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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

Cal sat silently. The only sign of emotion on his face were his eyes, wider than normal, but they hardly looked shocked - it looked as if he was in deep thought. The images replayed in his mind over and over, but like an echo, getting fainter each time. But one part was in focus each time. One part which he had seen...

Saffron. buildings falling, people screaming, Pokémon flitting around, agonised... Two familair faces, poking out from behind a chunk of rubble, screaming, pleading for help. A red figure approaching them but stepping back as another piece of the building falls... falls... lands, hiding his parents' faces forever. Blood, deep red blood, splattering over the bright red insect - Scizor. Scarlet on crimson, or was it crimson on scarlet? It was hard to tell for the amount of blood...

He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the ground. That was odd, he didn't remember fainting or going to sleep or even falling over. He sat up and looked around at the others, waiting for whatever would come next.
Re: After the End

Beryl held Meredith close, wiry arms wrapped around her torso, his right hand on the back of her head. Something had changed, rather deep in him, but he couldn't say what. "It'll be all right," he murmured to his girlfriend. He looked evenly up at Mewtwo. "What can we do to make this better?" he asked. He gazed down at the slim girl pressed against him, then diverted his eyes back to Mewtwo's. "I'll do anything." He could sense his Pokemon around him as he said this. He didn't want to endanger them, but at the same time, he knew he'd need their help to succeed.
Re: After the End

Cal nodded in agreement. "Me too. Whatever it takes to fix the world."

Serena shut her eyes and tilted her head. Pablo nodded vigorously. Houndoom merely grunted in the group's direction. The Spheal, silent for once, tentatively rolled forward one by one, crowding instead around Mewtwo. Cal groaned, hoping the legendary wouldn't hurt them, but was too shocked to do much right now.
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Re: After the End

< If you would all truely risk everything.... There is only one.. one true legendary pokemon left, and only one pokemon with the power to create those that balanced this world... The God of Pokemon. To reach it... you will need to travel through the energy warp at the top of the spiral that used to be Sinnoh.. I'm afraid... I can't be anymore help to you then that. I cannot leave this place. I truely hope your mission is successful. You may stay here until you are ready to leave.>

Meredith stayed with Beryl...
"Beryl... Does this mean... I have to go... home?"
Re: After the End

Beryl kissed the top of Meredith's head. "Yeah. But you won't be alone. We'll be there with you... I think we all came this far because we believe in what we're doing. We'll go find this Pokemon... We have to. For your family, for my Pokemon, for Cal's parents, for Staro's trainer, for all of us," he said to her.

Atalanta and Calydon, who were on the ground nearby, looked at each other, then down at Parth. "For all of us," they echoed.
Re: After the End

"For all of us," Cal whispered. Serena jumped off of his shoulder and ran over to the edge of the cliff, staring across at the slowly setting sun*. She sat there for a few moments and returned to the others.

"If we shall be leaving any time soon, I can lead the way again," she told them all, sitting next to Cal. The boy absentmindedly stroked her slowly, wondering what would happen to them. If the only one left was the God Pokémon, would it not be angry at them for trespassing on its resting place? And if it wasn't, what would it do to fix the world? Would it re-create every legendary Pokémon, or would it just restart the world entirely?

*I'm assuming the day's coming to an end now; please correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: After the End

For all of us, huh, Staro thought to himself. Thanks, everyone. He gazed at Mewtwo's pool, which seemed to have been set ablaze by the light of the sunset. Subconsciously, the Kadabra trailed a claw through the surface of the pool, focused on matters beyond ripples.

Going to Arceus(for that was what the legends called it) would be foolproof, no doubt; if the God of Pokemon could create the legendaries once, it could do it again. The hard part would be reaching it. Sinnoh, as far as he knew, was nowhere near any other landmasses, so they probably couldn't hope to keep up a Safeguard for the extremely long time the trip would take.
And how could there be an energy warp in what's left of Sinnoh?
Re: After the End

Mewtwo picked up on Staro's musings.
<Quite simply, because that much energy was released. Every legendary pokemon was there, battling. Their battle is what broke apart the continents, and Sinnoh was where it took place. Where the two twisting pillars of rock meet, that is where you can access the relm of the God of pokemon.>


Meredith also had wonderings... If the God could create the legendaries again... would it bring back the human lives, the lives of Mew's creations? So many pokemon were extinct, and who knows what happened to those in the PC system...
"Everyone... Thank you... we wouldn't have made it this far.. I wasn't even sure if we'd make it to find this Mew, but... now, it's like, this God is no big thing, we just have to do it, right? So... Thanks... Beryl, Cal, Staro, even Thorn.. All of you..." She turned up towards Beryl, and gave him a quick kiss.
Re: After the End

The night came quickly, thr group taking a sort of camping spot along the lake. Mewtwo had returned to his underground chamber. Meredith was talking with Staro and Serena about possible ways to keep up a barrier for as long as would be needed.
"If we switched off, with Pablo being an alternate, It could be possible, I suppose. But still, It's not a short journey. We also have to think about eating and sleeping. It'll probably be about 3 days. I can't think of any other way to do it though."
Scizor stood near Cal, trying to show support for the boy's loss, while Quilava acted as their light.
Re: After the End

((Serena can't use Protect, she just lets Staro and Pablo borrow some of her power to keep it running.))

Serena nodded. "That would seem the only plan," she said quietly, staring sadly at the place where the last sliver of sun had disappeared. "Pablo is skilled, but needs more practice. Of course, that could be arranged easily in this paradise."

