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Alignment Mafia - Game Thread

However distinct the denizens of Moraliton, they can sometimes find common ground. At the very least, in the little things that never seem to change, no matter the time or the place.

IndigoClaudia was lynched. She was Chaotic Third-Party.

48 hours for night actions.

-IndigoClaudia (3) - Mistyx, rari_teh, Mawile
-Stryke (1) - IndigoClaudia
-Herbe (1) - Herbe
-abstain (1) - Zero Moment

Moraliton awakes early to a massive, explosive sound. People near the radius peep out of their broken windows in time to watch a column of flame engulf an entire building.

It's scary to ponder where such violent rage might have come from, but the good news is that another plot of land is now up for grabs.

Mistyx is dead. Xe was Neutral Mafia.

48 hours for discussion.

i think we should all go around and say our alignments so that we know who to vote out for our individual wincons. i'll start

trying to figure out this game on a spreadsheet is like playing sudoku

also i can't imagine that mist would've been a mafia kill unless the mafia don't know who each other are
so qenya paranoid gun owner theory or vengeful (something with Indigo?) vote theory likely?

also i do have some baseless theories about who fits in what alignment re: my spreadsheet but i'll hold off on those for now
...I bet that was Mistyx targeting Qenya last night, huh.
I would expect to receive a notification if my power activated, and it didn't! So I don't know what happened but I don't think it was anything to do with me.

anyway y’all can call me pagliacci i was so sure mist was town
I was becoming increasingly tunnelled on my "indigo/rari scumbuddies" theory right up until she flipped... we can be clowns together.
Huh, okay then. So either Mistyx was hit by a revenge effect (either a self-venge or fishing brothers), or someone used a killing night action. If it's the latter, then I think it would have to be either a 3p or Town killing power. If flavor means anything I would think it's a 3p action, but *shrugs*.
i have to wonder if mist was trying to do a nightkill and got killed instead of killing someone else tbh
so by the flips so far, we have 3 town, 2 mafia, and 2 3p remaining
we also have 3 lawful, 2 neutral, and 2 chaotic left

lawful townneutral townchaotic town
lawful mafianeutral mafiachaotic mafia
lawful 3pneutral 3pchaotic 3p

with the bold + crossed off ones being the ones who flipped upon death already

i would personally assume that the two 3ps remaining have wacky wincons, and town and mafia probably have standard ones (eliminate mafia and eliminate town, respectively)
can't really say anything about lawful/neutral/chaotic without revealing which one i am, but i'm no thoughts head empty about those anyway
have to admit that i'm curious what the maximum number of overlapping wincons we can have at end of game is
so by the flips so far, we have 3 town, 2 mafia, and 2 3p remaining
we also have 3 lawful, 2 neutral, and 2 chaotic left

lawful townneutral townchaotic town
lawful mafianeutral mafiachaotic mafia
lawful 3pneutral 3pchaotic 3p

with the bold + crossed off ones being the ones who flipped upon death already

i would personally assume that the two 3ps remaining have wacky wincons, and town and mafia probably have standard ones (eliminate mafia and eliminate town, respectively)
can't really say anything about lawful/neutral/chaotic without revealing which one i am, but i'm no thoughts head empty about those anyway

this seems very detailed for someone to post, just saying if you are against town ( mafia or 3p ) this seems kinda revealing while still hiding something :unsure:
so by the flips so far, we have 3 town, 2 mafia, and 2 3p remaining
we also have 3 lawful, 2 neutral, and 2 chaotic left

lawful townneutral townchaotic town
lawful mafianeutral mafiachaotic mafia
lawful 3pneutral 3pchaotic 3p

with the bold + crossed off ones being the ones who flipped upon death already

i would personally assume that the two 3ps remaining have wacky wincons, and town and mafia probably have standard ones (eliminate mafia and eliminate town, respectively)
can't really say anything about lawful/neutral/chaotic without revealing which one i am, but i'm no thoughts head empty about those anyway

this seems very detailed for someone to post, just saying if you are against town ( mafia or 3p ) this seems kinda revealing while still hiding something :unsure:
it's all info from either this thread (the flips) plus the sign up thread (the alignments) lmao
i would personally assume that the two 3ps remaining have wacky wincons, and town and mafia probably have standard ones (eliminate mafia and eliminate town, respectively)
can't really say anything about lawful/neutral/chaotic without revealing which one i am, but i'm no thoughts head empty about those anyway
ZM also already mentioned that there are lawful/chaotic wincons to eliminate chaotics/lawfuls respectively (thus outing himself as either chaotic town, chaotic mafia, lawful town or lawful mafia). Not super clear whether that's an "and" or an "or", but I think the latter seems more likely since the former sounds quite difficult.
i would personally assume that the two 3ps remaining have wacky wincons, and town and mafia probably have standard ones (eliminate mafia and eliminate town, respectively)
can't really say anything about lawful/neutral/chaotic without revealing which one i am, but i'm no thoughts head empty about those anyway
ZM also already mentioned that there are lawful/chaotic wincons to eliminate chaotics/lawfuls respectively (thus outing himself as either chaotic town, chaotic mafia, lawful town or lawful mafia). Not super clear whether that's an "and" or an "or", but I think the latter seems more likely since the former sounds quite difficult.
so does that mean i can put you in my sudoku box of "neutral 3p"
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