy than anything. One of her heads turned towards him with its usual laughing expression but began to speak quietly.

"Not sure we're supposed to be enemies with anyone," the head said, but the voice sounded like steam, and it seemed to be coming from all the mouths at once, even though only one was moving its jaws. "Best be careful anyway."

"I already knew that," Dorchet hissed back, but he didn't have a sharp edge to his voice.

"If you're meaning to attract attention, you're doing great," interjected the dark sapphire-colored star behind Dorchet. Dorchet turned around to face Blackstar, whose purple-and-fuschia satellite refused to cease its orbit, but was still glaring nonetheless.

"What would the others do after their judgment?" Blackstar questioned, appearing irritated of his teammates' small chatter.

"We're not going to die," Lightning jabbed in return, but stopped talking after that as if she was considering Blackstar's point.

Finding himself on a one-ended conversation, Dorchet let out a small sigh and lowered himself to the ground in a sitting position. His two levitating friends couldn't physically sit, however - they were perfectly fine with their floating locations anyway.

Of course, Lucidia was checking on them with her eyes from a short distance away. At least they weren't causing trouble yet.
Now things are getting real interesting! Giant robots, some dude with super speed, and a girl with freakish monsters? This is probably the most diverse task force I have ever seen.

Zero was wandering around the site observing all the different beings. At this point, he didn't have much to say, except for a few casual "Hello"'s. He was just waiting for whoever organized this gathering to explain the specifics of why the hell they were all there.
The man, seeing the big group that rapidly grew around him, began making his way up. Slowly, he pulled up his knees, putting one hand on the ground and the other on his sack, and pulled his way up. It was clear that he was tired.

Standing straight, the man pulled down his hood, revealing, surprisingly enough, that his head was covered in long, pink hair, with several grey stripes. he raised his hand, and spoke loudly: "Everyone, please calm down!"

He lowered his hand again, and continued to speak.
"My name is Lazarus, a Mahjarrat warrior from the world of Gielinor. And this", he quickly pointed towards the white canine to his side, "is Freneskae, named after the home of my kind. I encountered her on one of my travels, and she decided to follow me."

The canine tilted it's head, and continued to stare forward.

"I have summoned you here, some of you might know why, some do not. Exactly under us", he pointed downwards, "lies a machine. If it were to function, it would create a existential collapse, and pull all worlds into each other, effectively causing an apocalypse."

Lazarus took a breathe, and let the message sink in.

"The reason we do not already live in a massive ruin, is that this machine has lost parts which it needs to function. These parts have been spread out all over the worlds, and I knew of this. So I travelled to the Town in the Middle, and gathered as much information as possible. With this information, I sent you, individuals with power, invitations to meet at this place."

"Everything is at stake, and I hope you realize this. We have power, so we should use it to do the right thing, which is to seek out and destroy these parts!"

He crossed his arms, and looked around at the group.

"Don't say that this doesn't concern you, because it concerns everyone. If your will tells you to do the right thing, then I won't have to say anything more. Then you will show me that will."
'Stupid plain, being so.... plain,' the anthromorphic bee thought, buzzing along to the tree. Not a single flower to teleport from to make this trip easier, he actually had to use his dang wings! It was tiring for the six year-old, though soon enough he saw two towering robots - they couldn't possibly be creations of Doctor Eggman, could they? - making their way along the plain and followed them silently to this spot.

He stopped in front of the tree, seeing an assortment to different creatures. A lizard, a strange-looking wolf (neither of them Mobian, from what he could tell), a fairy-resembling girl, a black-haired boy introducing himself as Gohan, another human, two robots, it was enough to cause Charmy Bee to go into another spaz attack.

"Oh my gosh, everything here is so cool! It's like I'm in some sort of crazy world of crazy awesomeness and more awesome stuff and- and- and- oh my gosh!" he exclaimed, without even introducing himself. He happily did a dance in midair, giggling like the small adorable child he was.
Scout waggled his bat a bit more when Caeda motioned towards the spear and spoke, a big goofy grin still plastered on his face. He then flipped the wooden weapon so that he could place the end on the ground and lean on it a bit.

"I like a chick that has confidence, hehehe. You single, babe?" He cooed, before he noticed Clara.

When he did notice her, his eyes widened a bit, but he didn't indicate his surprise at the weird talking lizard thing with a flaming tail. He waved his hand a bit dismissively, shifting his weird from foot to foot still.

