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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

Serena shut her eyes for a moment, remembering her vision of the island. She could remember seeing groups of tall buildings all around the ring, but the closest was definately the one with the tall, white lighthouse.

"Olivine," she said quietly.
Re: After the End

"Alright, We'll go there, when everyone is ready to leave, I don't think the clone has as much of a problem with us being here anymore."
She snuggled back upto Beryl. How long had she known him now? It couldn't have been longer than 3 weeks. Probably closer to two. And yet, She couldn't imagine life without this strange-clothed man.
"It's gotta be so much easier to know what people think, when you can read minds, Serena?"
Re: After the End

Serena laughed quietlt. "Indeed it is," she said. "However, it is rude to read thoughts constantly. I rarely do so myself, but I can tell that right now you are thinking about the fact that you have known Beryl for a very short amount of time and yet he is already like a part of you. That is the general gist of your mind currently, no?
Re: After the End

"My opinion?" Serena asked, vaguely surprised. "I... I think it's good that you have found someone you are so dveoted to, even in the current state of the world. If only everyone were like you and Beryl, we'd all be able to get throguh this horror..."

the Espeon looked up the tree at Flake again. The young Eevee was stirring, and after a few moments, he awoke. He climbed carefully down the tree to Serena, who smiled at her child. "Hello, little one," he said softly, "Did you sleep well?"
Re: After the End

"Let's hope that, when we're done, we'll only need this world to be a memory."

Meredith went back over to Beryl, and moved so she was over him, taking care to keep him asleep, by being quick, and lightfooted about it. She kissed him, deeply, lovingly. She made sure it was enough to wake him up.
"I love you Beryl. How'd you sleep?"
Re: After the End

Beryl blinked awake sleepily. "Hmm? What's happening?" he asked, then woke up fully and remembered what Meredith had said. "I slept well," he said, then blushed. "And I love you, too." He reached up and caressed her face, forgetting that anyone else was around for the moment.

The moment ended when both Calydon and Atalanta tackled him down. Beryl giggled and scratched behind their ears. "I missed you guys, too," he said. Parth and Ferien joined in, piling on top of the beleaguered teen. He offered an apologetic grin to Meredith while petting each of his Pokemon in turn. Jupiter stayed sleeping, curled at the base of a tree.
Re: After the End

"Don't worry about it. I should probably play with Blip a bit, I've mostly been leaving her with Thorn lately. Has anyone seen Thorn, for that matter?"
Re: After the End

(And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere I come)

Thorn raced hurridly into the tree (literally into it, headfirst), getting a good red bump on her right temple. She rubbed it and employed a few swearwords that she had once learned from some hobo who she had beaten in a battle, before spotting Claw and racing over. "Good God," she said, "You scared me. I thought something had carried you off."
Re: After the End

Serena smiled at Thorn's less-than-graceful entrance. "Morning greetings, Thorn," she said, nodding.
Re: After the End

"Is Cal awake yet, I had a question he said to ask him when he was."
Quilava came running after Thorn, having been left behind, she walked up to Meredith, and nudged the girl with her own head.
"I haven't slept, just put me in the Pokeball."
"Alright." Meredith shot the small beam of red light, and Quilava was allowed to rest.
"Where were you and Quilava anyways Thorn?"
Re: After the End

Thorn seemed to finally realize that the others had seen her early-morning accident. She stared for a second, before saying, "Uh... We were... just... watching the Skarmory... by the lake..." before stretching and setting Claw down. "She's awake now."
Re: After the End

"If not, I will wake him," Serena said in response and climbed the tree again. Cal was still asleep. She sighed and lightly nudged him awake. The boy looked around blearily and saw Serena.

"Morning," he yawned, "Why're you waking me? Are we leaving?" Serena shook her head.

"No. Lady Meredith would like to speak to you."

Cal climbed down the tree clumsily and approached Meredith. "Hi," he said, "What was it you wanted?"
Re: After the End

" Yeah I did, Cal. You said to ask you later, If you had done anything illigal. Don't worry, we all pretty much have done something, and you don't have to tell me, I'm just curious."
Re: After the End

"Hmm? Oh, that. Well, once I, erm, stole food from a shop. That was a few days after the split, I'd just found Serena and she was starving. And that's all i can remember..."

"I can't recall that incident at all," Serena said, puzzled. This completely contradicted what she had said last night.

"You were exhausted and desperate for food. I doubt you'd remmeber something that happened while you were in a state like that..."
Re: After the End

"Heh. It's things like that that remind me how lucky I've been for the last year. I'll get started on breakfast, as soon as I can find Blip and Scizor."
Once again, she searched for her Pokemon. They were found quickly Scizor cut up some logs for a fire, and Blip transformed into Quilava, and ignited it.
Meredith took an empty can, and bent it outward. She bent and bent until the can's thin metal gave way, giving her a deep cut on her hand. Instictive reactions caused her to raise her arm above her head and goign through her medicine bag, she bandaged it. Unfortunatly, the can was now covered in blood, and was no longer usable for cooking with. In the end, she settled on a few (clean, and filled) cans of chicken soup. With such a large group, however, that meant making all the soup they had.
"Okay, We've got a basic plan for getting to Sinnoh, teleporting as fast as we can, so we don't have to keep up the barrier for so long. The problem is, do we have enough pokemon that can Teleport effectivly? The second problem is, even teleporting, we'll have to rest, and we can't rely on finding an Island. I don't know how we'll deal with this. Any ideas anyone?"
Re: After the End

Thorn clapped excitedly when she saw the soup, and immediately helped herself, not bothering to use eating utensils. Emerging a few seconds later with a wet face and a bit of noodle stuck to her lip, she asked, "What?"
Re: After the End

Pablo raised a hand, and Cal nodded. "Pablo could watch Staro doing it and Sketch it," the boy said. "Then there's Staro himself, and Ferien. And I think that's all..."

He thought for a moment for the second problem. "Maybe Blip and Pablo could, I dunno, Transform into small islands for us to rest on." The idea was stupid, but it was all he could think of.
Re: After the End

Beryl looked over at Ferien, who was preoccupied by playing. "My Ralts is probably old enough to help teleport," he said. "And if we don't have anything to land on, the Ice types could make a layer of ice on part of the ocean."
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