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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Aaaaaaaand it's over!


Probably shouldn't be here.
I've finally finished my whole school life!

Today was our last proper day, and it was somewhat sad under all the rage and the pictures. Anyway, I managed to fill my camera with 2GB of pictures, so I'm happy. Also, I may have ink poisoning; my red shirt's now just black.

photos or it didn't happen :)

Congrats, man. Any idea of what you're going to do now?
None whatsoever.

And yes Opal, at sixteen. But this batch's Year 7/First Year are the last to leave early; the next newbies go on until 18.
You off to college now or something?

Lucky sod, I stayed on for 6th form and it's doing my head in lol
Congrats though!
No sixth form for you? ;_;

Ah, good luck to you~ <3 And congratulations! Whoa, your school finished really early. We haven't even done our exams yet.
I remember that feeling; enjoy it while it lasts. Just remember that everything's a new beginning now full of choices.
Well I've decided to get to Sixth form, and today was the Leaver's Assembly.

Apparently I'm the best at Media Studies even though I have only done the bare minimum.
Well, lucky you, I still have to do 2 more years of high school, then 6-7 years of college, >:3.
I'm still in sixth grade. Five more looong years.

Wait, five?

There are only eight more school days of school for me left.

Anyways, yay on making it through school!
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