(Mandarb's damage is fixed - I had thought that burn damage was added on after the cap, sorry. Also, I forgot to take Pressure into account last round, so Khao has lost a bit more energy.)
Round 12
Negrek (XO)

Mandarb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 53% (capped)
Energy: 86%
Status: Worried and frustrated. Paralyzed (very mild), Burned (3%/round)
Blazheirio889 (XO)

Khao (M) <Blaze>
(Item: Magmarizer)
Health: 89%
Energy: 81%
Status: Confident.
A sudden muffled
CLUNK followed by a mechanical
WHIRRRR from above echo around the arena as the Pike’s hidden weather system activates, causing Mandarb and Khao to hesitate in carrying out their new orders and look up warily - each hoping that chance will be on their side. The air above darkens as heavy clouds form, while the temperature in the arena abruptly drops several degrees; then, without warning, great icy hailstones begin to rain from the sky. Both pokemon yelp in surprise and try in vain to shield themselves from the barrage of sharp ice that rains down on them.
Keeping her eyes on Khao, Mandarb takes a few tentative steps back, becoming more confident as her legs show no sign of freezing up on her again. Khao, snarling from a hailstone to the back of the head, takes a deep breath in preparation for another flamethrower… but is cut off when the retreating absol bares her fangs and snarls viciously at him, letting loose a deep, rumbling growl that sends a supernatural shiver of dread down the typhlosion’s spine. For a moment his limbs feel weak; he’s always considered himself a brave ’mon, but the sound, combined with the ferocious expression on the absol’s face, invokes an instinctive, primal terror from the dark recesses of his brain that he has no defense against.
Slightly less enthusiastic now, Khao nevertheless pushes past the fear and breathes a tongue of flame at the retreating absol. Not having moved far enough to avoid it, Mandarb takes the full brunt of the flamethrower, her armor heating up painfully even with the flames’ lowered intensity. Gritting her teeth, she continues moving back, aiming toward the patter of hailstones hitting the water. She keeps her eyes on Khao as she walks; she tenses as flames dribble from the typhlosion’s mouth again, but he only breathes a small, steady stream of flame straight down into the ground.
After an area about as large as Khao is glowing white-hot, he ends his fire breath and reaches down into the now-molten ground. Moving quickly, he begins to mold the lava like clay, forming a vaguely typhlosion-shaped construct standing in front of him. Silvery lines of energy spread out from Khao’s hands and surround the construct, holding its shape and imparting a portion of Khao’s own life-force into it. Khao pulls his hands out of his substitute just as Mandarb’s terror-inducing snarl rips through the air again - the sound appears to burst against the body of softly-glowing lava, breaking off a few globs of its “skin”, but leaving Khao completely unaffected.
Mandarb scowls, but has no time to dwell on this unwelcome development as her back legs finally slip down into water. She quickly backs herself all the way into the lake, sighing in relief as the lukewarm swamp water seeps into her armor and over her burn, slightly soothing the insistent pain. Her legs move freely underwater, unencumbered by the last lingering strains of paralysis, and she is soon several feet away from the land, only her head visible above the surface.
Turning her attention back toward land, Mandarb smirks as a streak of curses and high-pitched yelps reaches her ears. Khao, only now realizing that the distance between them had become a slight negative factor in terms of dealing mass amounts of damage, had dropped to all fours and rushed to the water’s edge - straight through the spike-strewn no-man’s land courtesy of his fainted teammate. Mandarb snickers as Khao doesn’t
quite manage to hold back a piteous whimper as he pulls a spike free from his paw; the typhlosion’s eyes narrow, and he clenches the same paw into a fist, a small trickle of blood trailing down his foreleg. The substitute stares on impassively as its master’s fist begins to take on a soft glow…
Khao tries to clear his mind of all distractions - from the continuous battering of the hail to the uncomfortable notion that he’s going to have to go
into the water if he wants to hit Mandarb - concentrating every iota of his focus into gathering energy in his fist. The glow slowly but steadily increases in intensity… but Khao notices that his opponent is taking no action, but watching him with a grin on her face, just
waiting… Remembering his instructions for this, Khao immediately and unceremoniously drops his focus, letting the fighting energy he had gathered in his fist drain away; then - feeling incredibly drained - he tries to switch to his alternate tactic, gathering up solar energy in his body.
Between the obscuring hail clouds and the good amount of energy he had just invested in a very intensive attack, Khao can’t manage much; the resultant solarbeam is thin, dim, and decidedly unimpressive. It slices through the water, further muddling its energy, but manages to strike its target. Mandarb winces but, still in her stable Counter stance, easily manages to keep her footing. The beam didn’t hurt
that much, the pain from her burn is lessening, and the water has managed to shield her from the largest hailstones for the past few seconds, and so she feels much more confident as she awaits her next instructions.
Negrek (XO)

Mandarb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 26%
Energy: 78%
Status: Relaxing underwater. Burned (3%/round)
Blazheirio889 (XO)

Khao (M) <Blaze>
(Item: Magmarizer)
Health: 57% (10% Substitute)
Energy: 59%
Status: Feeling overextended. -1 Sp. Attack
Battle notes:
Mandarb’s paralysis wore off on the third action.
Because of the nature of the attack, Focus Punch could not be delayed to wait for Mandarb to attack, and requires too much focus for Khao to have feigned something else.
Khao’s Solarbeam cost more energy and dealt reduced damage due both to the Hail and Khao having already used energy to start the Focus Punch.
Terrain notes:
A large pile of boulders sits over a small hole, blocking the exit. Smaller rocks fill the tunnel about halfway down its length. A second, unblocked tunnel leads down to the same hole.
A mound of large blocks of marshy soil and a few heavy concrete blocks sits on the main island.
Spikes are scattered over the main island.
About one-third of the vegetation on the main island has been burned away.
The arena is under the weather effect Hail.
"Even the air feels like it's holding its breath..." The Pike attendant mutters again, looking surprised.
Next Round:
Blazheirio889 attacks first.