Cal, meanwhile, was sat in exactly the same place that he had been when Mewtwo had talked to them. He could see Scizor out of the corner of his eyes and smiled sadly. "It's alright," he told the steel insect, "It wasn't your fault. If you'd tried to save them, all three of you would have died. And besides," he gestured round at all the others, "Who needs parents when you've got friends like these?"
Re: After the End

Staro voiced his opinion while gazing at the sky, waiting for the stars to come out. "I agree. That's the only plausible way to get there, unless we somehow get a team of Fearow to fly us there while staying low." He paused, scuffing the ground quietly. "Still, though, I'll keep on thinking about an alternate way to get there. It might be a good idea to get some caffeinated drinks and energy food." Yawning, he got up and moved towards a nearby maple tree, sitting down with his head leaned against it.

When Staro heard Cal speak, his thoughts turned melancholy. A family...I wonder what it's like to have one.
Re: After the End

Beryl looked over at Ferien. "If anyone has a TM, Ferien can learn Protect," he told the group. The little Ralts was playing a cryptic game in which he would do nothing, then try to scare Parth, and depending on the Eevee's reaction, they would switch places.
Re: After the End

" I don't have any TM's... But what if... The clone. It's obviously a psychic type... maybe we could ask it to teleport us as close as it could... In fact, then, we could just keep teleporting. Jumping as close as we can to the area. It's unlikely we'll hit anything, you could guide us Serena, and I'm sure it would reduce the trip alot!" Meredith was really hopeful about this plan. Scizor bent down and put a claw on Cal's shoulder.
"They are great, arn't they." He smiled at Cal.
Re: After the End

Well, it looks like an opening to join the RP is coming up after your teleporting. If you're still accepting forms...

Name: Kris (female)

Bio: Kris doesn't know anything of life before the destruction of the world. She was too young at the time to even recall the events or to remember any knowledge of parents or family. Her voice is very soft. Although due to her upbringing she cannot communicate very well. The only reason she's survived all these past years is because she was taken in by a Luxio by the name of Terry who has since then become a Luxray. She's had an easier time dealing with the situation of the world due to Terry's protection. Upon meeting him their relationship was compared to that of siblings. However since Terry's evolution it has become more of a father-daughter relationship. Needless to say, Terry is doing his best to teach Kris how to defend and take care of herself.

Profile: Kris has long black hair that has never been cut. Her skin was originally pale but has darkened slightly due to being outside most of her life. She wears a dirty grey t-shirt with short black cotton shorts. She has a thin gold chain that's always been with her. She doesn't have any shoes. Her feet aren't callused though because she travels on top of Terry's back. She has a small spear that she always holds; only doing so cause Terry forces her to. Everything she owns other the the chain is courtesy of Terry.

Special power: Mind Breaker: Unknown to Terry and Kris, she has the power to make others befriend her. Even in odd circumstances. Such is the case with her relationship with Terry.

Terry the Luxray:
Terry is the only pokemon that Kris "controls." He is wild and stays with her purely out of free will. He's a strong built male that is willing to hunt other pokemon for food. He speach is always arrogant and some what higher class due to his high status that he was born into. He originally took Kris in solely for a companion that he could trust. Too many times has he tried to make allies after the war only to have them turn their backs on him in a desperate attempt to help themselves. Over the past couple of years he's developed a much deeper relationship with Kris then he intended. So much that they're able to communicate with each other now. He often wonders if he should leave her on her own eventually.
Re: After the End

Thorn had watched on in silence, and then, in an attempt to be optimistic again, said, "There's hope then," and left it at that. She then went off to look for Cloud, with her Pokemon alongside her, except Swirl, who she had checked was okay in the pond before leaving. He was having a good time, as this was the first pool of water that was swimmable in that he had seen in a long time.
Re: After the End

Cal nodded. "So are you. You're strong and kind. And you look cool." The boy grinned at Scizor and suddenly had the strange sensation that he was being watched. He wheeled on the spot and saw the reat black form of Houndoom standing behind him. The hellhound barked at him and gestured, with his great horned head, towards a nearby tree. Cal, curious, followed Houndoom and found a small hollow in the tree. And sleeping inside the hollow was -

"Serena!" Cal called over to his Espeon, "Come over here!"

Serena excused herself from her conversation with Meredith and Staro ad ran over to Cal. She peered into the tree and gasped.

The Pokémon inside poked its foxlike head out and looked around. It looked like an ordinary Eevee, but the fur - instead of brown, it was silver. It turned its large black eyes to Serena and squealed.

"VEEE!" it cried and jumped out of the hollow towards the one whose scent he recognised as his mother's. Serena, overcome with joy and grief at the same time, just stared at the Eevee, her dark eyes glistening, as the cub ran all around her, nuzzling her purple fur as if to make sure this really was his mother. Cal watched on with a smile, wondering how the young Eevee had found its way here.
Re: After the End

Calydon and Atalanta looked at each other and smiled. They laid their heads against one anothers', watching the happy scene. Parth and Ferien watched as well, though with a different curiosity. "I wonder if his mother will let him play with us?" Ferien asked.
Re: After the End

Staro smiled slightly, safe in the knowledge that at least one of them had found happiness at last. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind," he told the two, "Just not right now. Let's let her enjoy her celebration."
Re: After the End

Serena and the cub finally finished their celebration. Serena nodded over to Ferien and Parth. "Go on, Flake. Why don't you play with them?" she asked the Shiny Eevee.

"But mummy, I want to stay with you!"

Serena smiled. "Alright. I'll come with you."

Flake happily bounded over to the other Eevee and the Ralts, but stopped when he was close to them. Serena followed him and wondered why Flake had stopped. Then she noticed that Flake was rubbing his front paw back and forth across the ground sheepishly.

"Go on, don't be shy," Serena smiled, "They won't hurt you. Parth and Ferien are lovely."

Flake looked up slowly and walked closer to the other young Pokémon He smiled shyly. "Hello, I'm Flake..." he said quietly.
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