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i ♥ wolves!
Hii everyone! I'm Naomi (neigh-oh-me) I'm friends with Scyther, he made me join. I have many nicknames, so feel free to call me Nami, Omi, Am, nao....or anything like that. :D
I am a blonde, so I have my moments...but if u have any questions u can ask me, and I'll answer them. :)
^Hello, Omi-Ni. I think I'd be better off just calling you Ameroq on here.

(And um, you left out the part about us dating.)
Eyyyy hi there.

How do pronounce your name? I'd assume it's amm-er-ROCK, but I'm not exactly good with this type of stuff.

Bit of advice Roc, chatspeak (u, ur, b4, you get it) is generaly frowned upon around here. Not trying to be the jerk, but you might wanna keep that to a minimum.

None the less, hope you have fun here with your *friend* Scyth. :3
Salut, um... I think I'll stick with Ame (Am-ee) simply because we're online and it feels awkward to address somebody with their real name unless we know the person. :P Anyway, I'm Zritts, and I concur with Notory's statement: chatspeak is generally frowned upon here. So either keep it to a minimum or don't use it at all.

Nevertheless, welcome and enjoy your stay at TCoD.

P.S. Congrats for you and Scy. :D *Applauds*
I have yet to get my boyfriend to join, even though he's already a Pokemon fan =P

Anyways, hi, I am Mewtwo. Feel free to call me Mewts, since a lot of people have been since I got back on XD
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