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[09] Kratos Aurion vs Involuntary Twitch

Air slash, brine and surf, if you please. If Phanel protects or you're fully paralyzed--not that anything other than air slash should require a lot of movement--chill. If Phanel uses recover or some other direct-healing move on the first or second action, use hidden power on the second action instead.

Air Slash/Chill ~ Brine/Chill/Hidden Power ~ Surf/Chill
Recover (to take the edge off of that potential Brine attack, although I suppose this means he will use hidden power instead), then charge beam twice and hope for the special attack boost; if you find yourself overcome with Paralysis (not that you're moving very much), chill.

Recover/Chill ~ Charge beam/Chill ~ Charge beam/Chill
There are once again stirrings around the arena; twitching in the reeds and faint chirping in the air. This time both pokémon are on their guard, ready to attack at the faintest hint of an amphibian presence. What they aren't prepared for is the sudden gaggle of little pink pokémon that burst out of hiding and mob them in a tide of giggles and squeals. The happiny hem Phanel and Räsvelg in, waving small eggs above their heads and apparently quite keen on the larger pokémon taking them. Phanel bends down stiffly, shifting his spoons to one hand so that he can pluck an egg from one of the happiny. He examines it closely, then pops it open with a precise needle of psychic force and sucks out the innards. Almost immediately, his numerous bruises start to vanish, the last trickle of blood coming from the wound on his head drying up as a jolt of energy rushes through his body.

Räsvelg's approach is somewhat less delicate. The osgrave snaps up the first egg that gets near his face and swallows it whole, nearly taking off the hand of the happiny offering it. A moment later he coughs, then hacks up a mess of gooey, broken eggshell, looking content and somewhat sleeker as the powerful healing energy in the egg spreads throughout his body; a pity it couldn't take care of his paralysis, though. The happiny whose egg it was seems somewhat taken aback by this behavior, but she reminds herself that she needs to be the bigger person here and be grateful that she was able to help out (happiness is for everyone, even uncouth shorebirds). She and the rest of the happiny throng shout a few words of encouragement to the battlers before disappearing into the reeds once more, presumably to watch the battlefield from the front-row sidelines.

Round Seven

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 60%
Energy: 88%
Used: Flinch ~ Thunder wave ~ Shock wave
- Sitting on the ground. Has a crack in the armor on his forehead. Paralyzed (severe). -1 Defense

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 83%
Energy: 100%
Used: Fake Out ~ X-Scissor ~ Facade
- Furious. Paralyzed (severe).

Räsvelg is the first to act after the happiny disappear, sweeping his wings wide and bringing them together with a clap to expel a razor-thin blast of energy in his opponent's direction. The air slash strikes Phanel in the chest, opening a thin, shallow gash through his armor. It stings awfully, like a papercut a foot long, and the alakazam is forced to grit his teeth for a moment, preoccupied by the sharp pain.

The moment of inattention is costly, as it robs the alakazam of an opportunity to recover a bit from his wounds. Räsvelg is pulling water from his inner reserves, cheeks bulging as he lets pressure build up and salt from special glands leech into the trapped liquid. He lets it go in a rush, spraying Phanel with an intense burst of briny liquid. This time the alakazam actually cries out, the brine attack burning terribly as it sets his wounds alight with searing pain. He's not about to make the same mistake twice, though, and forces an attack out through the pain. His spoons glow and buzz with electricity before disgorging a narrow, glittering beam of power. Räsvelg rears and hisses as the charge beam hits home, sending another unwelcome shock through his system.

He recovers soon enough, quieting a muscle spasm in one wing and bracing himself more solidly on the earth. Ducking his head, Räsvelg calls out to the water surrounding him on all sides; the brackish murk is a far cry from the bracing waves of his ocean home, but it will do well enough. Phanel, meanwhile, is struggling against paralysis, trying to get his spoons lined up with his target as he once more suffuses them with electricity. An involuntary shudder somewhat ruins his aim, but the charge beam is launched successfully, and most of it strikes Räsvelg.

The osgrave grunts but does not stop his attack. The water behind Phanel is now rising up, gurgling faintly as it forms a precarious wave behind the alakazam. Phanel doesn't have to look back to know what's coming; he closes his eyes in resignation as the surf wave comes crashing down over him, picking him up and carrying him nearly all the way across the little island to land near an amused Räsvelg, soaked and in poor humor.

