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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

A Generic "Hello, there"


The Indecisive One
Hello, there. Well, I'm new. Surprise.

I'm Cinders, because it's a fun word to say. Been a Pokemon fan for years, finally got high speed internet, I love Weavile, ect, ect. And How I Met Your Mother. And way too many other fandoms.

So the best (in my opinion) is Weavile.
But the Hoen region is my favorite.
Meaning Ruby is the game that most of my hours are on.
Not really a competitive battler, but I like playing with teams and movesets.
I read way more Pokemon fanfiction than I should.
Used to collect the cards.
Kinda fell out of the anime. Haven't watched most of the recent stuff.

I could list so much more, but my guess is that you're looking for post count and not so much reading :3
Good Morning. I'm the Dark Lord of Fire. If you ever want to do the Dinosaur Dance then just ask me for a handy hint. :D
Hello, Ms. Cinders. And welcome to our humble abode. I was supposed to take your luggage, but my brother there beat me to it.
A good hello to thee, good ma'am, from a Lett. ;;Tips hat;; (Wha, wait. I'm not even... wearing a hat. Where did that come from?)

Also, may I note in response to your post count reading thing; Quality is the key, not quantity! So ramble away, and ramble good. :3

Have a pleasant cotton candy filled evening or day or whatever time of day you read this at upon these forums. If not cotton candy, then another sugary treat of your choosing, yes.
-tipping his fedora-... Hello there ^_^ Welcome to TCOD! The tea has laxitive in it and blastoise is stealing your luggage.
I think there must be a mistake, because I'm me.

And thanks for the warning, I was never a fan of tea in the first place.
Welcome,Ms. Cinders to the fabulous TCoD Fourms! I'm your flight attendent,Mini_Moonwalker,and we wil be departing to Poketopia soo-


Hai,I'm Mini_Moonwalker. And I'm going to be your beeeessssttt friiiieeennnddd ever! :D
Hello, Miss Cinders. I see Blastoise has already pilfered your luggage...and it's rather unfortunate that you don't like tea because that's pretty much all we have to drink around here, unless you happen to be a vampire. Also, we all tend to ramble here, soooooo...we're used to reading big blocks of text. Such as this.

Oh, yeah, keep away from the accursed welcome mats. I almost lost my leg to them.
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