"Aw, hey, little...dragon-lizard thing...I bet you're good at whatever ya do, but me... I'mma force a nature!" he pounded on his chest with his free hand. "I've tangled with da best of 'em, and I'm here ta tell about it, ain't I? I gotta be good, and I am! I'm da best damn thing youse guys ever seen, yeah?"

But for all his bragging, Scout seemed to sense the weight of the words when Lazarus began to speak and fell quiet, his smile fading slowly. His rather goofy over-the-top expression was quickly placed with a grim expression of one who had done things that made him older than his years, and he nodded.

"Acourse I'm comin' with ya, you're gunna need me, yeah?"


Little Sister stared up at Gohan, her glowing yellow eyes wide, and she didn't say much of anything after he introduced herself. She looked mildly confused for a few moments, then tried to hide the needle behind her back.

"Daddy? No...you're not daddy," she frowned. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
Pyro stared and... did he gawk? Or was he doing some other expression? Who knows! The Pyro was worried about the faith of the worlds. Then the Pyro took a side glance and saw a BLU Scout. It threw its gun in the air and pointed at the Scout while screaming "MPH! HUDDAHUDDA MPHA HUD!" Possible Translation: YOU! Why are you here! I'll KILL YOU! It grabbed its shotgun and cocked it and took aim at the Scout's head.
"Aw, hey, little...dragon-lizard thing...I bet you're good at whatever ya do, but me... I'mma force a nature!" Lloyd pounded on his chest with his free hand. "I've tangled with da best of 'em, and I'm here ta tell about it, ain't I? I gotta be good, and I am! I'm da best damn thing youse guys ever seen, yeah?"

Pshh. Silly frivolous human. Bragging about all the talents he has and dismissing the ones he does not.

Clara ignored the stupid boy and listened to the one who brought them here.

"The reason we do not already live in a massive ruin, is that this machine has lost parts which it needs to function. These parts have been spread out all over the worlds, and I knew of this. So I travelled to the Town in the Middle, and gathered as much information as possible. With this information, I sent you, individuals with power, invitations to meet at this place."

"Everything is at stake, and I hope you realize this. We have power, so we should use it to do the right thing, which is to seek out and destroy these parts!"

Finally, someone recognizes my superior strength and will! Clara thought, nodding in acceptance of the task.

"Don't say that this doesn't concern you, because it concerns everyone. If your will tells you to do the right thing, then I won't have to say anything more. Then you will show me that will."

I had no intention of making silly excuses.

Clara surveyed the group. There with individuals with obvious strength, like the boy who fly, and herself. Then the trainer. Was he strong, or was his pokemon? Did he have any strengths? Were his pokemon cunning enough to hold their own? There was no way of telling. The fairy demon was obviously powerful, if only how the gems of hers on her wings seems to defy gravity. Plus the most powerful were usually the most crazy.
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Arctus opened his eyes after the speech and sighed. focusing on the tree branch that held him above the gathering he transfromed himself into a shadow. Arctus had arrived earlier because of his powers, so he had rested in the tree and listened carefully. He glided down to the base of the tree and reformed, slightly startling a few people.
He watched Lazarus for a second before he let his gaze wonder over the crowd, he listed what he could see in his head: 'robots, people with wings, dragon like creatures and things i have no name for... Eh, ive seen weirder.'
He focused on his feet and a dark portal formed and he fell through for a second before he began rising out with a tree brach beneath him. 'That's better.'
It took Scout a few seconds to notice the Pyro pointing a shotgun at his head, but when he did, the look on his face was priceless; eyes wide, mouth slightly open, the works. In the span of a few seconds, the boy had shoved a hand in his backpack, taken out a pistol, and pointed it right back at the red-clad freak's own head. The bat had fallen to the grass at his feet, and he took on a more steady stance.

"What the fuck man! We ain't got time for this, back the hell off! I'll shoot ya damn brains out if a don't screw off, mumbles! Now listen ta this weird guy and stuff, leave me alone!" Scout snarled, grip on the pistol steady and sure.
Gohan looked over at the odd man who had just given a speech. Gohan was worried. When he was chosen as the most powerful force from his world, he still didn't imagine an apocalypse. Something else the man said had startled him, also. "Individuals with power."
The girl he was looking down at didn't seem all that powerful. But, if he had learned anything throughout his life, it was to not underestimate anyone's power. "Daddy? Who's Daddy?" he asked the girl.
"Single? No. My heart belongs to a prince... who unfortunately cannot be with us...", Caeda trailed off at the thought of Marth, before noticing that the loud guy's attention had gone elsewhere.
In fact, a very much covered up man was threatening him with a weapon. She turned and listened to what the man, named Lazarus, had to say.

