• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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And here comes the Umbreon.

RainbowMoon Umbreon

Zena the Vulbreon
Hello, I'm new here. Beautiful Dreamer told me about TCoD and I decided to join. :grin:.
Translation: Umbreon, Um Um Umbreon. Umbreon Umbreon Umbre Um Um Umbreon Umbreon. :grin:

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo, otherwise known as Moonlight the Shiny Umbreon, whose mate is Scar the Red-ringed Umbreon.

Anyways, Umbreons are my favorite Eeveelution.
It's quite obvious that RainbowMoon Espeon and RainbowMoonUmbreon are the same people, is it not? We're not completely stupid.

Uh, welcome, I guess.
i was going to say, maybe siblings? when this happens everyone just totally assumes it's the same person. sorry.

welcome, you guys.
I'm sorry about that then, my mistake. Welcome properly and stuff?
Welcome, RainbowMoon Umbreon! My Pokésona is an Umbreon as well. Except her name is Shadow Moon (more of a combination of two cliché Umbreon names :P) and she has white rings, black paws, and a scar from her left eye to her chin.

Cryptica and I are twins also, and what just happened to you, with the confusion and all, also happened with us. No worries, though. Glad to welcome you. :D
Hello, and welcome to the Insane Asylum TCoD forums! All I have to say is to not let the crazy people get you.

Hold on...we're all crazy. So you are doomed!

Ahem. Anyway, I'm Prog, and you can find me pretty much anywhere on the forums except for the Anime board. Hope to see both of you guys around!
Welcome! I'm glitchedgamer. Umbreon isn't one of my favorites, but Dark Types! Yay!

(...What the hell kinda noise does MissingNo. make? Got it!)

Translation: *Random static mixed in with other Pokemon crys*
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