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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

But there were "other PRs to be taken care of"! Why does being unclaimed make them less likely to be problematic?
?___? because going after an unclaimed PR gives you a better chance of wasting the night action than going for the claimed vigilante??
So you're saying that you weren't expecting him to take a night action at all? That's another good reason not to roleblock him, I suppose, yes.
lol sure if you want to twist it in that way
that is still a gamble that could potentially result in a wolf loss though

oh, I just realised I haven't actually voted for tbh², oops :P
i know you said earlier that you think w!roleblocker is more dangerous than w!doc or whatever but i don't really know why you're going for that approach in lylo
shouldn't the safest lynch to you be ... the other doctor
if this is a direct counterclaim i think it makes the most sense to split votes between mawile/koko unless i'm missing something
tbh nor do i think mafia doctor makes sense in this setup where vig can die pretty easily
alrighty, i have a brief moment of better-than-crap signal, so time to make a post!

koko is telling the truth about being Mable, and this is part of why i was being so coy about the whole thing: e was my n0 check and i was sitting on the info for a while, but after seeing mawile’s claim, my surface-level skim of the character’s flavor made me wonder if koko and mawile had similar yet anti-aligned roles, and i wanted to see how koko would approach eir claim: would w!koko be willing to take the risk of setting up what could be a blatant w/v, or would they take the safe route out and claim something entirely different?

i’m not sure i have the answer to that question just yet, but it does seem like something fishy is going on between koko/mawile: would like to see mawile’s input before i make a vote tho

(also for posterity, n1 mp7=Reese but that doesn’t really help us anymore 😔)
i should add an addendum to my post above that i don’t actually know if koko is telling the truth about eir role’s power: it just seemed to check out Vibe wise?
I'm Mable (the sister of Sable and Label, for the non-AC-playing philistines), and just like Mawile's, my role flavour describes how sewing is a remarkably similar pastime to the practice of medicine, making me a qualified Doctor.
(The odd link between "sewing" and "doctor", by the way, is why I briefly considered asking raritini yesterDay about the link between her pastime and her role, to see if it was also a kinda dubious connection for her.)
i mean, i don't think it's super dubious. youtube videos are very useful in learning stitches to sew people up if you already know how to sew!

Town Jailer/Bodyguard + Town Doctor in an setup originally designed for 11 people is a bit of a stretch
true! especially if mafia doesn't have a lot of killpower + our vig dies if he shoots town, means that there isn't a whole lot of killpower to be protecting against

also it feels weird to me to have both a town jailer + town roleblocker? like there's only so many mafia roles to be blocked, it would essentially be detrimental to town to have both of them since they would have a higher chance of choosing town to block

i guess what i'm saying is that maybe my current scumteam guess is [someone]/tbh^2/koko?

Another doctor on top of that is not. I do believe that Mawile is a doctor, because of the flavour, but there's no way he's town-aligned.
:( but i suppose from my perspective, you're also a doctor but you're not town-aligned, haha
kokorico pending mawile response

so mp7/vf lovers, trebek rolecop, tbh roleblocker, emmy miller, mawile doc, koko doc, rsp announcer, jack vig, bbt ?, mist ?, seshas ?
idk why there's rb + jailer either, but maybe it's a balance because the jailer is healing power (and lessened in impact because herbe seems to have altered it such that the jailer isn't identified to their target anymore)

although we should keep in mind that according to blu’s claim, his jailer didn’t actually have any healing power: it would just divert the kill to himself

but it would also divert a heal to himself so hmmm
his jailer didn’t actually have any healing power: it would just divert the kill to himself

but it would also divert a heal to himself so hmmm
so it's nerfed
that kind of makes sense with the other healing powers then
it’s an interesting nerf bc like
if blu diverted a kill, he would actually be twice as likely to get healed, since doctor could target either blu or the redirectee
(but by that same logic, blu would also be twice as likely to get killed himself, so this version of jailer definitely seems much more power-neutral than usual)

(ok i stop now i just get excited by mechspec)
my loose scumteam PoE atm is

(1 of koko/mawile) (2 of tbh/mist/rsp)

with the caveat that i don’t think koko/tbh w/w makes sense, so tbh might get exempted from my PoE after i think more on it tho
if i had to choose right now, probably mawile/rsp/mist just bc koko’s claim felt towny, but i’m not going to die on the mawile hill
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