bbt's Huskeldeo
Former Mars Ascendant
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I don't get it, what?we had like 4 claims today so may as welly'all want me to claim now
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I don't get it, what?we had like 4 claims today so may as welly'all want me to claim now
i think it's townySomeone talk to me about RSP's emotion here, is this something that has been displayed ever before as wolf?
gonna call that plausible but unlikelySomeone talk to me about RSP's emotion here, is this something that has been displayed ever before as wolf?
dunno when i put this in my multiquote but randy your sticks!!Also I left my sticks in the oven but it's fine
4 for jack - let me type the actual votecount gimme a secUhh how many votes is that.
I don't remember his meta but in a vacuum I don't think he would do this as mafia.Someone talk to me about RSP's emotion here, is this something that has been displayed ever before as wolf?
i don't really know what i meant by this actuallyI don't get it, what?we had like 4 claims today so may as welly'all want me to claim now
Ohh wait I do remember. Someone remind me to look up the Kratos keyboard post I can't do it nowI don't remember his meta but in a vacuum I don't think he would do this as mafia.Someone talk to me about RSP's emotion here, is this something that has been displayed ever before as wolf?
now i'm hungry how dare you do thisPut my roasted rotisserie corpse to rest
The gamestate is rather bizarre.Mmm it is possible that I should still be vibing given that I think MP and Trebek at least are town but like [.] but like lol wagon formation reads
from just now:Tbh just stab me so I have one less thing to cope with at the momentI don't wanna be too #tmi on main but I am not dealing very well with things in general and I don't need a game of all things to make me cry
we think this is acting@____@ I am not here to deal with this lmao
Bluwiikoon gg