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Ancient Realm

coolking49: No, you will not keep them.

As you leave the Ancient Realm, Shaymin hands you a Fire Stone. Shaymin flies away, looking slightly relieved that it has given away an item that was burning it.

Eonrider: Giratina emerges from a dimensional portal, blasting away two mysterious angel statues. It mutters something that sounds suspiciously like "Don't blink," then sweeps under you, a Griseous Orb attached to its back. You can go to the cave, tower, rocks, beach or plains.

Sorry, couldn't resist. By the way, did you mean to say angles instead of angels?
I'll never blink again in my life. They're hunting me.

Aaaand, I'll change that.
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Entering the tower, you spot a green object that glitters in the sun!

A shiny Bronzong? Where did that come from?

I have a Duskull on GPX+ that I accidentally named after a villain from the classic Doctor Who series, and I think she must have gotten into this.

I'll take one more then leave.
Are the Angels still there?
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Eonrider: Yes, but a group of Sentret and various other Pokemon are keeping them frozen.
You found a shiny Male Misdreavus! Wow, two shinies in one day! Unfortunately my Enter button isn't working.
EvilCrazyMonkey: Suicune flies into the air, mysteriously gliding on the wind. As it flies, you can see that the Ancient Realm is really a large island.

Suicune can take you anywhere on the island, except for a small desert. Plains, flower field, forest, tower, rocks, beach, caves.

I'll head for the tower.
Okay sorry, Ill search the tower upper level so so sorry I didn't realise I could go on yes. Entei is still my guide I have catch'd a Metang so far.
A shiny Abra teleports into your lap.

Arceus highly favours you.

A confused-looking male Ralts stumbles towards you.

Mew flies underneath you, lifting you on a Psychic Energy bubble. It giggles playfully, then carries you around the island.

Mew can take you to the flower field, forest, tower, rocks, beach, or caves.
Shaymin flies down and carries you to a field full of swaying flowers, with a small forest nearby. Which do you want to search?

Cyndaquil likes the forest.
Whoa, hello, three shinies and two starters, excuse me. Shinies are limited to approximately 1/200, so with /three shinies/, you're going to have to go through another 590 pokémon or so before any more, okay? And starters should be around 1/100. Please keep the Safari Zone fair for everyone, thanks!
Sorry, I'll try to fix that. It should be fixed now. I had to transfer the numbers for the rares.

Chatot 55:
Arriving at the tower, you notice that a Smeargle is wandering aimlessly. Take him?
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