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Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5 (INNOCENT VICTORY)

Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5

ole-schooler is my vote, this mafia is insane(sorry i didn't know about the mirror server so I was gone for a bit)
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5

Heh, well, times almost up, I've got close enough to a majority.

Expode Phantom
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5

ole_schooler revealed herself as Konan, then attached paper bombs to herself and Phantom, blowing them both up.

ole_schooler and Phantom are dead. The last Mafia member is the Variable Alignment (werefish5). The innocents win!
Heh, I thought that might be it. I do wonder how the last mafia offed themself, although maybe that was an alien. Oh well, good game!
DAMN! I the mafia never attacked me! I never got activated. *mumbles* ((I was alien)) Didn't I say werefish 5? Blarg.
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