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<3 Finally.


So, as some people may know, I'm a huge "Gilmore Girls" fan, and when the show ended a little less then two years ago, I was lost. I didn't know what to watch every Tuesday night at 9 -- I think it was 9, I don't remember now, I just know "Reaper" replaced it-- on newly renamed WB, "The CW." Prior to the final season, I owned the previous six on DVD, because I like buying DVD boxed sets, rather then downloading them, (only music is free. >>) Now, even though the seventh season was probably the worst season of "Gilmore Girls," I still needed the last season to complete my collection, and yesterday (seeing how it's already Sunday,) I finally did. <3

I kept putting it off, and putting it off, waiting for the price to go down, but today, at Hastings, there was a "Buy 1, get the 2nd Free" sale, so! Seeing how I had $50 in my pocket, I decided to buy the seventh season of "Gilmore Girls," along with a free DVD boxed set of the first season of "Dead Like Me." <3

I be happy fan. I has all episodes of "Gilmore Girls." <3
Congrats! I still need to get the final season. I just don't have any money. :( Anyway, enjoy!
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