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 27%
Energy: 83%
Used: Flinch ~ Charge Beam x2
- Definitely not pleased with how this battle's going. Has a crack in the armor on his forehead. Paralyzed (severe). -1 Defense

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 59%
Energy: 88%
Used: Air Slash ~ Brine ~ Surf
- Feeling a bit more confident now. Paralyzed (severe).

Terrain Notes
A steady hailfall pounds the arena, littering the ground with slippery patches of melting ice. The Pike aide's prediction remains the same: "The distinct aroma of pokémon is wafting around the arena..."

Final Notes
- Phanel's paralysis kicked in on the last action, reducing the power of his charge beam.
- Involuntary Twitch attacks first next round.
FFFFF. Well, Phanel, we have plenty of energy, so rest and sleep talk. (you should be faster than him since you're both paralyzed. Actually, that makes me wonder kinda why he wasn't able to get Recover off first last round, unless it functions differently in ASB which I missed.)

Rest/Sleep Talk ~ Rest/Sleep Talk ~ Rest/Sleep Talk
I think that might be Negrek's "speed modifier" at work; I'd guess it equalized their speeds and it came down to a coin flip.

Hm. This calls for one of those ridiculous priority combos, so aqua jet + waterfall + aerial ace. If that combo will not work, or if you feel like paralysis is going to trip you up (and I'm sure we're due for that, given that you've yet to choke), do not start it and just be boring with some rest and sleep talk of your own. Continue attempting to rest if you don't fall asleep the first time, obviously.

Aqua Jet + Waterfall + Aerial Ace/Rest ~ Sleep Talk/Rest ~ Sleep Talk/Rest
As far as I understand it, Alakazam has 120 base speed to Osgrave's 83, and since they're both severely paralyzed (let's say -6) the one with more base speed would go first (as is the case when two Pokemon use a priority move, for example). So Alakazam would move first.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Osgrave's base speed is 112 (it's the special defense that's 83). They're close enough that if the RNG gave Osgrave a positive modifier and/or Alakazam a negative one (I don't know the size of the modifiers she's generating), they could speed tie.
There is a lull in the action as trainers give their commands. By now expecting something odd to happen, both pokémon stand at attention, wary and unsure of what the fickle arena might throw their way. Nothing seems to happen; a sudden splash far out in the waters of the battlefield causes both pokémon to whip around, focusing on the noise, but it was nothing more than a magikarp giving one of their trademark splashes. Of course, the Battle Pike connoisseurs out in the audience (all two of them) recognize the sign for what it is: a sign that the trainers were only a few sides of the dice away from another free heal. "Ah, the magikarp," they say, smiling to themselves and feeling deliciously superior to the nacho-munching rabble that make up most of the stands, many of whom are expressing deeply ignorant disappointment over the fact that "nothing happened."

Round Eight

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 27%
Energy: 83%
Commands: Rest/Sleep Talk ~ Rest/Sleep Talk ~ Rest/Sleep Talk
- Definitely not pleased with how this battle's going. Has a crack in the armor on his forehead. Paralyzed (severe). -1 Defense

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 59%
Energy: 88%
Commands: Aqua Jet + Waterfall + Aerial Ace/Rest ~ Sleep Talk/Rest ~ Sleep Talk/Rest
- Feeling a bit more confident now. Paralyzed (severe).

Räsvelg tenses, preparing to spring, but ultimately he isn't ready to attack just yet. The osgrave thinks over his commands carefully, trying to envision the combo he is supposed to perform; in the background, Phanel is pulling himself into a cross-legged position on the ground, letting his eyes fall closed and slipping into a healing trance. While Räsvelg decides that what he's been asked to do just won't work, a faint blue glow springs up around Phanel, and his injuries slowly begin to heal over. The osgrave glances over at his opponent and, seeing no sign of immediate danger, decides that he ought to take some time to heal up as well. Räsvelg folds in his wings and lets his head hang but otherwise makes no concessions to slumber, staying on his feet as he, too, descends into a deep, unnatural healing sleep.

