Round 9
Yoshiya is quickly returned to the safety of his pokeball, and after a moment of thought, Negrek selects her second and last combatant: Mandarb, an absol bearing a shiny set of light armor over her chest and head, as well as a nasty-looking barb on her scythe. A dark, tattered Reaper Cloth flutters behind her, making her appearance even more imposing; Yukianesa, despite herself, feels her confidence faltering just a
tiny bit at the sight of her new foe. Mandarb simply stares at her disdainfully as her trainer gives her her orders…
Negrek (XO)

Mandarb (F) <Pressure>
(Item: Reaper Cloth)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
This shouldn’t be too hard.
Blazheirio889 (OO)

Yukianesa (F) <Snow Cloak>
(Item: Nevermeltice)
Health: 39%
Energy: 17%
Well, finally. Poisoned (3% per round). -1 Attack
Chills: 3/3
A sudden noise makes Yukianesa flinch, but it’s only a few magikarp splashing around behind her. Ticked at herself for letting the intimidating absol make her all nervous and jumpy - she just beat the thing’s partner, didn’t she? - Yukianesa ceases concentrating on her light screen, letting it shimmer out of existence, and (with a hint of hesitation in her voice, as if part of her is worried that this
maybe isn’t a smart move) starts flinging insults at Mandarb. She focuses mainly on the absol’s accessories, sneering that the absol must be so weak and insecure that she needs to hide behind armor in order to face other pokemon, and how her scythe must be duller than a bidoof’s wit for her to have added that stupid-looking barb; and as for the reaper cloth:
“…wow, can we say ‘tacky’?”
Mandarb, who had her mouth open ready to do some verbal battle of her own, abruptly shuts it as Yukianesa’s taunting reaches her ears. A soft, ominous growl builds in her throat as the froslass’s words continue, and her eyes narrow in fury. How
dare this pathetic little ghost talk to her like that!
“Dull scythe?!” I’ll show you
a dull scythe, how’d you like to be sliced in half
with this dull scythe?! (And my cloth isn’t
tacky!) For now, though, she contents herself with slamming her forepaws into the swampy floor, sending a tremor down through the ground and towards her foe. Yukianesa yelps as the ground suddenly erupts under her, large chunks of wet soil and even a few blocks of concrete from the underlying foundation of the arena rising above her, only to collapse and force her to the ground, trapped beneath a cage of earth.
Smirking, Mandarb watches with great satisfaction as the froslass struggles to free herself. She’s still left with plenty of aggression to spare, though, and before Yukianesa can recover inhales deeply; on exhaling, a cold wind blows forth, glittering with flash-frozen moisture. Yukianesa briefly looks up from her struggling to sneer at the frigid gust as it hits her - the mound of earth and stone over her actually shields her from some of the attack, while the remainder she takes without so much as a shiver - though the wind does leave a slight frost over the mound and the exposed parts of her body, impeding her movements somewhat.
Giving up for now on escaping her earthy cage, Yukianesa manages to awkwardly twist herself into a position that allows her to take aim at Mandarb. The air around her crackles with energy as she fires an invisible electric current at the absol. Unfortunately for her, the same blocks of wet soil that shielded her from Mandarb’s attack also serve to block and redirect a portion of the electricity from hers; Mandarb gives a sudden involuntary twitch as the thunder wave hits her, but otherwise doesn’t seem much affected by the weakened attack.
Grumbling to herself, Yukianesa tries a different angle: no one can quite see how, but her hands are suddenly full of tiny, caltrop-shaped objects of indeterminate material, which she proceeds to throw in Mandarb’s direction. A lot of them stick in or bounce off the soil and rock that still entraps the froslass, but many fly through, scattering over the ground around Mandarb’s current location, and becoming concealed beneath the marsh plants spread over the field - each tiny spike laying in wait, ready to inflict moderate discomfort on their creator’s enemy… at least once she starts moving.
At the moment, though, Mandarb is standing perfectly still, her eyes narrowed in concentration. Suddenly, her eyes become unfocused, as if the absol was staring at something behind Yukianesa; they glow briefly with psychic power, but after a second return to their normal state, and Mandarb stares back at the froslass still stuck beneath the rock tomb, grinning in anticipation of the near future…
Negrek (XO)

Mandarb (F) <Pressure>
(Item: Reaper Cloth)
Health: 100%
Energy: 86%
Status: Confident. Paralyzed (mild)
Blazheirio889 (OO)

Yukianesa (F) <Snow Cloak>
(Item: Nevermeltice)
Health: 27%
Energy: 7%
Status: Trapped and exhausted. Poisoned (3% per round). -1 Attack, -2 Speed
Chills: 3/3
Battle notes:
Mandarb is no longer Taunted.
Terrain notes:
A large pile of ice-encrusted boulders sits over Yoshiya’s hole, blocking the exit. Smaller rocks fill the tunnel about halfway down its length. A second, unblocked tunnel leads down to the same hole.
A mound of large blocks of marshy soil and a few heavy concrete blocks pins Yukianesa to the ground on the main island.
Spikes are scattered over the main island.
"I seem to have heard something... It may have been whispering..."
Next round:
Negrek attacks first.
(I could not for the life of me think of a way for a froslass to generate Spikes...)