"I understand what I must do... but, where do we go from here?", she asked.

"My orders were to cooperate with your group and destroy the device.", KOS-MOS turned and told Lazarus most mechanically.
Will and spirit were human ideas, they meant little to her. KOS-MOS would simply do as Vector told her, and if this group happened to share the same goals, then that wasn't a bad thing.
Charmy turned his attention to the shadow gliding down the tree.

"Oh my gosh, that's so weird!" he yelled, darting over and almost hitting the tree truck in the process, seemingly forgetting how tired he was. He poked the trunk, wondering what action would happen.

"Does anyone else see this?" the Mobian asked, finally using a much quieter tone.
Hmm. This mission is quite an undertaking. But with all the different people here, we more than cover all the bases. Then he noticed two of the beings there shoot at each other. But, then again, this could blow up in all of our faces...

But that wasn't the point. Zero had full grasp of the situation now, and asked Lazarus "So...do you have any idea where to start?"
There was some blank looks and shuffling from X and Zero, who seemed to have taken in a lot more than they could handle. That is, until the fight between the Pyro and the Scout started.

At that, X snapped out of it (again) and approached the two fighting men. "Hey, come on. We all have the same task here," he said. Zero raised an eyebrow and followed after his friend.

"X..." he said as a "this-never-works-and-you-know-it" warning. X just looked back at Zero and a silent communication between the two seemed to take place as Zero sighed and shook his head.
Lazarus, who was quick to notice the fight going on between the Scout and Pyro, and quickly turned to Caeda, and gave her a quick, weary smile.

"I'll just sort this out real quick, and then I'll return to you."

He turned his head to his sack of bones.

"Now, Gadderanks, please give me the Barrelchest."

The skeletal hand suddenly jerked, as if responding to the name "Gadderanks." It began moving, seemingly digging through the sack, and eventually, with the help of some more hands, pulled out an anchor and handed it over to Lazarus.

The anchor was at least 1.2 metres long, half a metre wide, and looked immensely heavy. Even so, Lazarus held it in one hand, and swung it between the Scout and the Pyro.

"I'm aware the you belong to different sides", his voice deadly serious, "but right now you have greater enemies than one another. Please pull back your weapons, or I'll have to do it for you"
Arctus watched the standoff, 'hmm maybe i should do something.' He was about to intervene when he saw Lazarus walk towards them with a huge anchor. Arctus decided he would watch and see how this would play out, but he kept his focus on the two just in case.
X leapt out of the way of the anchor gracefully, despite being startled. Zero laughed.

"Well, that's one way to end a fight."
She was approaching carefully, because it was her nature. Moonwing had never done anything but avoid humans. She didn't plan on running into any, except that something had called her somewhere. And that was what she was heading for. She snaked through the grass with her agile body, a blur of blue and violet against the greens and browns of the plains. She was rather tall when she stood up straight, but when ducking down with her large, bat-like wings folded against her body, she was easily small enough to hide in the tall grass. She was quickly heading towards the only landmark for a long way: a tree.

It might not seem so special, but this was unusual. A big tree in the middle of nowhere. The armored dragon's speed slowly increased until she was pushing herself at full power, her long and spiked tail straight out behind her. But she slowed down as she realized that there was a large amount of others there... she might as well approach carefully. She crouched so that the sun would not glare off of her obsidian horns, navigating her way across the ground by crawling. Her tail was held closer to her now, but her wings were still tucked against her body. She was seen as only an occasional flash of cerulean among the endless green.

For a moment, she waited, and decided that since the others weren't attacking each other, they wouldn't attack something like her either. She gritted her teeth slightly and turned her wide snout up before standing up, approaching rather elegantly, although this was her normal posture. She had muscular thighs and a thin build, and as she stood she exuded a sense of grace. Slowly, she headed towards them, stopping when she was quite a few meters away. You could never be too careful...
Charmy's eye caught the blue flash just in time to see the dragon stand up. He'd only seen one dragon in his entire life, and see was too thick and green to be the same dragon he saw in front of him. Out of pure curiousity he buzzed over to the blue-and-purple creature.

"You look awesome."
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