For a little while there is silence in the arena and general boredom in the stands as the two pokémon remain as they are, subtly healing up. The situation isn't improved when Räsvelg's quiet murmuring has no visible effect; while the osgrave's energy is focused and his dreaming mind turned towards thoughts of battle, the spectators get a sense of nothing besides "more boring sleep." There is a bit of a stir when a muttering Phanel raises a spoon and points it towards Räsvelg, but the excitement rapidly dies when absolutely nothing seems to happen. The ripples of potentiality that the alakazam sends spreading into the future are, of course, entirely invisible.

Likewise, it would be easy to miss Räsvelg, once again grumbling and sighing in his slumber, planting himself firmly in a defensive stance. At last the audience is given something to cheer for when Phanel's next attack, dredged up by his subconscious, proves to be a colorful psywave, which causes the air around him to ripple as if in a heat-haze and shimmer with unnatural irridescence. The waves of power strike Räsvelg, wakening the groggy osgrave at last. He forgets entirely about the counterattack he had been preparing as wave upon wave of painful psychic energy washes over him, coursing through his brain like a fiery river. Nevertheless, after the psywave dies out, he's still looking significantly better than he did when he went to sleep.

Phanel's transformation, however, is far more dramatic; his armor is once again smooth and unblemished, save for crusts of dried blood that mark where his wounds used to be. He, too, opens his eyes, the healing aura around him winking out in an instant, and gets smoothly to his feet, all traces of paralysis awkwardness gone. A fine sheen of sweat covers his body, however, and he slumps a little where he stands; the intense healing session has obviously taken quite a bit out of him.

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 97%
Energy: 39%
Commands: Rest ~ Sleep Talk (Future Sight) ~ Sleep Talk (Psywave)
- Back in top physical form, but exhausted. Future sight to strike in one action.

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 85%
Energy: 62%
Commands: Rest ~ Sleep Talk (Focus Energy) ~ Sleep Talk (Counter)
- Displeased by Phanel's obvious recovery. Focused.

Terrain Notes
A steady hailfall pounds the arena, littering the ground with slippery patches of melting ice. Once again the Pike aide announces, "The distinct aroma of pokémon is wafting around the arena..."

Final Notes
- The initial speed roll has indeed pegged Räsvelg as faster than Phanel.
- I could see quick attack + waterfall or quick attack + aerial ace, but I'm not sure what you were going for with waterfall + aerial ace.
- Kratos Aurion attacks first next round.
I guess I was looking to add more momentum/power to the rush in, though it's my fault for not being clear about it. We can work with this, anyway.

All right, Räsvelg, press on and give him no quarter. Let's see if we can't pull off a little crithax now that you're focused and let loose with night slash; if Phanel protects, swords dance, and if he's got clones, natural gift. Same thing for the next two actions, except I'd like you to use shadow claw and x-scissor as your first-choice actions and aerial ace if he DTs on the second action. You should also use swords dance if you think Phanel's hit the damage cap, i.e. looks like he's gone numb or something.

Night Slash/Swords Dance/Natural Gift ~ Shadow Claw/Swords Dance/Aerial Ace ~ X-Scissor/Swords Dance/Natural Gift
Counter, since you can afford to take the damage of the Night Slash, then Thunder Wave and Chill, taking the damage from X-scissor (or hoping for paralysis).

Counter ~ Thunder Wave ~ Chill
Once again the between-round lull is quiet and tense, but no marauding pokémon appear to torment the battlers. There is a loud plop as another magikarp makes a high leap and falls back to the water, but by that point no one is paying it much attention. The pokémon are listening closely to their commands and the audience looks on, anticipating an exciting round now that no one on the field is napping.

Round Nine

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 97%
Energy: 39%
Commands: Rest ~ Sleep Talk (Future Sight) ~ Sleep Talk (Psywave)
- Back in top physical form, but exhausted. Future sight to strike in one action.

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 85%
Energy: 62%
Commands: Rest ~ Sleep Talk (Focus Energy) ~ Sleep Talk (Counter)
- Displeased by Phanel's obvious recovery. Focused.

Räsvelg flares his wings, flexing his claws for a moment before taking off across the arena. Phanel watches the osgrave approaching with no more than a frown, sliding into a defensive stance as he prepares to take the blow. The osgrave skids to a halt in front of Phanel, rearing back on his hind legs as his front claws spark with blackness. Räsvelg cuts across Phanel's chest with a powerful slash, and the alakazam endures the attack with no more than a scowl, a faint reddish aura suffusing the air around his body. Upon completing his attack, Räsvelg has no chance to retreat: a blast of psychic energy catches him and throws him viciously to the side, toppling him over on his back in the mud.

