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2008 American Presidential Election

Who would you prefer to see lead the United States?

  • Total voters
No, I'm not saying it should be an anarchy, I'm saying that it should be as close as possible while still keeping the people it rules safe. A goverment that has laws, people enforcing them, leaders, a military, and so on, but not much else. Pretty much a simple, simple, simple democratic republic.
Yes, people should chose their own leaders, and yes, there should be a balance of power to prevent corruption/change to a dictatorship.
how would you go about setting that up practically because I'm sure I can find a contradiction in that. what laws would you instate?
Meh, again, NOONE is going to agree with me on this.

Heh, I bet noone is going to agree with me on this.
disagrein' wit dis

No but seriously Communism has a good basic idea but it's seriously doomed to failure.
Every law required to prevent internal collapse, murder, theft, and so on.

this contradicts your "free market" considering it's essentially based on theft. you're gonna have to have some civil law here :(

I wish I was a law expert so I could tell you you suck at this professionally but this will have to do :B

AK stop stealing my fire I already said that ok >(
errr basically free markets allow for an unfair splitting of power and money amongst the population

I don't know if you've seen the world lately but you have to agree with me that the distribution of wealth and power is quite limited, to, oh, about a million people on a society of 6 billion people. for every person that benefits from the free market in the United States, there are one hundred that suffer. it's just a little less in the US because they happen to have a little money to spend. i consider the power distribution theft from people who have as much right to this power as the current holders do.

that's what I mean by human nature. give someone power, and he is not going to share it. that is why your free market/laissez-faire scheme does not work. sooner or later some megalomaniac comes in and ruins the whole thing for the population. it's happened in every country that's tried this: look at soviet union, look at cuba, look at north korea: it does NOT work at all.
errr basically free markets allow for an unfair splitting of power and money amongst the population

I don't know if you've seen the world lately but you have to agree with me that the distribution of wealth and power is quite limited, to, oh, about a million people on a society of 6 billion people. for every person that benefits from the free market in the United States, there are one hundred that suffer. it's just a little less in the US because they happen to have a little money to spend. i consider the power distribution theft from people who have as much right to this power as the current holders do.

that's what I mean by human nature. give someone power, and he is not going to share it. that is why your free market/laissez-faire scheme does not work. sooner or later some megalomaniac comes in and ruins the whole thing for the population. it's happened in every country that's tried this: look at soviet union, look at cuba, look at north korea: it does NOT work at all.

I love how in the last part you named three countries that do not have free markets as examples. That's...wow. XD
To be honest, I think you can't really say that we're all suffering at all in the United States compared to the rest of the world. In fact, the standerd of living is excellent, and the reason people have money to spend IS the free market itself... Free markets work pretty well compared to goverment controlled ones, but again, few people (if any) will agree with me on this. In fact, if someone else said that laissez-faire sounds like a interesting idea, my jaw would drop, my eyes would bulge out, and I would collapse onto my keyboard.

Communism's awesome until you take human nature into account.

None. I dislike them both. They both are cliche politicians. I would rather vote Elmer Fudd over those two. No offense.
Of course I'm that weirdo who doesn't like Abraham Lincoln.

Also I actually am glad I do not live in Cuba.
I agree with The Quicker Pick Me Upper on laissez-faire. Also the reason Americans have the money they do is the free market. Cubans are not so rich in comparison.
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Neither. One hand you got a war-mongerer, and the other puts winning over ideals. Or so I've heard. I'm waiting for the next Washington, Lincoln or FDR. Or whoever was a decent Pres.

Well it said 'post a reply', ja, no?
Before I leave, I want to point out that Europe has a higher standard of living than we do and that you can't have rich people without poor people.

I'm going to be semi-submissive and agree to disagree. I'm not going to argue over this when it's obvious that I'd be the only one truly arguing. If I argue, everyone that disagrees with me (most people) will team up on me and make me look like a total ass...

Washington, Lincoln or FDR

Don't set your standards too high. I doubt if we'll have anouther American Revolution/Civil War/Major Post-World War Depression any time soon.
I think one is mistaken to employ China, Cuba, the USSR, et cetera as evidence that communism doesn't work. Capitalism was already old and globally established when communist nations such as the USSR were born. Capitalist governments are very hostile to communism. Communist nations have been presented therefore with hostility from a powerful global capitalist establishment. I think any form of government, for instance capitalism, would collapse if it were put in a similar situation.

In synopsis: to say that the failure of communism is wholly the result of inherent problems with communism is to ignore the ubiquity and inexorable hostility of capitalism.
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In synopsis: to say that the failure of communism is wholly the result of inherent problems with communism is to ignore the ubiquity and inexorable hostility of capitalism.

So although, for example, China has excellent trade and political relations with multiple world-power Capitalist countries, it's still our fault for their faults? Come on. It's the improper balance of power created by Communism that makes it unstable, not external disputes. You can't give a single organization power over most/all industry and expect it not to be corrupt.
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