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Amusing things one can do with balloons


local hellion
Today was my last day of Summer Enrichment, and one of my classmates, Kristina, brought in balloons to make balloon animals. Mandy, one of my other classmates, demanded a sword without saying please.

We all were forced asked to sign it. (Not really forced! I'm kidding!)

In the next class, my teacher is talking, and the sword spontaneously exploded.

Mandy's face: D:
Everyone else's face: :O
Kristina: It exploded because you didn't say please!

She got a plastic sword afterwards.

That will stick with me till I die. ^^

In other news, I got a sword too.

It got stabbed with grass and died. Wow.

So, all in all, very amusing day.
Re: Wow. Just plain wow.

Summer Enrichment: Kinda like summer school for us smart kids kids who are starting in my high school. I'm in it for the social aspect.

Indeed. It was hysteical.

I happened to be sitting next to Mandy, trying not to laugh. -^.^-
Re: Wow. Just plain wow.

Moral: Always say please or have swords explode in your face XD

That sounds really entertaining. Glad for you, Flora.
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