While the osgrave stares up at the ceiling far overhead, dazed by the powerful blow, a high-pitched whining assaults his ears. Direct from the past, a multicolored bolt of psychic energy lances out of thin air, stabbing into the osgrave's unprotected underbelly. Räsvelg roars in pain as the blast of energy connects, overwhelming him with another heavy dose of psychic misery.

The portal to the past closes, the power of future sight spent, but Räsvelg is slow to get back to his feet and Phanel is eager to take advantage of any opportunity to trip the osgrave up. Electricity buzzes around the alakazam's spoons, and no sooner has Räsvelg managed to right himself than a thin streamer of electricity knocks him to the ground again. The familiar cramping feeling of paralysis settles into Räsvelg's muscles as he twitches helplessly on the ground in the throes of Phanel's thunder wave.

The second time Räsvelg is forced to rise, it takes him even longer, his uncertain muscles failing at the worst possible times. Still, the osgrave manages and is absolutely furious as he turns his attention back towards his opponent once more. This time when he bounds over to strike at the alakazam, his claws turn incorporeal, leaving no obvious wounds as they travel through Phanel's body but tearing into his very soul. Phanel gives an involuntary shiver as the shadow claw plunges through his body. As soon as the attack is through, though, he settles himself down to rest for a bit.

A moment of relaxation does wonders for the tired alakazam's constitution, and he is even able to weather Räsvelg's subsequent x-scissor with grace. Both pokémon have taken a beating this round, but Phanel, no longer paralyzed and still far better off than he was before his nap, is feeling a bit better about the situation than his opponent.

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 62% (capped)
Energy: 30%
Chills: 1/3
Used: Counter ~ Thunder Wave ~ Chill
- Seated cross-legged on the ground.

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 50% (capped)
Energy: 47%
Chills: 0/3
Used: Night Slash ~ Shadow Claw ~ X-Scissor
- Has already lost much of the freshness afforded by his rest. Focused. Paralyzed (severe).

Terrain Notes
A steady hailfall pounds the arena, littering the ground with slippery patches of melting ice. This time the Pike aide says, "There is a sense of restlessness about this place..."

Final Notes
- Phanel didn't hit the damage cap until the third action of this round.
- Involuntary Twitch attacks first next round.
Hm. Damage cap. Well, you can still take some more damage, Phanel; the important thing here is not to collapse from fatigue. Since you now can without a doubt outrun your foe, mess with him a bit more with a Reflect. Then Chill, but if he does something obnoxious to mess with the chill Shock Wave. Then Shock Wave again.

Reflect ~ Chill/Shock wave ~ Shock Wave
Surf, brine and protect, and chill if you're too paralyzed to carry out your commands (not that that should be too big a problem). If surf misses or you parafail, use hydro pump on the second action instead of brine.

Surf/Chill ~ Brine/Chill/Hydro Pump ~ Protect/Chill
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As it turns out, the arena cannot remain still for long. No magikarp jumps in anticipation of this round's start; instead, the marauding croagunk, now almost forgotten by the preoccupied battlers, return. Phanel swings around as there is a rustling behind him in the reeds, only to be met with a punch to the chest as the frog that had thrown itself from hiding made contact. The alakazam found himself piled on by several of the croagunk's colleagues, their gulping laughter filling his ears.

Räsvelg, paralyzed as he was, hardly fared better. Beset on all flanks by the obnoxious croagunk, the osgrave could do little more than hiss in irritation and make jerky lunges as his tormentors, which only seemed to amuse them more. The frog attack was not fated to be prolonged, however, and abruptly the croagunk turned attack to retreat, slipping back into the marsh while their stunned targets were still reeling and slow to react.

Round Ten

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 52%
Energy: 30%
Chills: 1/3
Commands: Reflect ~ Chill/Shock wave ~ Shock Wave
- Seated cross-legged on the ground.

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 40%
Energy: 47%
Chills: 0/3
Commands: Surf/Chill ~ Brine/Chill/Hydro Pump ~ Protect/Chill
- Has already lost much of the freshness afforded by his rest. Focused. Paralyzed (severe).

Phanel blows an irritated sigh through his moustache and casts a dirty look at the reeds bordering the island before concentrating on his next task. His spoons glow with a blue aura as he slowly draws them apart, a film of energy hanging in the air between them as he does so. The reflect expands until the alakazam is covered entirely by a faint blue dome, protected against even the most vicious physical assaults.

Fortunately for Räsvelg, he has something special in mind. Spreading his wings wide, the osgrave lets out a gurgling call, tapping into the power of the murky water that covers much of the arena. It responds sluggishly to his command, piling up on itself in the form of a great wave that teeters briefly above the island housing the two pokémon before crashing down with a roar. Räsvelg is quite comfortable riding along on the wave's crest, but Phanel is swept off his feet by a wall of water, his reflect no help against its power. The wave carries him nearly to the edge of the land, tumbling him along the ground. As it washes past, draining back to join the brackish pool surrounding the battlefield, Phanel reflects gloomily that it was an even fiercer wave than he remembers contending with earlier.

The soggy alakazam pulls himself into a sitting position and lets his spoons hang down, enjoying a brief period of rest. Räsvelg, meanwhile, is prepared to follow up his surf with a brine attack. As he starts to prepare water for the attack, though, he gags, muscles in his throat seizing up. His entire body feels locked in place, and the osgrave is left able to do little more than roll his eyes as he struggles against the power of his paralysis. In the end he gives up and tries to relax as best he can, though he's far from comfortable standing at stiff attention.

The paralysis still hasn't let up when Phanel rises to his feet, feeling refreshed and ready to dish out some pain. Räsvelg is thrown into a bit of a panic--will he be able to get a protect set up despite his paralysis? Should he just try relaxing again and hoping that his stiff spell passes. Electricity crackles around Phanel's spoons as the alakazam charges a shock wave--in the end Räsvelg simply stands and takes the attack, forking branches of lightning scorching his feathers and shooting pain through already tortured muscles.

Being struck by shock wave isn't all bad, though. In the wake of the buzzing pain induced by the electrical strike, a feeling of overwhelming power comes over Räsvelg as his water power overflows, flooding his body with extra energy. Phanel frowns as a blue aura begins to leak from Räsvelg's feathers, but the alakazam is not overly worried--it won't take more than another good hit or two to put the osgrave under, he thinks. Granted, it won't take more than a couple hits to bring himself down, either. Räsvelg simply continues to chill and wait, hoping that he'll soon be granted a reprieve from his paralysis and be able to get his revenge on Phanel.

Involuntary Twitch (XO)
Phanel (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 30%
Energy: 34%
Chills: 2/3
Used: Reflect ~ Chill ~ Shock Wave
- Quite damp. Protected by reflect (2 more actions).

Kratos Aurion (XO)

Räsvelg (M) <Torrent> @ Razor Claw
Health: 23%
Energy: 58%
Chills: 2/3
Used: Surf ~ Chill ~ Chill
- Cursing his paralysis. Torrent activated. Focused. Paralyzed (severe).

Terrain Notes
A steady hailfall pounds the arena, littering the ground with slippery patches of melting ice. This time the Pike aide repeats, "There is a sense of restlessness about this place..."

Final Notes
- Räsvelg's surf was a critical hit.
- Räsvelg regained a little less energy than normal from his chills because he was made uncomfortable by full paralysis.
- I've got to run, so this hasn't been proofread.
- Kratos Aurion attacks first next round.
Protect three times. If yanma appear instead of croagunk then forgo the second protect for brine unless Phanel is commanded to use some super-combo or something there that would probably knock you out. If Phanel doesn't attack you on any given action, surf on the first and third and brine on the second; if the reason he's not attacking is that he's trying to use taunt, though, go back to protect. If he's not attacking because he's using protect or you can't hit him, agility the first action he does it, swords dance the second action and agility again if he does it third action.

Protect/Surf/Agility ~ Protect/Brine/Swords Dance ~ Protect/Surf/Agility

...bloody croagunk.
Hrm. That's very confusing, but you've got an IQ of over 5000 so you should be fine. Start with Future Sight which is an attack and should cause him to protect when he sees you. On the second action, Shock Wave. If he does manage to protect, no big loss. Third action, Charge beam-- if he throws up a protect try to at least get the special attack boost. (the attack shouldn't need to connect with your opponent to charge your power, since charging is part of the windup.)

Future Sight ~ Shock Wave ~ Charge Beam
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